When the news came out that Vanessa Bryant had finally filed for divorce from basketball great Kobe Bryant after 10 years a lot of people assumed it was because she?d reached the magic number and would be entitled to half of all his earnings. It was way back in 2003 that Kobe admitted to cheating on Vanessa with a 19 year-old hotel employee who claimed it was rape. (Kobe said it was consensual.) So Vanessa knew her husband was a cheater and held on for as long as she had to in order to reach paydirt. According to the National Enquirer, prior to filing for divorce Vanessa hired a team of private investigators and made sure that she had plenty of evidence that her 6?6? husband was stepping out on her all over the country. This was actually really smart of her.
Cheating Kobe Bryant was caught red-handed with women all over the country after his furious wife Vanessa had him tailed by an army of private investigators, who compiled a thick dossier of his affairs so he can?t squirm loose.
And with no prenuptial agreement to protect Kobe?s $300 million fortune, sources predict that Vanessa?s divorce action against the LA Lakers superstar will be a slam-dunk.
Incredly loyal Vanessa had stuck by Kobe even after he was charged with sexually assaulting a Colorado woman in 2003.
But he apparently repaid her by plunging into a string of romances, reportedly having affairs with dozens of women.
?Vanessa said Kobe?s cheating was out of control,? said the source. ?She estimated that he was averaging at least 10 affairs a year with different women over the course of their marriage and puts his number of conquests at 105.
?The lies and deceit hurt, of course, but racking up these kinds of numbers is mind-blowing and left her devastated.
?And when she discovered he was still cheating during the recent NBA lockout, that was the final straw.
?Her private detectives caught him red-handed with incriminating photos??
Whenever Kobe was caught womanizing in the past, he sweet-talked Vanessa with jewelry, cars and other expensive gifts.
?Each time he promised to reform, and each time he broke his promise,? said the source.
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, January 2, 2012]
I would bet that Vanessa actively ignored her husband?s cheating until she reached the 10 year mark. She?s not stupid, but she probably didn?t want to face reality until her plan could come to fruition. Prior to that she made sure she was suitably distracted by lots of pretty, glittery, useless things. Just like her husband. So was she truly shocked by the sheer number of other women he had on the side, or was she just gathering her evidence, making sure that she had all her ducks in a row?
Kobe and Vanessa are shown on 9/7/11 and 2/19/11. Credit: WENN.com
Written by Celebitchy
Posted in Divorces, Infidelity, Kobe Bryant, Vanessa Bryant
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70 Responses to ?Enquirer: Kobe Bryant cheated on Vanessa with over 100 chicks; she hired PIs?
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This man is ridiculous. Thankful he didn?t also get all these women pregnant?. or did he?
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Why get married and have kids if you can?t keep it in your pants?
If you want to sleep around with as many women as possible, then stay single.
Hopefully, he used condoms.
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There is no reason for him to have gotten married; he?s not a prince who needs to provide his country with a legitimate heir or something.
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Side eye to Prince Albert.
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Because some people want to have their cake and eat it, too. They want the dutiful, lovely wife and kids to come home to, but they also want their freedom when they?re out on the road and feel like having a side piece. The problem is they really don?t care how that affects the people around them. Apparently Kobe is just another Tiger, except maybe not as kinky (altho if he was I?m sure we?ll hear about it soon enough).
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Should have taken the Wilt Chamberlain route, but they want everything?
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revenge can be sweet. i know it is unhealthy to feel that way, but C?MON! he deserves some pay back.
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Their is more power in being the wife of the player. Versus being the ex-wife.
Vanessa stayed because she wanted to be the wife. So I will be surprise if she actually divorce?s Kobe.
I tend to see this as a move to get his attention. And to run off whatever jump-off has been lingering around. Thinking she was going to replace Vanessa.
I just don?t see Vanessa divorcing him as long as he is a player for the Laker?s.
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What kind of power would that be? Having the Lakers players at your dinner party? I don?t think that she stays with him. She can get rid of that cheating a**hole plus get $150 million!
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why did she really go for a second child with him?
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This should be the game plan of every woman married to a pro athlete.
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Whaddaya mean ? ?should be?? It?s their usual M.O.
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?and Rock Star!
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The kids are really cute
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The evidence WOULD make sense if she lived in state that acknowledged adultery as a reason for divorce filing. However, since they live in Cali (a ?no-fault? divorce state), I tend to think she gave him enough rope to hang himself while paying the PI?s (with his money, natch) to document it for a higher pay-out.
p.s. Since Cali is a ?community property? state, she?s been entitled to half all along. The Magic Number 10 refers to spousal support: once you?ve hit 10 years, you?re entitled to spousal support until re-marriage or death. Under 10, you?re entitled to spousal support for half the duration of the marriage.
