Sunday, January 8, 2012

Beyonce gave birth to baby girl Blue Ivy Carter on Saturday via C-section

Beyonce gave birth to baby girl Blue Ivy Carter on Saturday via C-section

On Friday, INF Daily sent us the link to their exclusive photos of Beyonce still pregnant (or still ?wearing the pillow?), which were taken Thursday night. It was a photo op designed to show us that Beyonce is still preggo, and to keep us on our guard that the birth could go down at any moment. Well, it did. It happened last night, and the news was first reported by E! News. It was a girl! They named her? Blue Ivy Carter. Blue Carter. Baby Blue.

We were so ready for this belly, and now we?re so psyched to meet this baby!

Beyonc� and Jay-Z welcomed a daughter Saturday night in New York, the little one?s arrival coming via scheduled C-section, mutliple sources confirm to E! News
And the pop ?n? hip-hop princess? name? Drumroll, please?

Blue Ivy Carter! (At least that?s what Jay-Z is telling pals at this point?the couple?s reps have not immediately responded to calls seeking comment.)

Friend and music mogul Russell Simmons was among the first to celebrate the arrival, tweeting the new parents: ?congrats to my good friends Beyonce and Jay-Z.?

Rihanna gave baby Blue a warm welcome, tweeting: ?Welcome to the world princess Carter! Love Aunty Rih.?

Hey, we?re happy to find out this much, considering Blue?s parents didn?t even confirm to the world that they were married until?Wait? Did they ever really confirm it? (Public records ultimately told the tale.)

Anyway, the ?Crazy in Love? duo tied the knot in April 2008 after roughly six years of dating. Considering they waited another three years to have a baby, you can tell this is one couple that thinks things through!

Beyonc� memorably revealed that she was pregnant onstage at the MTV Video Music Awards in August.

And her hubby certainly seems to be in the right head space, telling E! News in November that he hoped to be the kind of father whose children could talk to him about anything.

?Your child could come to you and have any type of conversation. I always hope for that kind of open relationship,? he said.

Just imagine the rap sessions father and daughter will be having a few years from now!

[From E! News]

I was kind of meh on this report?s accuracy, but People Magazine is reporting it too, so I think the ?scheduled C-section? actually did go down last night. People also reports that Beyonce gave birth at Lenox Hill, and she had checked into the NYC hospital on Friday. Just this past week, the rumors were surrounding Bey giving birth at St. Luke?s, so I don?t know what to make of the hospital switch-up. I wonder if Beyonce was wearing her special birthin? weave? I wonder if the surrogate is happy and healthy too?

Photos of Beyonce from November 2011, courtesy of PCN & WENN.

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Beyonce, Births, Jay-Z

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49 Responses to ?Beyonce gave birth to baby girl Blue Ivy Carter on Saturday via C-section?

    • Oh Lord, fingers, toes, everything crossable is CROSSED. We don?t want another Bruce Willis-esque situation on our hands with a bunch of female Jay Z?s running around! Bey is too beautiful to not pass those genes on. Everyone pray for baby Blue!

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  1. hmm so the c section would mean she was actually pregnant. a scar would be quite telling, especially if it was missing..

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  2. Congrats I guess. And I doubt they?re going to confirm it. Beyonce is famewhore on another level and she knows the longer they wait to confirm this news the more people will talk.

    Hoping to break another twitter record this morning I?m sure.

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  3. Congrats to them both on their new baby girl.

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  4. Oh dear ? why name the child blue?

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  5. I wonder how they?re going to dispose of all those pillows? Will thy just throw them away or burn them so no one discovers them?
    I am glad the pregnancy part is over so the whole charade can end. It was becoming just sad after a while.
    Im just hoping she doesnt try the ?how I got my body back? route in the mags.

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    • She?ll be papped in a bikini in San Tropez in 3 weeks.

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      • St. Tropez is too cold in February,I?d say Seychelles, anyway ITA

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      • Hannah ? Don?t you know Bey can command the sun to come out and make it warm. Anyway, the name is about as stupid as all the other celeb baby names, if it is Blue Ivy, if Ivy Blue that is much better, but I do love Bey anyway and think she is really pretty and I am talking about her childhood pics I have seen.

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  6. The pillow is born. Time stops, angels cry, nations fall down on their knees.

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    • You are hilarious! This whole thing is just sad; however, if they used a surrogate because she COULDN?T get pregnant, then that?s great. If it?s because she didn?t WANT to, that?s a little sad, don?t you think?

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  7. mazel Tov princess pilleau!

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  8. If the arrival of the pillow keeps her from making more records, I?ll be very happy.

