Since I don?t watch American Idol, I missed Fergie?s appearance on the show and the subsequent whispering about what she may or may not have done (lately) to alter her appearance. But from these photos taken at her birthday party in Las Vegas on Friday, I?m perfectly willing to discuss this now. Girl got something (else) done. Fergie has long been rumored to get the occasion nip, tuck, or complete overhaul over the years, and while it?s difficult for me to pinpoint exactly what is new on her face this time, I can say that she looks much different than the last time I paid attention to her. Sure, she?s lost some weight and she?s got a tan. But losing weight and getting some sun doesn?t change your appearance THIS much. Also - has she always been this stacked? I looked up older photos of her boobs, and yes, she?s always had a nice-sized bust, these look? bigger.
There is something else funny, though: the denial. Fergie loves her denial. And she married a man who loves denial too. He loves denial almost as much as he loves bonin? budget strippers. Josh Duhamel went on Ryan Seacrest?s radio show and claimed that Fergie?s new look is all natural, and actually pulls out this line: ?I thought she looked amazing [on American Idol]. It?s amazing. You put a different colour on your lips and, uh, rumours fly. But she?s the same, she?s the same Fergie? I sleep right next to her every night. I like it.? Lipstick? For real? Oh, Josh.
UPDATE: Here?s a photo of Fergie from August 2010. I think it?s something in the eye/eyebrow area:
Photos courtesy of Fame.
Written by Kaiser
Posted in Fergie, Plastic Surgery
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73 Responses to ?Fergie?s new, different look attributed to ?new lipstick??
I think they sell that lipstick right next to Jack?s magic beans.
Brow lift for starters?and I concur about the new boobage. Funny, were I her, it would be all about fixing the busted boxer/pug nose..
she looks she is 50 or something.who old is she?
Def new boobs and (her) left eyebrow looks like it it is doing it?s own thing, independent of righty. But, what, Kaiser, no old photo for comparison? Y?all do it to Kim K all the time, throw us a bone! Don?t make me google images!
And her hair looks FILTHY! I giver her a big meth-yuck.
Whoa! She looks B A D
Ok, I am well endowed and they can you make you look matronly, and although she is still far from matronly, they aren?t lookin? so ?perky?! Too big Fergie!
There is something seriously wrong with the right side of her face. If she got a brow lift, the MD forgot to lift the left side to match the right!
She looks like she aged 20 years! -
I think she laid off the botox in her forehead (her eyebrows look lower) and she stopped plucking them to within an inch of their life. maybe a nose job.
And her lips look less puffy.
She looks much less harsh and a lot better!
I didn?t see American Idol. But I saw a picture of her with Josh, and yes her face was very different. I have always felt for some reason that she was older than we know. Not because of her body; she has an amazing figure, but more because of her neck and hands. These are areas that women can?t really hide the age. I think some people have talked about her face because of her past drug use. But it always looked like her face was doughy. It was different in the pic I saw.
but something is a bit different.
She has lightened up her look by hair, makeup, and style choice, but she?s definitely had some work done. How about doing a side by side with older photos to help break it down?
She looks nice. Besides whatever she did, the natural makeup and hair suits her well. I?m still worried that her nails would pop off, but the dress, the boobs, the face and the hair look nice. The shoes would be cool with something else.
We have a so-called celebrity in our city who was photographed with enormous lips once. Of course she denied any ?treatment?, but said she had used Dior?s new lipgloss and got an allergic reaction.
?The reaction? is still there 2 months later and she still carries on with the allergy story -
Aside from her lips ? look at her hot dog fingers and those old lady fingernails.
Lipstick in LA costs 50k.
Yeah, she looks nice for a 62 year old barfly. Kids, Take note: This is what meth will do to your looks! No matter how much time and cash you pump into your face and body, you will still look like the dogs dinner. If the other ?Peas? hadn?t been on stage with her, I?d have never known it was Fergie last week on Idol. Maybe she and her gross husband have a deal; He?ll attribute her jacked face to lipstick and she?ll believe the strippers are just friends.
Her eyes look really odd. Eyelift perhaps?
Her face looks better, softer, than I?ve seen it look in a long time. But she?s too orange, the hair color wipes her out and those ugly fingernails look like bad, thick, pointed cheap tips. The boobs are toooo big - they look fat and heavy, not young and cute. That dress looks like it was made out of safety belts on the top - probably needs straps to hold up those huge, ugly basilicas Lolol! But her shoes are kinda cute - but not with that dress.
She definitely looks a lot better than her usual.
Probably she?s had a mini-lift because her mouth area and cheeks are way less saggy than before. Her eyes too are different, and it?s not just make up.
