Sunday, January 15, 2012

Angelina Jolie had a ?complete emotional breakdown? while directing

Angelina Jolie had a ?complete emotional breakdown? while directing

While I was sitting around last night, preparing for a Jolie-Pitt-Fassbender extravaganza at the Critics Choice Awards, Angelina was sizing up Fassy?s beast preparing for her LIVE video web chat in which regular people got to ask her questions. I haven?t watched but a few minutes of it, but it seems rather budget and cute. Angelina fielded questions about In the Land of Honey for the most part, and she talked about having a breakdown while directing:

Even Angelina Jolie has her doubts. During a live video web chat with Marie Claire Thursday, the 36-year-old revealed that she had a ?complete meltdown? before production began on her directorial debut, In the Land of Blood and Honey.

?I had a complete emotional breakdown in the shower and Brad [Pitt] found me crying,? Jolie revealed. ?I felt this huge responsibility and I felt very small. ?Who am I to take this on???

The mother of six and UN Goodwill Ambassador admitted she?s still somewhat uncomfortable with her sudden career change. ?I didn?t plan to become a director, and I still have trouble saying I?m a director,? Jolie explained.

?I just wanted to tell this story and I ended up by default being the director,? the Oscar winner said. ?It was a pleasure, but I wonder if it would be a pleasure with another cast and crew, and a subject matter that wasn?t so special.?

When talking about the Bosnian War, she said: ?I knew very little, like most Americans. I was 17 so I wasn?t very focused. I was my own form of self-destructive, and it was a bad time? I was a punk? you don?t imagine you could ever be a role model.?

The subject matter, which is close to her heart, has helped her to realize the importance of teaching her children certain values. When asked by a fan what lessons she wished to pass onto her children, the actress said ?compassion and respect?. She said: ?I want my children to be aware of the world around them and have respect for all people around the world. From the nature of the make-up of my family, they learn a lot about each other. They don?t see this divide which is dangerous.?

Jolie?s film, In the Land of Blood and Honey, is nominated for a Golden Globe. She and Pitt, 48, are scheduled to attend the ceremony together on Sunday.

[From The Mail & Us Weekly]

So? you know what this means for next week?s tabloid covers. BREAKDOWN: Brad finds Angelina distraught. Angie says: ?I won?t leave the shower until you leave Aniston!!!? And of course: Brad Finds Angelina In TEARS. Aniston Drunk Again.

Here?s the part where it seems like Maddox has asked Angelina a question:

I think this is the full live stream:

PS? Seriously, why isn?t she boning Fassy?

Photos courtesy of Fame.

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt

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88 Responses to ?Angelina Jolie had a ?complete emotional breakdown? while directing?

  1. She had a complete emotional breakdown over this project & then realised she was just hungry. Crisis averted!!

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  2. She?s saving him for you, Kaiser. Plus one minor detail, she?s with Brad, may be part of it!

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  3. She?s wonderful, but maybe, just maybe she should not have shared the meltdown information with the world.

    Somewhere in Mexico, Aniston is pushing pins into an Angie voodoo doll with Chelsea Handler cutting up lines of coke in the background, as they celebrate Angelina?s meltdown.

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    • I think that Aniston is well past giving a hoot about what Jolie does, if in fact she ever did outside of things that directly involved Aniston.

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    • meltdown is right ,complete emotional breakdown is more then just crying in the shower . and why did you have to put ja into this . I think all 3 have moved on ,and they say jan fans cannot

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  4. That live chat was really good. Watched it last night.

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  5. It is simply beyong me why you are so fascinated with Fassbender ? guess I am missing something as he does not seem attractive in the least to me.

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  6. Pretty sure she?s on record saying she doesn?t really ever cry so all I hear now is jolie?s PR note to self: make an effort to humanize your behavior in time for awards season. Meh. This pair of tools both trip over their self-descriptions about as often as they claim to trip over their kids.

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    • Get over yourself. It?s so silly for you to presume to know more about what she thinks and feels or whether or not she cries then she does.

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      • ?and it?s just as silly of you to presume otherwise.

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      • I presume nothing. I simply note her own ever-changing words about what she thinks and feels. Far as I?m concerned Jolie is free to cry in the shower as often as say?aniston supposedly screams at the ocean. I?m sure you get the point?unless of course you are one of the dbl-std b-loon sorts.

