I can?t even start with this. Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon debuted ?dem babies? on 20/20 Friday night, and now we have access to 20-million photos of these babies. Instead of being in midst of a massive eye-roll twitch, I?m fully prepared to gush about how beautiful and amazing the babies are, and how proud I am of Nick and Mariah. Seriously, y?all! Dem babies are gorgeous, and I like that Mariah and Nick waited a while for the debut, and that once Roc and Roe finally came out, we now get to see lots of adorable pics of them. You can see ABC?s slideshow here, and here?s a ?Dem Babies? website devoted to photos of Roe and Roc.
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon?s babies are ready for their close-ups!
The star couple?s 6-month-old twins, Moroccan and Monroe Cannon, made their TV debut on 20/20 Friday night during an interview their parents gave to Barbara Walters.
Along with the joy and pride of being a first-time mom, Carey, who told Walters she does not want to have more children, spoke about her difficult pregnancy.
?I don?t think I understood the enormity or the magnitude of what it really does to your body,? she explained. ?It?s not just, oh you don?t look pretty and you have a bump.?
But parenthood certainly seems to suit the couple. ?My family gives me everything,? Cannon gushed.
?It?s just love,? Carey said. ?It?s a beautiful place to be.?
While dad expects Moroccan and Monroe ?to get a PhD,? Carey suggested that she wants them to follow in her footsteps. ?They really respond to music,? she said, before singing to the babies in their Manhattan nursery.
Lullabies may come easy for Carey ? who brought them into the world to the tune of her song ?Fantasy? ? but opening herself up to marriage again was a different story.
?I never believe that anybody really likes me,? she admitted after Cannon ? who showed off his huge ?Mariah? tattoo on his back ? told her she?s been his crush from day one. ?I always think it?s some kind of joke or something.?
While Carey doesn?t specifically address her music mogul ex-husband, Tommy Mottola, she does say that her failed marriage in 1998 made her hesitant to say ?I do? a second time.
?Initially I was afraid of the concept of marriage [again],? she said. ?But this is a different situation and a different time in my life.?
Now, Carey insists, ?No one will steal my spirit.?
[From People]
Of course the babies entered the world hearing their mother sing. Of course. Of course Mariah expects them to be singers. And I continue to be impressed by Nick?s insistence that his kids get an education. As for the state of Mariah and Nick?s marriage? well, they?ve surprised me so far. I hope that they make it in the long run.
Oh, and this is maybe the BEST PHOTO EVER. Yes, Mariah is already draping Monroe in diamonds. OF COURSE.
More pics:
Photos courtesy of ABC News and 20/20, plus Dem Babies slideshow.
Written by Kaiser
Posted in Babies, Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon
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80 Responses to ?Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon debut Roc & Roe: how cute are dem babies??
Oh my gosh, those are some beautiful babies. And MC?s body has bounced back so well! They seem to be loving parent hood. Congrats to them
Who?s the biological father?
So cute!!
She looks very happy and she should be, she deserves it. And I?m glad she found a man that respects her and loves her.. Those kids will be stars for sure.
Gosh, what beautiful family pics and dem babies could not be any cuter. I assume the lady in green is the nanny or Nick?s mom. Nice debut.
Wow. Those are some beautiful babies! I love it.
Cute babies. I only thought they would be more black becouse we all know that Mariah is black woman. At least inside.
The diamonds photo is TOO MUCH, it?s ridiculous. But I agree, when I saw the photos I was fawning. It?s a good combination of their genes. Also, their hair seems caucasian so that will be easier for Mariah to deal with, I mean having gone through pregnancy and all took so much energy of her. She don?t need mo? drama with dem? babies =D.
I was waiting for a ?color? comment to pop up. And it did. So early. Though I?m sure it was in jest (hopefully.)
ETA: Did some just really suggest that it?s better that her baby?s hair is more Caucasian as it will be easier to deal with? First off, a lot of black children?s hair often stars out fine like that and then almost always changes texture as they get older regardless of them being mixed or not.
Second Mariah and Nick have enough in their disposal to ensure that their babies have the best hair care whether it becomes more ?black? textured or not. Seriously.