Now she should just fix that awful forehead of hers, why doesn?t she laser off some hair? Rita Hayworth did wax her hairline 50 years ago. -
Ginger spice? Is that you?
Someone better call up Geri Halliwell and tell her Fergie took her face!
Co-sign with @Jacq on needing an old photo.
I have to give her credit on that rack?that?s a nice one.
The last time I went in for a tune-up my boobs didn?t look any different when I came out. The mechanic just hooked-up the computer, said ?It all looks good?, and charged me $75.
OMG! Is it the eyebrows? Is it the eyelids? Is it the cheeks? Is it the chin? Is it all of the above? Damn, I don?t know but I?m so creeped out right now? o_0
DEF the eyes and eyebrows look different!
maybe a brow lift?
also, the skin on her face looks wierder than usual, all of a sudden! (perhaps the fillers/botox were injected unevenly, and this is the result)
she looks at least 45 in these pics!who knows how old this woman really is?
She?s definitely had her eyelids done. That dress is horrendous and so are those shoes.
I have a friend in the music industry that sang at the Grammys several years ago. She was backstage talking to Fergie. She said Fergie was the sweetest person, very nice and personable. She had a great figure- super tiny. However, by looking at her face up close, my friend could tell she?s lived a ?hard life?.
Guess it was about time for more facial work.
Now that i see the pics for difference, she looks the same. The boobs are because of the dress type, you can see in the pic with the red dress that the boobs had more place to sit in. Her brows look a tad tinner, different hair color, nose looks the same. I see no difference.
Hmmm she definitely changed her eyebrow shape and they?re less harsh. Looks like some Botox on the forehead.. I?m a little hesitant to say anything else right now, bc I don?t think people realize just how different your entire face can look with a drastic eyebrow change.
But I?m sure there?s other stuff. It?s Hollywood! -
I?d say a brow lift. And, her pink talon nails are disgusting. I think her boobs are the same.
All in all though, I think she is a great performer and I like her music.
Bleh, that Kardashian dress in coral and tasseled. Yucky. Also she looks super rough. But I think she used to be hard on drugs so that explains it. Her face looks different but I can?t put my finger on it.
Either a lift in the eyefold area or eyelid tape.
This woman and I are about the same age and yet she looks ten years older than me. These women who get all of this work done maybe don?t realise that it actually makes them look used up?
I agree with the eyebrow lift and botoz speculations, however I hope to look as good figure-wise when I?m her age.
WTF! I didn?t know it if was her till I read the headline.
what a joke, that is clearly a new sewn on face.
lipstick does not lift brows. -
She?s starting to look like a Real Housewife. Not cute.
Looks like her eye is drooping. Botox caused unfortunate effect? Also somethinig about the brows.
At the very least, she?s had fillers. Everyone that overdoes fillers gets that shiny, waxy appearance (Kidman, Kim K, Heidi Montag etc). Whatever she did, she looked MUCH better before.
Let?s see - softer face, less crap caked on, bigger bust, hands a bit ? odd.
Any chance she is pregnant? Because all the above sounds rather more knocked up than worked on to me.
Lighter hair, check. Tan, check. Makeup blaming, check. Yep, all three are there; she?s had work done.
Anyone else notice the wonky eye? Her right eyeball is out of whack with the left. Isn?t that a side effect of too much botox? I would have said she?s had an eyelift, rather than something temporary, but with the wonky eye I?m not sure. Her hair is off her face on the other side, and semi covering the side of her eye on the wonky side. Plus the boobs are huge, which doesn?t happen when you lose weight, or it sure as hell doesn?t happen when I lose weight or else I might be a lot smaller than I am now!
And I spent way too much time looking at that photo.
I didn?t know she wears lipstick in the cheeks and eyebrows too? awkward.
Maybe the same night he was sleeping with the stripper she got all the work done on her face.
Cheek implants???
I agree it?s definitely a brow lift. The more open eye is a dead giveaway. It?s a good job, though.
Ug, she looks WAY worse.
She used to be addicted to meth. Hell, she deserves to get her face fixed after living through that mess.
She aged herself by about 15 years. 15 very lumpy years
If she did or didn?t get something done, does it matter?
Lipstick? GMAFB
It?s something in the cheek area. Its all looking to chiseled in that domain.
You guys, seriously. Fergie did a lot of meth (like, for realsies, A LOT OF METH) and that stuff is HARD on a chick?s face. Girlfriend is probably stuffed like a pork loin with fillers, because if she wasn?t then she?d look like a resurrected mummy (Google before/after pics of people who did meth; they?re wrinkled like raisins). Frankly, it?s amazing she has enough teeth left on which to glue some nice veneers. She?s not even 40 but she?ll need to keep on keepin? on with the fillers or she?ll end up with that deflated balloon, saggy baggy elephant look. Meth is rough, kids. Cut the girl some slack.