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I worked for the sports marketing company that actively supported him when the affair back in 2003 hit the fan. We and his PR team are the ones who negotiated the 8 year deal between him and his wife. All his sponsors were dumping him and Nike was about to and his PR team knew that if she filed for divorce Nike would follow suit. So they convinced her to sign a deal to stay and ?support? him through this for 8 years to help rebuild his brand-which means MORE money for as well in the end. She stayed/Nike stayed-but for a reduction of pay to him& her contract was signed and for her signing bonus she got an enormous rock -one that our assistant picked out from a team studying her bedroom, clothing and home decor tastes. Every single marriage in sports and Hollywood is carefully monitored by their PR teams to make sure any mistake can be fixed and their name can be repaired. Just like in a few years Tiger will be in the forefront winning again. His PR team most likely told him to sit in the back seat, be humble, quiet and lose. Then make a ?comeback?. Everyone LOVES a comeback.
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Very interesting
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Holy crap! See, people like to think celebs are so spontaneous and shit but you never know how calculated they really are, no matter what their image is! You don?t get to be famous/A-list without some sacrifices and hard PR-work (lies, deception!). How can you be spontaneous and ?real? when the whole world expects you to live up to your image/name? Those famous people must be crazy and very insecure to want to keep on living a lie. Thanks for the inside info, now I can be even more cynical when reading about celebrities
And you?re right, people love a comeback. They love to see stars shine, fall down and climb back up again. I have no idea why because some clearly don?t deserve it?
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So many atheletes cheat -and cheat constantly. So many times we had to go to the chicks and negotiate a deal to keep quiet. Back then it was MUCH easier to handle before camera phones and social media. I can?t even imagine the work that goes into it now. When athelete or celeb cheats, makes a nasty comment or blemisehs their name-MILLIONs of dollars are lost from everywhere. The brands that bet on them to represent their product, the teams, the PR firms and marketing companies?.and many more. And these firms have it down to a science-there is a literal book written on what to do once the sh!t hits the fan.
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Interesting stuff, Eileen! Incredible to think about how premeditated and carefully crafted an athlete?s image is. Makes sense when there?s millions of dollars riding on it I guess.
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I totally cosigned this and said and pretty much said the same thing in the initial thread about the Kobester.
Vanessa is played to get paid. There was nothing else for her to do after that scandal but to sit back and let him do him until the ten year mark so she could get her shit and roll out. The contract thing is totally plausible and what i was trying to explain to a few of my friends that just felt Vanessa was being naive. Ain?t a damn naive bone in that heffa?s body. She knew what the fuck she was doing. She knew the only payday for her was to stay.
Why won?t people understand that in entertainment industry 95% smoke and mirrors and I think I?m being pretty damn generous saying 95%.
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Right. Even if this investigation is legitimately her doing, it still remains that she is trying to break it off and look the better for it. Good for her I guess. She, as E said, wanted out but took the deal to make the money. Better than suing publicly for damages to reputation after the 19 yr old situation, as some angry wives threaten to do. She?s win-win so far. Hope it works out now that she?s cutting loose.
I doubt she finds another athlete to go no prenup, no wrap up again. LOL
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Everyone but Leann & Eddie?lol!
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I was about to buy this until I remembered Vanessa had another daughter in 2006. Why would she bring another baby into a marriage that she knew would end at the 10 year mark? And why hire private investigators to catch Kobe cheating if they already had a contract in place? Nope. A contract does not make sense.
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Every single thing he does is about his brand. Every single thing ANY celeb or athelete does is about brand. Celebs are mogels-the sport/acting/music pays fabulous, but the merhcandise/sponsor deals/fragrance/bags/shoes pay 100Xs that when you are a big name. This can go away in a blink if something like an affair isn?t handled the right way. You don?t think that her having a baby to show a happy home wasn?t monetary motivated you?re more niave than you should be. Did she want a baby? I?m sure she did. Did it also make his name look even better as a ?Family Man who messed up and has learned?? Of course. Win/Win
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Also, if Vanessa and Kobe had signed a contract in order to rehab his image ? then why is Vanessa?s camp leaking his cheating affairs? It?s only making Kobe look more disgusting and it?s not helping his ?image?. After Colorado, Kobe needed and still needs to be seen as a devoted husband and father, not as a cheater that is still hooking up with girls. The cheating stories prove that Kobe hasn?t changed his ways since Colorado. And, if a contract was in place, it would be stupid for it not to have a clause that would prohibit such cheating stories from leaking to the press.
? and having a baby for ?monetary? reasons is just stupid, absurd, and selfish ? contract or no contract.
Anything is possible in this world but, sorry, still not buying it.