I think the kids are adorable in an alien looking kind of way.
I love Mimi and Nick. At first when the new broke of their togetheness, I was like, ?Weird.? for so many reasons. But after I thought about it, I realized that Mariah is deliciously cray cray and loopy and Nick and is goof ball so both are eternally 12. That?s cool.
Adorable! ?(- ???-?)?
So insanely cute. Mariah is likable, but rather a self-centered person - playing Fantasy when they?re born? @@. She also said she mostly trusts Nick; BW asked ?mostly?? MC replied ?Well he?s a man, Barbara!? Nick is the voice of sanity in that house, mark my words.
Mariah is freckled! Had no idea, but check the shot of the babies on her chest. The one baby with the duckie has Nick?s exact eyes. -
Believe me, I am NO fan of MC?s but those babies are unbelievably gorgeous. My cold, black heart has melted a little bit.
@Rita?it is early here in Cali and I?m not yet fully awake. Was your lady in the green dress reference a joke?
Mariah basically said what most women would say, especially if they have had to deal with trust issues in the past.
I got married and love my husband very much, but having seen how men are in general and in my personal experience, I too trusted my husband mostly. But there is always a five to ten percent chance even in a good man that he will stumble.
Adorable babies.
Barbara Walters needs a better bra. Dem puppies are down to her waist.
Those are some pretty babies. And as for the Hair Brigade already starting stuff, yes Black babies, just after they?re born have straight-ish hair. And as they get older, their texture emerges (and change) and usually, their skin coloring change.
This shouldn?t be news, since changes in White babies happen i.e. changing eye and hair color and even hair texture.
Black babies or biracial babies many times will be a little darker later on.
The babies ate adorable and beautiful. I watched the interview. I felt bad for Nick. Twice she disrespected him and embarrassed him publically. Bizarre. She pretty much said she didn?t trust him and he was a great husband WHEN he was nice. He seemed shocked by her disses but handled it with class. Maybe she was mad at him and diva bitch that she is couldn?t fake it for the interview. But she would
have tossed him out the window if he had said such things in an interview about her.But I?m happy for them. They are over the moon in love with their babies and happy parents. I just hope Nick grows some balls and demands respect.
Victoria: ITA. My daughter is biracial and when she was born her hair was just like her dad(who is white) now as she gets older(1 year old), you can see the texture changing a little bit.
BTW I too was wondering how long it was going to take someone to bring up the color or hair issue lol
Adorable. & they are gonna b spoiled senseless. I fully expect to see them in a few years on?My Super Sweet Sixteen? throwing tantrums & demanding ?the best!?
@pwal. Thank you. Why is when mixed children comb out the womb automatically some folks (and black at that) want to make comments about hair and skin color. So effing colorstruck in 2011 going into 2012.
Dem babies are ADORABLE
What the heck are you talking about re the babies hair? No one knows the final texture of their child?s hair until they are atleast 3-5, and wtf is wrong with having non-caucasian hair?
Amazingly BEAUTIFUL, simply amazing.
Those cute babies look a lot like him.
But why is Mariah dressed like Gay Napoleon? -
love the fact monroe already giving the camera the side eye..work it baby!
cute kids. mariah looks great in the pic where she is feeding the baby in a chair.
she needs to leave her hair natural and curly?.much better!
Dem babies are so CUTE! They are beautiful combos of mum and dad. The picture with the two of them in their yellow ducky robes is adorable! And OF COURSE Roe be rocking the diamonds! She?s Mariah?s girl for sure! lol
Sorry, Victoria, it was the way she said it and the way she threw out the when he is nice comment. There was no warmth from her to him. It was uncomfortable and odd to watch. I?ve seen them in interviews where you could feel the love. Not so much in this interview except about their children and Nick always shows love to Mariah. She doesn?t deserve him. She embarrassed him in that interview several times and I felt for Nick. You could see the shock in his face.
But, wow, they make beautiful babies.
ugh, people are so ignorant.
the babies are adorable. their clothes are too cute. it?s cool how alike they look?often fraternal twins look nothing alike.