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      • ever changing? WHEN did she say she didn?t cry exactly? If I?m not wrong it was years and years ago before the death of her mother, before her children and before her charity work.

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    • yes, I recall her saying that she does not cry, etc. She contradicts herself frequently, but I guess she is just keeping things interesting.

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      • I don?t see any contradiction here. Having a cry over something as big and as emotionally invested like this is not the same as crying all the time over every little thing. I?m sure she meant that with everything she has seen and experienced, she doesn?t cry at every little one of life?s inconveniences, unlike many people.

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    • It amazes me when people get irate about someone that they do not know and/or will never know. Crikey.

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    • but? you are wrong. The comment I remember was made well after the launch of her more adult brand. She contradicts herself often, tho? and it would be difficult for even the most steadfast b-loonie to keep up. (So no need to apologize for shouting at me about it.) Even the reason she offers for this recent so-called meltdown contradicts the way she previously described her directing experience. (altho she was right about brad saying she would be a nightmare, IMO.)

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      • Actually I googled this and if the quote is accurate(I couldn?t find a reputable source which is why I didn?t link to it) it dates back to 2007 before her mothers death she said it makes her UNCOMFORTABLE to cry that?s not the same as saying she doesn?t cry. I know from personal experience I wasn?t a big crier until my fathers death and afterwards I am much more emotional and sensitive in general even years later. But continue with the hate.

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      • I looked for the quote, found it on Gossip Rocks and another site. And the story originated from Vogue 2007 as evidenced by this article:,2933,236005,00.html


        Monday, January 22, 2007

        Don?t Cry for Angelina Jolie
        Angelina Jolie isn?t a fan of hugs.

        ?The Good Shepherd? actress revealed she finds it difficult to talk about
        her emotions and finds hugging people particularly uncomfortable.

        Angelina said: ?I?m not a hugger. People make fun of me. It?s something that
        I have a hard time with.

        ?If someone hugs me, I hold my breath. Snuggling, cuddling, hugging,
        crying ? all that stuff makes me very uncomfortable.

        ?I?ve often been accused of not talking about my personal things. I mean,
        even with Brad. He usually has to draw something out of me.

        ?I have had a lot of people ? ex-husbands ? suggest that they?d be very open
        to being a shoulder to cry on. If I had the inclination, it would be very
        lovely if I could possibly let that go.

        ?But I have this odd sense of it?s not going to accomplish anything to cry.
        It?s not going to help you to get a hug!?

        Angelina, 31, twice divorced, has two adopted children, Maddox, five, and
        Zahara, two, with partner Brad Pitt. She gave birth to the couple?s daughter
        Shiloh Nouvel seven months ago.

        I think she?s uncomfortable with it but that doesn?t mean she can?t ever cry at all.

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  7. It was not ?complete emotional breakdown? she just needed a sandwich. Oh God she looks so old in those picures like crypt keepr.

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  8. At least one of them bathes.

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  9. She is a marketing genius. She sells herself to whatever she thinks the public wants. Not a fan but I do admire her charitable contributions. And she goes give to charities in the us. Otherwise she is extremely selfish

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  10. Interesting that about the time Brad shows up hobbling on a cane, we hear about AJ?s breakdown.


    In regards to your editing of these threads.

    In the second sentence you ran a line through the words ?sizing up Fassy?s beast?. Just wanted to bring to your attention that we can all read it even with the line through it.

    (Whispers: ?Your slip is showing?)

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  11. Fassbender is better than brad Pitt in every way. Now the brange fans are gonna hate him.

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  12. Fassy and Angie?
    Someone?s walking (*nay nay-limping) away in a body cast.
    Brad?s all like cute kitten sexy appeal in comparision to Fassy devilishness chase a sistah round the kitchen table and throw her to the floor for that sweetshop y?know, no y?all don?t know. O Solo Mio.

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  13. This is such classic female manipulative behaviour. Present yourself as small, fragile, in need of protection (or advice, wisdom, etc etc) so that the man (usually) in front of you feels like he?s useful, powerful, protective and alpha. I?m sure you?ve all seen someone pull exactly this sort of thing, it always blows me away that the guy doesn?t see it for what it is.

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  14. Perish the thought, Angie is fine just where she is. Mom and saint. She already took the purty out of Pitt, she will not do the same to Fassbender. With Pitt she is contained and seems content.

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  15. Kaiser, let?s have a honesty moment. I f she tried to touch that, you would cut a bitch.

