Demi Lovato recently took to Twitter to address some comments after the VMAs that she had gained weight recently. She wrote ?I?ve gained weight. Get over it. That?s what happens when you get out of treatment for AN EATING DISORDER.? Then she deleted that (after #DemiLovato became a trending topic) and added another tweet that didn?t sound as defensive. She wrote ?Guess what, I?m healthy and happy, and if you?re hating on my weight you obviously aren?t. #UNBROKEN? It must be frustrating to have people comment on your weight as a celebrity, but she could have ignored it. As it is, it sounded like it bothered her quite a bit. She told Seventeen in April that she doesn?t ?let anyone?s insecurities, emotions, or opinions bother me.? She?s admitted that she struggles with bulimia and with cutting.
She looks great figure-wise and to me the issue is that her dress was too short and revealing and that her makeup was overdone. Her tatas were pushed up and hanging out and that dress was just fug. She?s looked cuter recently at other events. (See below) There?s something really smug about her look at the VMAs, but sometimes she looks much happier and relaxed on the red carpet.
The issue for Demi may have been that her ex Joe Jonas was there that night and she could have been anxious about it. Before Demi had her rehab stint for emotional issues she was dating Joe Jonas and touring with him and his band. Then they broke up, Joe started dating Ashley Greene and Demi was still touring with Joe and the guys. Demi freaked out and punched a backup dancer for some slight last December and got pulled off the tour and sent to rehab. She?s admitted that she was out of line and that she had a nervous breakdown, but she doesn?t blame Joe for it or anything. She told Elle last month ?I wouldn?t credit my meltdown to a guy. There was so much other stuff in my life.?
If Demi was nervous about seeing Joe though she didn?t seem to show it. She posed for photos with him at the VMAs and as Just Jared points out that wasn?t the first time they?ve run into each other at an industry function recently. So she seems to be handling it all pretty well. Except when she feels the need to defend herself. I get it, but the best way to deal is to ignore it, if possible. When I grew up we didn?t have twitter or cell phones though. Now it?s all about the chatter while some of us are still playing by the old rules. Do they even still apply? Not if you?re looking for press coverage or twitter feedback I guess.
All these photos are from July and August this year except for the last one, in the white dress with the side tail thing. That?s from August, 2010. I don?t see that much of a difference and she looks great now.
Written by Celebitchy
Posted in Body image, Demi Lovato, Photos, Weight
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22 Responses to ?Demi Lovato: ?I?ve gained weight. Get over it.??
I was waiting for you to write something about this. Thank you cause I had something to say!
Demi Lovato is gorgeous. Period! I think that she looks like a real woman should. She is not heavy, she is curvy and real. Her VMA dress was unattractive but I thought it looked pretty good on her. I suspect she is short which is why she chooses short dresses. I agree that she could have just ignored the posts about her weight but since she suffered from eating disorders regardless of what she says, you don?t get over the critisism that easily. I?m sure it still bothers her. I just hope that she reads the positive stuff and that people think she looks great. I have no idea what she acts in or even what she sings but I know that if she can become confident in this new, womanly body then she will have a great future.
By the critisism she receives you?d think she were 300 pounds!
Keep up the positive attitude Demi, you are an inspiration!
I can?t really be so nice to her since she did assault a back up dancer. However, with that issue aside, I think her weight is fine. It obviously does bother her what people say/think or else she wouldn?t suffer from an eating disorder. But I think she looks good.
People need to back off?she?s still recovering, she?s young and she looks great(not heavy), give the girl a break!
such a double edged sword for these hollywood ladies. Lets see? if you are definitely overweight (Adele) - the you should be PROUD of your curves and not fall in to unrealistic ideals. If you are too thin (Leann Rimes) - you hear ?eat a sandwich!? If you were smaller and now look bigger (Vanessa Hudgens, Demi Lovato) - then there are cries of ?too fat!? ?lose weight!?
No wonder there are so many women with eating disorders in this world.
Now, this girl is beautiful to me. I think she is four times Kim Kardashian
I am definitely not one of those morons who will say shit like ?she looks like a real woman? because wtf? Only women who are shaped like Demi are ?real?? Give me a break.
Girl looks good even if she is a total wack job.
A) She looks great.
B) She should have kept the first tweet. Girl was just telling it like it is. People should be applauding her new figure. She will probably struggle with food her whole life, and people making stupid comments doesn?t help.
C) Keep getting healthy, Demi. You are one Disney chick who has actual talent.
I think she looks great. Her boobs certainly weren?t hanging out all over the place and I thought her dress was appropriate for an MTV function. I wouldn?t label it fug. Her hair is gorgeous.
Her weight is good. She looks healthy and has really nice curves!
But I think it would do wonders for her to work with a professional stylist. First they can help find dresses that compliment her figure, make her look sexy without falling out of her dress. Then they can help her get beyond this ?classy side of the Jersey Shore meets the Kardashians? look she has recently embraced. It does nothing to bring out her unique beauty. IMO, she needs to lose the orange, cut that too long hair, soften her makeup and dress more young and fresh.
I thinks she?s curvy and beautiful! KEEP YOUR HEAD UP DEMI!
I liked her first tweet best - it was the most honest one. Yeah, its pretty crappy to comment on the weight of a young woman who?s ADMITTED to seeking treatment for bulimia. Bulimics always gain weight in the beginning of treatment, usually because they stop purging but still binge. Of course she can?t ignore the comments on her weight - she?s barely holding it together.
She finally gave up the blow. Her weight will indeed fluctuate a bit until her system recovers.
She looks healthy.
As a person who used to had a severe depression (and other stuff) for several years i can relate to the meltdown, not the part of hitting someone but atleast she admit it, and wants to stay healthy and thats half the battle.
The other half is being healthy and happy which isnt always easy.Hopefully the pressure wont get to her.
Her weight is fine; however, she is another one who tries to pour her figure in a dress one size too small. Go up one size and be rid of the puckering of a too-tight garment.
nobody cares about her either way, get over yourself
I?m wondering why everyone says this girl wears way too much ?gunk? on her face, but in the Adele post from yesterday Adele is ?gorgeous? with twice as much makeup on? Seems like a weird double standard to me. I think her makeup is lovely and appropriate for the silver dress, and she has great eyes so she likes to draw attention to them. She is a gorgeous girl and I think her weight is fine. It?s ok not to be a stick figure and I can?t believe people would call her out on it after what she?s publicly been through.
I have a soft spot for her bc I went thru a similar issue in college and when I started eating healthy I gained 30 pounds bc my metabolism was so slow and out of wack. Demi should have stayed out of the limelight a little more to reintigrate back into everything
When I see pics of Demi, it makes me look back and wonder if the likes of Britney and Christina may have had eating disorders. I mean, to look at them now, they?re obviously not naturally skinny or have crazy metabolisms as they claimed in the past.
My idea of overweight is not hollywoods. She may be a behind the scene royal bitch (I don?t know) but she looks fine.
Happy21@ ?I think that she looks like a real woman should? are you applying that if you don?t look like Demi your not a real woman because I thought women and men came in all spaces and sizes and that doesn?t defined how much of a woman or man they are.
My older sister is thin with small boobs and not much of a shape and my younger sister is about the same size and shape as Deim now I don?t think my younger sister is more of a woman the older one.
I do agree that she looks good.
Her figure is lovely. Her make-up is Kardashianesque.
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