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And she did that for 10+ years-now in order for her to get HERS, its no holds barred. She will most likely go after more of his money than they already negotiated. She played nice for longer than the deal was agreed upon and I?m sure that?s probably the reason. Everyone can beleive whatever they want-I?m just providing what I was witness to-I have no idea what their teams are working on now. I got out of that business years ago, but I can speculate: knowing what she wanted then and her demenor at the time.
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Eileen: Brilliant and revealing insider assessment. Thank you!
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Thanks for the inside scoop. Knew she stayed for the money. Why else would she stay with a man who cheated and cheated repeatedly? I doubt she?ll leave him. She likes being a Lakers wife too damn much.
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Ugh.. have another kid just so he could stay with you. Pathetic. Poor Kids.
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Vanessa was very smart and I hope she goes through with the divorce. Kobe is a slimeball that could have brought a disease home. I have no pity for Kobe. I read where she?s this major bitch, well he should have divorced her. I think I?d be bitchy too in her situation.
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How can she live with a guy who is disrespecting her so blatantly? Conversely, she is just as bad as he is for having selfish ulterior motives, and they have two kids, who should be the focus, not cash. Despicable. These guys should NOT marry.
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If this woman was hatching a plan worthy of ?Shawshank Redemption?, then more power to her! He married an 18 year old and she turned into a powerful woman. He was an adult who started dating a 17 year old and thought she?d always be worshipful of him. No one forced him to marry, stay married or cheat. Vanessa and the girls are the victims in this.
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The folks working in the Nike sweatshops are the real victims in all of this ? that is where a lot of the $$$ for the bling is coming from. I wonder if Kobe and Vanessa, having two children themselves, has ever toured one of the Nike factories or even seen a you tube video of them.
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THIS is the tragedy.
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The thought of having sex with a man who has allegedly slept with that many woman makes my skin want to take a walk into a vat of bleach.
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I heard he is trying to reconcile with Vanessa and he?s devasted by the divorce?reality is sinking in about all the money he?s about to lose. Whatever?. if Kobe wanted his marriage he wouldnt be out cheating and then telling people he got sick of Vanessa bitching about it.
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I don?t know why he?d lament losing all of that money. In the end, he will still be rich. What is the point of amassing all that money anyway only to have it sit in the bank or in stocks?
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i hope he uses condoms!
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He?s a cheater and a liar as well as a dangerous person to sleep with. Ick. Condoms with the other women? Who knows what he?s carrying. Vanessa won?t take him back.
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He is such a douche. I have always hated this guy.
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He is very stupid to boot. The look of total douche on his face when he got caught with that person and they had all the press conferences. Can?t stand his stupid face.
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Ugh? too much to say.
@mel, are you saying he?s devastated about losing his family, or losing his money??
To everyone who commented about how they hope he used condoms and how gross it would be to have sex with a guy who was out there gettin? it in all the time ? well, not only did Vanessa sleep with him, but she had another baby with him. And she presumably knew he was sleeping around?
@eileen, very interesting. It?s not surprising at all. At a certain level of fame, you?re not a person anymore but a product ? a moneymaking machine, and there are too many people (managers, agents, merchandising) who want to make sure they keep getting their cut. The most amazing thing, though, is that even with so much at stake, people like Kobe and Tiger continually screw up, and then their people have to mop up afterwards.
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I dunno?I think it?s disgusting?the whole lot of it. So?.he?s FAMOUS so alot of women want to sleep w/a famous man?ugh. Look at him. He?s not bad looking, but really..c?mon?if he weren?t famous, no one would be THAT INTERESTED in him.
I say good for Vanessa. I guess she did turn into one hell of a bitch going through what all she did. It would be hard having a husband that she knew women would throw themselves at just because he plays a mean game of basketball and he?s famous. Sometimes it makes people jaded?justifiably so.
If Kobe cheated as much as this article says?there?s an uneasy, queasy feeling quelling in my stomach. It?s just downright disgusting. If this is true, I can?t see where he?s even worthy of redemption. Pure trash!
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I love kobe and the Lakers! She just wanted the money obviously..
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Wait wasn?t his wife blonde or is this a second marriage? She doesn?t need proof of his cheating to get half his income or get spousal support. Maybe it?s to give the information to the media.
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First and only marriage.
She seemed to have been a blonde for a stint.
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It reads ?100 chicks?, being a woman, I see it as 100 visits to my GYN. Once would be enough for me. Keep your money. I?ll keep my dignity or what?s left of it.
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I don?t think there?s much love lost between those two. She wasn?t the sweet, naive little thing that people thought she was when she married him. She knew perfectly well what she was getting into and she totally had dollar signs in her eyes ? ?cha-ching, I?ve got me a big, handsome meal ticket!! The jewels, ferraris, mansions, fame, yayyy!!? He, like most sports stars, wasn?t going to let a little thing like marriage and children stop him from bagging every piece of tail he could get. It was a Faustian bargain from the get-go and they both disgust me.