Also, I strongly suspect that this new change in her facescape is due mostly to her finally easing up on the brow waxing. Her brows are a little softer now, a little less like a cross between Cruella de Vil and a stripper. Definitely a step in the right direction.
Of course, I?m totally biased. I?ve been fond of Fergie?s brand of crazy since way back in the ?Kids, Incorporated? days.
@brin, or Josh?s penchant for strippers lead her to get the huge tatas?
One of Fergie?s most striking (?) features was her squinty eyes. One would think that getting some lift in that area would give her some youth but it really didn?t. She doesn?t look like herself anymore and that?s never good. (Can anyone say Kenny Rogers?)
P.S. Am I the only one who hates those shoes with that dress?
fergie is actually 36 years old. she and i went to the same elementary, middle school, and high school. she has had those big boogs for as long as i can remember. and this may be annoying to you all but she was very nice to everyone.
Yes, hating the shoes and dress. Like a faded out Miami Dolphins/Howard Johnson?s color palette.
I think the eyebrows are a bit fuller, but I can?t really see any other difference. I?m usually the first person to call someone out for ps.
@Jenna and Tess, I?m thinking knocked up too. Looks like prego face puff and swollen boobs.
Its the eyes, definitely something with the eyes. They seem ?bigger? in the new photos. I don?t know if I would have recognized her without a header for the picture (I?m not that familiar with her to start anyways).
She is beautiful.
I like the ?before? shot much better. Would it kill any of these Hollywood women to leave their damn faces alone!!!
The shape of her claws, I mean nails, scares me. Isn?t anyone else disturbed?
Definitely a brow lift, and probably upper eyelid lift and tightening of her jaw line.
The blond woman in the white dress on Idol singing with the Black Eyed Peas was FERGIE????
There?s no way it was her and if so, she looked like a completely different person. Completely.
Someone who saw Idol please weigh in because I was convinced they got another woman to sing that night.
If it was Fergie she looked about 25 years old and gorgeous.
Totally different than the picture above.
Weird. -
yep looks like ginger spice alrite.
I think its just a case of bad makeup and bad tanning. Her face looks the same to me, just harder from the angles the makeup/sweat sheen all over her is causing.
eyes, cheeks, fillers. botox, people kept talking about she was not attractive so she enhanced, learn to love yourself from within first fergie, accept yourself, some men are just simply going to cheat.
What?s all this ?USED to do meth? business? Maybe she put down the meth pipe, but she was still hitting the bottle hard enough to URINATE ON HERSELF on stage and get thrown off an airplane a few years back, and booze ages a person,pretty badly, as well. So if she keeps guzzling, she?ll need to keep getting work done, and the work she?s getting done isn?t very good, obviously. I haven?t seen terrain as rough and hilly as her face since I was in West Virginia.
If Xtina looks bad? I don?t know what to say about Fergie.
What is it about Hollywood that makes all of these beatiful women carve up their faces??? Fergie looked so nice about five surgeries ago. Now?she is frightening! Is it insecurity? Is it because her husband bones all of these fugly women? I feel so sorry for her! She can really sing, and is fantastic live. But the messing with her face and boobs has got to stop! And why is she so afraid to have a baby?
there?s something really off about the top right side of her face, especially around the eyebrows and eyes. Art of the problem with the right eye is a bit of a funky droop (which looks extra bad next to the over lifted eyebrow). I?m guessing she had BOTOX for crows feet and ptosis (drooping eyelid) is a known side effect of BOTOX.
It looks like a subtle eye/eybrow lift to me. And her boobs do look different.
Her boobs gross me out. They may look bigger because they?re stuffed into that dress. They?ve got no where to go but up!
Her face looks longer, not sure what she had done. But I still think she should move her hairline back a little. Or at least stop with the center part it emphasises her caveman forehead.
Okay, say something nice?she has a great voice!
Definitely something around the eyes.
Great choice of before photo, since the lipstick shade is so similar! And yet she looks different? -
Yeah, lipstick. Riiiiiiiiiight.
p.s. Her boobs are really grossing me out.
Yeah, it?s in the eyes area. It?s a pity, she looked way more beautiful before. Now she just has bigger eyes with a stunned expression and she looks older.
She really did something with the forehead area, I couldn?t tell on A.I. but now I see and don?t like he results 0_o
Looks like eyebrow lift, and not a symmetrical one, and then more added to the cleavage. She should just stop now, before she can?t go back. I do like that shade lipstick on her, but come on Josh, we?re not stupid enough to believe that she didn?t have work done. lol
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