11. jc126:
October 23rd, 2011 at 10:43 amNick is the voice of sanity in that house, mark my words.
I hope that?s true, because I want someone to prevent Mariah from morphing into Joe Jackson.
Adorable babies! They both have super pretty eyes! Mariah is so lucky!
Am I right that they didn?t pimp out baby pics? Or do they get paid for this interview?
I?ve never liked Mariah, but she has gone up a bit in my estimation since she had the kids. If I remember correctly, she doesn?t have a nanny (or did she hire one now?)and didn?t go for tabloid covers. I gave her points for that. Tell me she tried to get a People cover and they wouldn?t cough up enough money and she hired a nanny right after she said she didn?t have one. The universe isn?t right anymore!
PS And I think those kids look like their dad.
GORGEOUS babies! Good job Mimi and Nick!
dem babies are pretty darn cute.
HannahF, first, love the traffic cone avatar?second, yes, Rita is joking. She has a WONDERFUL (and sometimes silly) sense of humor and keeps us all in stitches around here.
@truthsf and others:
Oh dear? My comment was meant to be sarcastic. Mariah always talks about how ?hard? her pregnancy was etc. Please, Mariah thinks walking, breathing is hard, she needs assistence for everything =). I was just mocking her.
Second, I?m biracial myself so you don?t need to tell me about skin and hair. My hair was already curly when I was a baby and it got even more curly as I grew older. My grandma (who is Caucasian) even broke a TWO combs because she was so frustrated in dealing with my coarse hair. That?s why I commented like that, because I know (and felt!) how difficult it can be.
And why is people make a big deal out of it when there?s a comment about hair or skin with a mixed or black baby? I do it too with white babies. Some genes mixed together make for odd looking features sometimes. Not every comment is about racism or with a mean spirited intention so why take it personally if it?s clearly not insulting?!
Personally, I find it more insulting that people defend black people?s hair while wearing a blond weave?there, shoot me =).
Um, their hair texture and skin color will change as they get older, which usually happens to black children. Black children all don?t have the same hair texture and skin color anyway.
Please, people kill me with the ?colorstruck,? ?see color? comments. Yeah, it?s 2011, and 2012 is on the horizon, and? Duh, WE all see color, stop with the dramatics. It?s not a ?black? thing to comment on a child?s skin color or hair texture. Last time I checked people of all colors are questioning how Jessica Alba has a red head kid. Questioning genes will NEVER end, just like race issues will never end, all we ALL will FOREVER see skin color, like we see GENDER!
@Janya Mariah has issues, this we all know and I?m not disregarding that. Mariah has often said that sometimes when she says things that people don?t get that those closest to her understand.
I saw the interview and while I felt it she was stating truth, I also saw that they were joking. He did not look embarrassed. He is a comedian and I think they have a bit of an inside joke. I think they have a lot inside jokes.
People said she came off self-centered, but the interview was about HER and HER family. What the fuck is she supposed to talk about, the situation in Chechnya?
Jayna, yes, i agree, the tone of that comment bummed me out. Frankly, I don?t know how Nick will be able to take that over the long haul. He seems so nice and likable.
@rita - lol, the nanny!
Beautiful babies.
BTW, i dont blame MC for d comments.
There?s a chance Nick can still stumble wif all d LOVE he shows -
That pic of little Monroe with her diamonds and pearls is too cute. These babies are beautiful.
So cuteeeeeeee!
Mariah is batsh*t crazy, but she made two gorgeous babies. Hope Nick keeps a sane influence over them. Not a fan, but kind of bums me out to hear Mimi gave him a back handed compliment. I want these two crazy kids to make it work and not pimp out their kids.
Wow adorable. I really need to start having babies. God this babies are cute.
Those babies are absolutely gorgeous!
But the interview made me sad when Barbara asked Mariah whether she trusted Nick and she answered, ?Sometimes.? I agree with Jayna that the interview was somewhat uncomfortable to watch. I get the sense that Mariah isn?t fully invested in this marriage. Nick came across like a lovely, warm guy but she was quite cold to him several times.