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  9. Why are different outlet reporting a different name. is it Blue Ivy or Ivy Blue?

    Anyway..hoping she is healthy. Congratulations to the couple.

    Just thinking about all the fake pregnancy rumors.. I hope that gets cleared up because it would be terrible for that child to hear about that when she grows up.

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  10. C-section, huh? Too posh to push, I guess! Can?t wait to see the baby and her body after ?giving birth?.

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  11. I find it strange that the announcement didn?t give the baby?s vitals?like 7 lbs 4oz baby girl. It?s almost always included in the announcement.

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  12. I just read Ivy Blue, but who knows. Glad this ridiculous charade is over.
    (Hope the surrogate is ?resting comfortably?.)

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  13. If this information is correct, I?m assuming the name ?Ivy? was chosen because IV is the Roman Numeral for the number 4, and the couple has a strong attachment to the number???

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  14. Blue Ivy? Blue ? fucking ? Ivy!!!! What kind of a name is that. I would soooo have preferred Tiana May than Blue Ivy! She?s going to hate her parents for naming her that. Celebs should be banned from using colors, plants, fruit & vegetables, professions and superheroes for naming their babies. Think Goop helped her pick out the name?

    Meh, at least it?s over for the surrogate.

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  15. Quote from the Daily Mail: ?I always thought pregnancy was 9 months gestation. If that is the case this baby must have been conceived in April 2011 for to be born in January 2012 if it went to full term. If that is the case she took on Glastonbury a very challenging performance from every prospective with a very vigourous dance routine that went on for a full 2 hours with strong strobe lightning she must have been 2 months pregnant at that stage. This did not seems to effect her in any way I think most pregnat women would not take on a regime like that on their first pregnancy as you would be too nervous to do so. She also had an interview afterwards with Piers Morgan and gave no inclination she was pregnant and talked about her thirtieth birthday and her plans for a family in the near future. I am doing the calculations and it is not adding up that is unless she done Glastonbury while pregnant for at least two months at that stage and decided to keep it a secret until her announcment at the Awards.
    - Rita, Dublin Ireland, 8/1/2012 11:3

    Read more:

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    • I?m not Irish?just so you know.

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    • I?m not sure what this post is supposed to do. For most women being 2 months pregnant doesn?t effect your activity and most don?t make an announcement until the 2nd trimester. A lot of women, including celebrities continue working. Several tennis players kept playing through their 5th month of pregnancy. Christina Aguilera was on tour into her 2nd trimester.

      I will wait for confirmation since everybody reported she gave birth a week ago.

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  16. I?m not even a Beyonce fan, but this pregnancy conspiracy thing is ludicrous. It all started because some blogger with an axe to grind pointed out that Beyonce looked fake to her. There is not a single tabloid report to back up the surrogate story .

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    • Seriously. And those pics from Friday showed an obviously pregnant Beyonce. Her face was fuller and her feet were SWOLLEN. She looked pretty pregnant to me. It just makes me sad?I can?t imagine going through either of my pregnancies with people constantly telling me I was faking.

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  17. So the jumpoff finally had the baby. Congrats to Bey she can stop wearing that damn pillow I know she was hapy.

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  18. I have been pregnant and I have good hips. It is very difficult for me to believe that she was 9 months pregnant in the last pictures seen in magazines and that her belly was not sticking out more. Usually a belly looks naturally small if the mother is fat, but this is not her case.

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  19. I wonder if the pillow?oops I mean baby?no I mean pillow was born with hair or bald as a apple.

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  20. Just like no one believed Nicole Kidman was really pregnant with Sunday, no one is falling for this stunt. Remember, the world watched her 7 month belly deflate on camera! Had this been a real pregnancy, we would have seen ?candid? late stage photo ops of her tummy. In comparison, notice how Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Garner?s pregnancies seem authentic.

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  21. I guess the name Blue Ivy is better than Red Lie. That would confirm suspicions. Well I guess all those pillow props Bey can sit nicely on all that cash they?ll get for 1st photos.

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  22. Its a pity it wasn?t a boy, because then he would be ?Little Boy Blue come blow your horn, The sheep?s in the meadow the cow?s in the corn.? etc I do hope they call her Ivy, though and not Blue.

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  23. She actually looks smaller in the most recent pic compared to the one with the black dress??

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  24. Really? how do you know she has herpes? Not knocking you ? just want to read up any stories that you may have links to or such?.

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  25. Not necessarily if she doesn?t have an outbreak at the time of delivery she can give birth naturally.

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  26. Jessica Alba didn?t have a c-section.

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