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So V?s motive for marrying him is very clear, but why did he marry her?
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she?s incredibly beautiful but has gawdawful taste in clothes.
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I dont have time right now to read all the posts ? but ? why is the 10 year mark so important?
and dang, if she knew he was sleeping around like this, I hope she either did not let him touch her or she had some good meds for any possible std.
What a gross man.
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I didn?t know either, but I guess at 10 years you get spousal support for life or until you remarry.
Guess that?s why Cruise dumped Kidman right before the 10th anniversary!
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In California, when a couple is married for at least 10 years ?if there?s no prenup ? the spouse (in this case, the wife) is automatically entitled to 50% of their partner?s assets. Or something to that effect.
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I predict that after the divorce is final, Vanessa?s gonna seek out a reality show. ?Life with Vanessa? or something stupid. I think she wants a bit of fame and attention for herself now that she?s gonna be single. There will probably be a fight with Kobe over whether or not the kids will be allowed on the show. But yeah?this is definitely what I see from her in the future. Something about her being a single mom and starting over and trying to date in L.A.
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Sorry folks?she knew what she was getting into. A friend of a friend married a pro baller and apparently you do so knowing your husband is going to have side chicks in EVERY town they travel to. In addition to gropies?and hos hired for parties the NBA and their sponsors throw for them. Stars like Kobe have the world falling at their feet. More options than the best Las Vegas buffet table. As the PR person wrote above?she was under contract. She always was. I?m sure the rape changed things for her and perhaps that is why she was on a contract to get out as soon as possible (8 years). I?ll never forget reading that victim?s side of the story. And I totally believe it too. Kobe is not used to being told no and when he was, he raped her. And yeah?.no condom.
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I think she was gathering enough evidence to make sure she won?t forgive him ever again. He?s an idiot, Vanessa is a beautiful woman and their daughters are too. Men like that have absolutely no respect for women.
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Don?t take him back, Vanessa! Kobe is slime. She deserves every cent for putting up with him and I hope she finds a nice guy worthy of her trust. The kids and her deserve that.
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Oh, he is going to PAY. Get out your wallet, Kobe, you dumb f*ck! Good for her.
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Get yours, girl! I would have held out too. So sad that many of these athletes have the most beautiful wives and still can?t control their dongs!
SIDENOTE: She looks like KK in the 3rd pic with her family.
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Wow what a patient beotch.i wouldnt wait 10 yrs for anything. Bless her conieving little heart??.and I hate those dresses shes wearing..
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Right with you, me. No amount of money is worth that unless you never gave a crap to start with.
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I?m going to be very honest about this, with 300 million dollars less he would a convicted rapist and she?d be a ho.
Same people, less bucks and there you have it.
A rapist and a ho is what they are back in reality.
No one but a star basketball player who has sex with a woman while she?s working and showing him a hotel room would walk. She says it?s rape, he has the victim?s blood show up on his shirt and his semen DNA show up in her underwear. And all he does is issue a public apology saying he thought it was consensual at the time she was doing her job and he just met her and now realizes she viewed it as rape, but he?s sorry for that little misunderstanding.
I?m grossed out to see people hi-fiving what they assume to be an extremely calculating hooker doing a Jerry Springer, having babies and doing press conferences to support him during rape allegations all for a higher amount of money.
They?re both nasty.
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Amen, Callumna!
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Hit him where it hurts!!!
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Guys a scumbag. The whole sports-celebrity crap really went to his head.
OH yeah. And he?s a rapist.
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He is filth. No respect, no shame, just a selfish bastard. He deserves all the misery in the world. How could he do something like that to his wife and children? He makes me want to vomit.
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So if he slept with 100+ women, why haven?t any of them come forward and tried to make a quick buck from the tabloids? They were coming out of the woodwork during the Tiger scandal.
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Yes, he?s a pig and should have remained single if he wanted to have all of those women, but what about Vanessa? Sorry, ladies, but if you think marrying an NBA ?god? is a good move for anything other than lots of $ you aren?t too bright. I think Vanessa sets women back decades?she needs to get up off of her lazy ass and get a job! It just so happens she couldn?t take the infidelity after TEN years?! Ten years and she gets half by CA law. If my husband was accused of raping someone the marriage would be very close to ending (if it could be proven he hadn?t committed the crime) and if I had any suspicion that he had committed the crime he?d be gone?the marriage over. This lady is as disgusting as Kobe. And their poor children will be the only ones who suffer?the parents will continue forward in their deluded clouds of righteousness and arrogance!
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OMG 100 women that is crazy! He was cheating during the lockout? Wasn?t he home with her during the lockout at night? What a a**.
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