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  16. I?ve read most of Angie?s interviews I?ve never heard her say she doesn?t cry. I ?ve seen her cry several times in interviews including on Nightline discussing her mother.If she did say she rarely cries it would make sense she would have a breakdown since she suppresses her emotions. Personally I rarely cry but when I do I cry for hours.BTW there is nothing attractive about Fassbender and I saw Shame. I read Angie and Brad will be presenting an award at GG to Morgan Freeman, their costar(Angie- Wanted. Brad- Seven. Can?t wait

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  17. Eh, she can?t win with some of you, can she.

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  18. So Maddox asks a question about a film that is not intended for a 10-year old? She?s selling it, damn girl =O. Keep on oversharing! Btw, love it that this campaign is all over the place but no word on how bad the film is doing and that critics don?t like it. Never mind her film is a flop, if she keeps on going, she might win a few awards either way.

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    • If I am not mistaken, the movie only playing in limited places so from the beginning they are not really counting about the revenue. And with that, you can not determine if it?s a flop or not. And there?s a lot review from the critics about it. Perhaps you are looking in a wrong place if you can not find it. Mostly it?s a mixed review. That it?s a nice movie for a first time director but could do better.

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    • Well I Liked so did most of the people from the Bosnian region who have seen it in screenings and 80% of the audience in the States according to RT.So does General Wesley Clarke and many journalists that covered the war like Christiane Amanpour.Brad and Angie put up a lot of the money for the film because they thought it was important topic. As for Maddox I think it was cute that he wanted to ask a question about what his mom?s favorite scene in her directorial debut.Regardless of if he has seen it or not.OT Brad looks hot on the cover of the new W magazine

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    • Asking a question about the movie doesn?t mean he?s actually seen it. If you actually watched the full video she?s genuinely shocked when she finds out Maddox her son asked a question it?s pretty funny.

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      • He may have seen it or bits and pieces of it, I am sure he gets online. Children are rarely 100% obedient. I know if I was 10 and my mother made a movie I would have figured out how to see what is was about. Children today have tools. :-) He seems bright enough to have really asked the question without prompting from Dad. I watched and enjoyed it a lot, even liked it on FB :-)

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      • ?What?s your favourite scene in the movie? is a question you can ask even without seeing it ? but I?m sure he was told, when Jolie was away to make it, that his mom was making a movie about war and bad things that happen in it, that there are two sisters etc.

        To me Jolie looks genuinely surprised by the question and it takes her a few seconds to collect her thoughts, but of course there will be people who see it as selling out etc. These often happen to be the people who say she adopts for publicity etc.

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      • I dont her son maddox asked the question, more like an username maddox on the internet.

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      • Even if he had seen it? what child does not watch movies that are not meant for their age yet? Like Katherine said a few comments down, lots of kids read and watch stuff about genocides and witch-hunts etc.

        Or do people in America honestly think that will hurt them forever? Then again, it would explain the hysteria around Nipplegate.

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    • Well, a lot of critics actually *do* like it, and as for the audiences ? not many people have seen it yet, right? I know I haven?t.

      My guess is it will follow the path of non-flashy movies like Frost/Nixon, initially shown at very few cinemas and later reintroduced, after they won awards, if it does. It?s not exactly a holiday rom-com.

      Side note: I made a similar post elsewhere, after doing a brief research on the often quoted Rotten Tomatoes, and finding out that some of the critics who completely trashed Jolie?s movie (like Karina Longworth, again, often quoted by some of the more lovely posters here) also trashed, for example, My Week With Marilyn, We Need To Talk About Kevin, The Skin I Live In, Up In The Air, and other critically praised movies nominated for a lot of serious awards, while giving good reviews to Jackass 3D or the remake of Footloose. Which makes me question their credibility.

      But like I?ve always said, different strokes for different folks.

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    • I?m not going to start reading your comments, it?s always the same and I know what people will bring to defend Jolie.