If they break up ? and I suspect they will, based on the way Mariah treats him ? I hope she doesn?t go all Halle Berry on him.
@Violet, I think she?s invested but having gone thru a marriage with Tommy Motola she?s definitely not gonna put up with Nick trying to control her. To me she?s wearing the pants in that relationship.
Dem abies are adorable. Roc has Nick?s ears. Not sure who Roe looks like but that last photo of her with the diamond handband definitely resembles Mariah and I can see her growing up being a diva just like her momma.
My ovaries just exploded.
Agree the Diamond Tiara is a bit much. However..dem some absolutely adorable babies!! Sadly they will grow up to be spoiled and have an air of entitlement. How can they not..a diamond tiara so young!?!?!?
They are so beautiful!
I?m very happy for Mariah and Nick; it seems that they?ve each found the right person to live their life with. I hope they have a long, happy marriage, and hopefully more children.
We?ll have to agree to disagree. I think that Mariah would leave Nick at the slightest provocation and not look back.
They married after a very quick courtship, and I think the main reason Mariah accepted his proposal is because she wanted kids and time was running out. Now that she has them, Nick has served his purpose. Whether or not the marriage lasts depends on whether he continues to put up with Mariah?s controlling ways and ongoing putdowns.
I can?t help but think the way she treats him is going to erode his self-esteem as well as his love for her.
AWWWWWW! They are beautiful!! I?m happy for Nick and Mariah
I didn?t see the interview. However, I suspect Mariah ?wears the pants? in that relationship and keeps a short leash on Nick, in order to keep him from pulling an Ashton.
And yes, those babies are adorable.
I think the jewelry photo is meant to be a joke. Cute babies.
What a beautiful family! They look so happy, it?s impossible not to be happy for them.
Aaaahhhhhh, I can almost smell those sweet baby heads???..
I think she answered the trust question very honestly. Those babies are so unbelievably cute!!!!!
The boy looks like he has an abnormally large head. Wonder if he has some kind of disorder?.
I have to say she looks so much better in the candid photos than she does with all the black color on teh lids and fake lashes? it ages her and hides the appeal of her natural eyes. Even her natural hair is more befitting to her.
Aw what cute twins! Adorable.
Nick Cannon is married to beautiful, A List star among stars Mariah Carey. She didn?t fake a pregnancy, her hair is sometimes real and even if it?s not your style she can sing her ass off at the peak of her genre. Every American Idol contestant is trying to be her. She may actually last the long haul okay.
Nick Cannon?s place in her world and the world is fine and his self esteem is sky high ? but not annoyingly so? as it should be. A crazy but nice diva and a guy who has his own career but really worships the diva are an unbelievably great combo.
And yeah, the kids are gold.
They are beautiful babies! Bless them all.
I didn?t see the interview, I?m trying to find it now. I?m guessing Nick and Mariah will be fine. Her hormones are still all over the place and she is a diva but Nick knows exactly what he got himself into.
When my baby was born I didn?t trust daddy/my hubby either. Nobody could do it like ME..The babies are precious!!!
She has plenty of money trust me Mariah will not be bothered with the hair issues. Her nannies will be.
The kids look like Mariah did as a baby. But I do see Nick in them as well. If she is smart she will keep Nick with her.
Congratulations! Your lives will never be the same!
I can?t stand it! I lost interest because it took so long for these photos. Dem babies are effing gorgeous! I wish the family all the best. Unlike some other posers out there, Mariah is very talented. She is going to spoil dem babies; they are too precious.
ADORABLE babies, omg!!!!!
I totally got over the TMI pregnancy shots! lol -
Beautiful babies. They seem really happy and normal. Love it.
@SueAnne - someone said the same thing on dlisted and I wondered about that too. I hope its not true, but they mentioned some disorder where the eyes are spread somewhat spread apart and the upper forehead is enlarged. I forget the medical term they used. In all the pictures online, he doesn?t seem to be holding his head up at all?I hope the little guy is ok.
They all look so wonderfully happy and the babies are beautiful!
