Yesterday the entire Internet was reminded that Jim Carrey has completely fallen off the deep end when he posted a video love letter to Emma Stone on his new website www.jimcarreytrulife.com that will eventually be Exhibit A when Emma?s weighted-down body?s found in a Louisiana swamp with a butterfly cocoon in her mouth. Sensing that?s how most people felt about it, Jim Carrey?s rep told Access Hollywood it?s just a ?comedy love letter? which is some smooth double-talk because aren?t all love letters an hilarious attempt to have sex with a woman? ?Please won?t you accept this written expression of my feelings so that you might open your plunderhole forthwith?? is how most of mine opened anyway. Also, not helping are Jim?s tweets:
- Yes, my msg to Emma Stone was a comedy routine and the funniest part is that everything i said is tru.
- People often ask me if i?m being funny or serious. The answer is ?YES?. ?;^]
You know what would be funny? If his next video was a Samuel L. Jackson impersonation where he goes, ?Yes, I tried to fuck her. And I hope she burns in HELL.? I say funny to me and everyone else, of course, while absolutely terrifying to Emma Stone who now gets to be known as ?that chick Jim Carrey tried to bang through the Internet? for the rest of her career. You?re not gonna wash that one off.
Photo: Splash News
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