      - People, it?s a flop. Those are facts not me bashing Jolie. It?s not even coming close to exceeding the budget and the theaters went down after only two weeks and the wide release was only 7 theaters. You know why? Because people are NOT interested thus they don?t want to invest more since they can?t even cover the costs now with all this buzz and promotion. A film is supposed to gain money, not lose it and I don?t care what Jolie says. When a film doesn?t even reach the budget, we quickly call it a flop but when Jolie can?t even reach 100000 dollars we?re supposed to make excuses and find reasons to defend her failure? Saying you don?t expect a film to bring in the numbers due to the content is bullsh*. If the vision and content of the film is supposed to push people?s buttons then they would actually have to go see the film. Since that?s not happening: Flop. The topic can be a factor but there are many controversial films who did FAR (not box office gold if course) better than Jolie did with a non famous US-director. Plus, everybody likes to yell on how Jolie is an international film star and powerful (true) and now that?s it?s time for fans to show their loyalty, they barely show up. If anything, it shows the true interests of fans: her personal life. Still, it didn?t help Jolie nor the fans to bring in the cash! And critics are 50/50 about the film but that?s still far from good. It?s swings between indifference and goodwill (recognize it?s a good effort but falls flat on execution). That doesn?t mean I find the film horrible (although I?ve read some reviews that don?t sound promising) or that she doesn?t deserve to win. If people like to counter back with the positive reviews, why can?t others bring up the bad? It?s their job to review. I?ve had reviewers bash films I liked, just deal with it for pete?s sake. And even bad reviews can have positive notes in them. Does only one view count when it?s about Jolie? That was retoric because of course the answer would be ?yes?.

      - A ten year old asking a question about a film he didn?t see nor fully understands the content (unless you find it normal to let a child watch a bloody r* film at such a tender age?) is weird and contrived. It?s a little tidbit that serves her image well. She is hustling this hard and everything is allowed. It?s quite funny.

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      • It was showing in 3 theaters and one of the theaters was lost. It opens today wider. A few other theaters were added prior to today.

        I cannot imagine anyone expects this movie to make back it?s budget and certainly not from US box office. That?s why Jolie and Pitt put up as much of the financing as they did. The success for a first time director is that a film got made and it was well received for its direction. Those 2 points got made. When you have the NY Times giving it an 80 at Metacritic as well as other good scores from respected critics then one can easily say it?s been well received. The Katrine Longworth ?review? was hardly that ? it was more an embarrassing snark about Jolie masquerading as a review Jolie.

        In any event even those reviews that were harsher praised Jolie?s overall direction. That is a big plus.

        I was 10 when I read the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and started educating myself about the holocaust. There is nothing weird about a 10 year old being aware of things like r.p. and genocide or, more pertinently, that his mother wrote, directed and produced a movie and he wants to participate in a chat forum about it. It is exactly the kind of thing one?s child would do.

        The things people pick and choose to use as weapons against Jolie never cease to amaze me.

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      • - Hahaha, got lost. Love the euphemism for ?limited? aka cancelled because it wansn?t selling.

        - Writing reviews is a job, if you don?t like a review because it isn?t your opinion, fine. But don?t demean other people?s jobs. They don?t come and tell you how to do yours. It?s terrible petty to b* about bad reviews because boohoo, they don?t like the film of your fav actress. Seriously?! And why do people keep on mentioning the same critic as if that?s the only ?bad? review that exist? I didn?t read hers if that?s what people are implying. Funny how others are well aware of the bad ones and are quick to try and deconstruct her review. I for one, still don?t care about what she wrote. I?ve got my own sites to go too from various countries.

        - ?It is exactly the kind of thing one?s child would do.?

        So all children do that just because you happen to be interested in that at the same age or what is your point exactly? Drawing on your own experience to generalise a point in celebrity hustling isn?t exact science you know.

        - Umhh, did you miss the part where I said that a negative review isn?t overall bad? That there CAN be (and will be actually) good points? There are sites who give her a 1/10. Less than W.E., do you think I?m as biased to negative criticism as you are to positive? I know when I see a good review (bad or good). I also said in other posts positive things about her endeavour yet when I point out the obvious, people are ready with their b* in defense of her. So tiring?

        - Weapons against Jolie? Hmm, so my opinion and keyboard are weapons now just because I write something you don?t agree with? We are battling a fight that can never be won. You are full of it Katherine.

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      • NM9005, you?ll admit it?s hard to have a conversation when one side declares from the very beginning ?I?m not even going to read your comments (because I know what you?re going to say)?

        And then you follow with a block of text, which to me suggests that you?re interested in a monologue, not a dialogue. Maybe instead of hitting ?reply to someone? you should simply hit ?reply? to the post, and voice your opinion. Other than that I really don?t know what to say, except from wishing you a nice weekend.