Beautiful babies! I think she was just being honest in her interview. If she has some trust issues why should she act like it?s all sugar and sunshine? They have a better chance of making it if they are honest then the couples who say ?oh, I trust him/her completely? even if they don?t. She?s not my favorite person, but her family is gorgeous and I wish them the best.
NM9005, that was a real ignorant comment you said about it being a good thing that their hair is similar to a Caucasian?s. You?re clearly an idiot and have yet to embrace people?s diverse characteristics. Everything in this world doesn?t have to live to a white Caucasoid standard, you bigot. Africans were the original humans in this world and all other races came right after from evolution and adaptation to new environments. All grades of hair can be tamed and well groomed if you put some effort into it. In all honesty, you?re probably some non-Caucasoid race who?s been ridiculed for your hair so you think white hair is standard. It?s usually those who are non-white who hate on themselves and their kind the most.
Cutest. babies. ever. Oh my goodness, they are pure sweetness.
Oh, how sweet! I can?t decide which I like more, the picture of Mariah feeding the baby (my absolute favorite part of having infants was feeding time. I couldn?t tell you why) or the baby in the white towel - look at that expression and those itty bitty fingers!!
I love the newborn pictures too. Sure, Mariah has a face full of makeup and she styled her hair before the birth but that look on her face. Tired, joyful, proud, and happy. Love it.
SHEER?.PERFECTION! <3 I am so happy for this beautiful family!
I do like that they are earmarking the the money from reproductions of the Dem Babies photos for charity (check the watermarks on the photos). Hopefully people haven?t been just ripping them off the site without donating!
that last picture is making me lactate!!!
Please, people kill me with the ?colorstruck,? ?see color? comments. Yeah, it?s 2011, and 2012 is on the horizon, and? Duh, WE all see color, stop with the dramatics. It?s not a ?black? thing to comment on a child?s skin color or hair texture. Last time I checked people of all colors are questioning how Jessica Alba has a red head kid. Questioning genes will NEVER end, just like race issues will never end, all we ALL will FOREVER see skin color, like we see GENDER!
You can have a seat. If you aren?t black then shut up because you don?t know what you?re talking about and if you are I feel sorry for you. I should not have to hear from my people that my sons ?are so dark now? since they are no look like Knox Jolie-Pitt as infanta. And I shouldn?t have to hear about how they were blessed with ?good hair? to black folk. Yes all kinds of people talk about genes and what but in this country, no one obsesses over light skin and dark skin like us black folk. One only has to go on Lipstick Alley to see the countless threads of grown ass women talking about Little Honor Warren?s having good hair and being light or Aoki and Ming being lucky to have that gorgeous skin and hair which we all know what that means.I am not suggesting people be color blind. But I?m saying that the only children in the black community who you hear these comments about are visibly mixed children. Wasn?t no one checking for Angela Bassett?s kids or Holly Robinson Peete?s kids (and theie daughter is light). It is a slave mentality and it needs to stop.
Cute, cute, cute!!!
I don?t care for Mariah Carey (and that?s being nice). But I am super happy for her family and her little babies!
I know these babies are very young, but I really don?t think they resemble the father at all. They should be darker, with broader noses. Instead, their noses are very petite. They look almost latin. I think Mariah naturally has very curly hair. Right now, it appears the babies have only wavy hair. I am actually wondering if Mariah?s eggs were even used here.
Isn?t mariah technically a mixed woman with afro latinamerican flote, sincera her father was venezuelan or something? Mariah probable has more than black and white in her. She and her hubbie and children are cute.
awww such beautiful babies
i hope they?ll grow up in a loving and stable environment
Seminole: Mariah?s dad is Black. Her mom Anglo-Saxon. Her dad is Afro-Venezuelan. Her mom is Irish-American. There is no way the kids can look Latin/Hispanic because it?s not a race. It?s a culture.
Latin/Hispanics come in all sorts of colors, races and nationalities.
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Source: http://www.celebitchy.com/187573/mariah_carey_nick_cannon_debut_roc_roe_how_cute_are_dem_babies/
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