        So, have a nice weekend:)

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  19. Madonna will be presenting La Jolie category at the globes on Sunday :)

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  20. Everyone cries sometimes, she?s probably not a crier like I was as a child. Annoyed my mother a lot, you couldn?t even look at me. lol Besides I like my Movie Stars a bit dramatic. I can imagine it was stressful, if you have to cry the shower is a good place :-)

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  21. How cute is this videos of Angelina jolie when she was a kid?..

    Snakkle has a treat for you! We?ve uncovered adorable videos of a 6th grade Angelina Jolie singing karaoke with some pals at at birthday party in 1987. Go ahead and take it all in: Goofy costumes, terrible singing and a mega-star just getting to be a normal kid. We love!

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  22. oh, whatever. I find her humanitarian schtick to be so irritating. sorry.

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    • Why? Because you do nothing for others yourself and it makes you feel bad in comparison?

      That is the only sane reason I can think of people would hate anyone who does good to others.

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  23. ?PS? Seriously, why isn?t she boning Fassy??

    Because Brad Pitt has Fassy covered in every category.

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    • You are 100% correct!I do not get the Fassbender thing at all but even if I did there?s no way to compare the two.
      I think Pitt is a major media manipulator but he is also very talented,very handsome(when he tries),shrewd,a hollywood power player, and father to Angie?s children.Now why exactly would she exchange Pitt for Fassbender?
      I know it?s hard for diehard Angie ?the badass? fans to take but she is just pretty much Angie the mother, humanitarian, actress, director, and Brad Pitt?s soulmate.I think we?ve seen the last of Angie ?the druggie,blood-vial wearing,mate changing wild child.?

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  24. Like all of her other ?humanitarian projects?, this becomes about her. How the war made her feel, how peoples? suffering makes her feel ?.. it?s always been about her, and it always will be.

    Crying in the shower? Ha..ha.. ha?
    Angelina Jolie is such a cry-baby?

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    • Yeah Olivia that?s why she talks about ?us? ?our? film in every interview. That?s why she asked the cast and crew for their input let them right dialogue, etc Poor Olivia can?t stay away from a AJ post.Even the questions that were asked about her feelings she often asked the actress with her for her opinion. How selfish. GMAB

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      • Angelina has been to so many war torn areas and hands on she has the right to feel distraught over it. I?m glad it scared her straight and she wanted to do something to help.

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  25. Ewww ?Fassy?s? OLD and GROSS and has A WEIRD CHIN/JAW THING GOING ON?oh yeah and he?s FUG. jst sayin?

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  26. She appears so uncomfortable in that video. I felt kind of embarrassed for her while watching it.
    I dont find ?Fassy? even remotely attractive.

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  27. Someone wants to Fassie on MF?s Bender. AJ is a perfectsexysaintbreakdown. Boring.

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  28. I know why Fassie Fassy has a crooked jaw. Yummy.

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  29. She won?t be the first or last director to have a breakdown.
    Francis Ford Coppola was bordering on suicidal when he was directing Apocalypse Now (according to his biographers).

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  30. More of Brange campaign? They lay it on so thick I?m surprised more people don?t feel insulted.

    My favorite here is that she didn?t just say she was crying in the shower, but BRAD FOUND HER crying in the shower. Hilarious.

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  31. She had a complete artistic breakdown as well

    The movie is terrible

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  32. AJ is just doing her typical media round bullet points. She talks about what she?s there to promote with a generous dose of personal information about her partner and/or children. I don?t criticize her or anyone for discussing their emotional journey BUT I feel that she does this while making sure the ?Brange? brand stamp is promoted as well. I find this to be oversharing but more than that (which is forgivable), I find it to be manipulation. I understand their need to control their media image and, yes, all do it to some extent but I am certainly tired of their particular narrative. We all get it. AJ?s strong, stalwart, emotionally complex but thanksfully when BP tears down those walls (daily, perhaps), the true fragile, delicate flower beneath it all is revealed in all her sweet tenderness. I can imagine other first time directors describing their emotional meltdown BUT it is hard to imagine many, particularly females, being comfortable adding the crying in the shower part little less the emotional rescue by their white knight partner. IDK, maybe, I?m overanalyzing it but wouldn?t it seem more likely to just say how much your partner helped you through the tough emotional impact that the experience had on you? Oh well, IF she said it to promote the brand, she?s damn shrewd because she knew that?s what would be picked up and guess what I?m here typing away about? Yeah, for all my complaints, accurate IMO, good job AJ.

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