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42 Responses to ??George Lopez called Kirstie Alley a pig? links?
George knows alot about pigs, he looks at one every morning in the mirror. Dick.
I?ve never cared for him.
I think I?ve got a pretty good sense of humor, and I even laugh at bad jokes made regarding collective groups as well as some individuals, but I am uncomfortable with jokes made about someone?s personal insecurities; and as wackadoo as KA is, it?s evident that the weight is a struggle for her and something she is not proud of. I think it was wrong of him to highlight it in such an insulting way.
Because you?re such a looker, George. And totally not a douche. Ugh.
I can?t stand George Lopez, if anyone is a pig, it?s him.
That was rude and without class..which does not surprise me where Lopez is concerned. I find him loud and obnoxious
George Lopez looks like a long lost Labrynth character. He really has no room to talk.
George is one to talk! Has he looked in the mirror lately?
Sorry, but I just don?t like him or his sense of ?humor.?
What Faye said.
George Lopez is a pig ? I met him once and he?s a total pig douche.
for the George Lucas article: NO, i will never ever ever ever EVER forgive him for RUINING star wars for me
a geek -
Have you ever seen an interview with Bryce Dallas Howard? She is STRAIGHT RIDIC! Like a Gwyneth hipster.
Lest you all feeling sorry for Ms. Piggy have forgotten, Kirstie Alley shills for Scientology. She is in cahoots with Tom Cruise and probably had slave labors and worse.
Do I feel sorry that Lopez called her a pig? Heck no.
Neither should you.
So it?s funny when Kathy Griffin calls Bristol Palin fat, but it?s not funny when George Lopez calls Kirstie Alley fat.
Awww C?mon!! That shit was funny!!
I dont like her anyway and the way I heard it, he ragged on all the DWTS contestants.
Lighten up, It was a joke!!
easy pickings?no imagination ahole
he should apologize, period
I laughed. Sorry. Kirstie is a good looking woman but that was funny.
It was, thank you @kiska..
My favorite commercial and KA!!! = Funny
OK !! that was funny, to be fair, he talked about more than her, that was good, i like George, and it was true, lol go George!!! he is a comedian.
George should apologize to pigs. I?ve heard pigs are as smart as, if not smarter than, dogs. Which means pigs are too smart to fall for scientology. And pigs don?t scam the public with ?weight loss programs? run by scientologists and then lie about it being run by scientologists.
What a sleazy gross pig he is. Too bad about his ex-wife helping him out the way she did.
@Mike: I don?t decide whether it?s okay to make fun of someone?s weight based on whether they practice a religion I agree with or not. Wrong is wrong, no matter who is involved.
@Grace - Kristie Alley publicly lied about something that she?s selling to the public. I don?t care if she?s atheist, Mormon, Buddhist, or whatever - it?s wrong to lie about something that you?re selling to the public. Because I have no respect for her (for lies she told to make more money), then I really don?t care if comedians disrespect her too.
While I think it sounds mean spirited (and he?s not one who should be cracking on others? appearances) unfortunately I think by making a career out of her weight, Kirstie?s opened herself up to a lot of these jokes more than other heavy celebs have.
Congratulations George Lopez. You just nailed every woman on the Earth in her sensitive spot. Weight. You also just single-handedly made Kirstie the underdog, and you an even bigger douche than before.
Her ENTIRE CAREER is based on discussing her weight and convincing other people to try the same weight loss tricks she uses. If we can?t talk about her weight, what on earth is there to talk about? Her entire career and self-identity is based on her weight, and SHE HERSELF made it that way.
I will criticize people like her for being overweight, because she gets rich from selling diet pills and food to people. Does she not use her own products? If so, they clearly don?t work. If not, why not? Are they not safe?
Being as heavy as she is, is NOT ok. It?s unhealthy. I don?t shy away from pointing out anorexic celebrities who?s malnutrition is resulting in physical manifestations like hair loss (Guiliana Rancic, Victoria Beckham, etc.). Well, being obese isn?t healty either. And I don?t think we should tip-toe around it. Why the double standard? Unhealthy is unhealthy, whether someone is anorexic or obese. Neither one should be accepted as the ideal, or even the ?norm.?
some comedians can roast folks or cross the line and still be funny. i never found lopez funny at all.
It?s kinda what you expect from the guy who cheated on his wife AFTER she gave him a Kidney.
It?s not being called out for being overweight, it?s the terminology. Why can?t she just be fat? Why does pig have to thrown in there? Just so the message is driven home?
@kasITA. I absolutely loathe this guy for cheating on his wife AFTER she saved his life by giving him one of her kidneys. He did all kinds of interviews talking about how much he loved and respected her for being so selfless and wonderful, then he went out and screwed a bunch of prostitutes. Real class act!
@benny: If George Lopez was taking her to task for being dishonest then I wouldn?t have a problem with it. Mocking someone?s weight and calling them a pig is not okay - no matter who the person is or what they have done. Saying that it?s okay to do or say something bad about someone just so long as they did something bad once too makes you no better than the people you claim to not respect. It makes you a total hypocrite.
It?s funny how ugly men insult women?s appearance a lot more than handsome men.
@Mrs. Krabapple
If you support this kind of disgusting abusive language than there is something really wrong with you. You don?t dehumanize someone by calling them a pig. Its low class and cruel. Shame on you. -
Dear Mrs. Crapassapple,
kirstie alley began her WHOLE career on this little show called ?Cheers.?
ever heard of it? -
George Lopez is nothing short of a bully. On his website, people have been universally criticizing him for his nasty remarks, which he masquerades as humor. He?s dealt with the criticism by deleting 30-60 negative posts in the past couple of days. Kirstie Alley nailed that performance, and I hope she takes home the trophy. As for Lopez, he might want to take a refresher course in comedy from Ellen DeGeneres.
OK nothing to comment on George Lopez but will comment on ?Apparently, Trey Parker & Matt Stone?s The Book of Mormon is a really, really awesome Broadway musical?
I was in NY this week and saw The Book of Mormon and it was incredible. Like incredible. Like really, really incredible. For real. Don?t even think you are so cool that you?ll be a contrarian and not see it. If you live or are visiting NY, you have to see it.
@Mrs. Krabapple
*Her ENTIRE CAREER is based on discussing her weight and convincing other people to try the same weight loss tricks she uses.*Hmm! Did you lie about that?
How did I miss her exploiting diet pills when she was on Cheers?* If we can?t talk about her weight, what on earth is there to talk about?
Hmm! How about her willingness to take the challenge of dancing on DWTS or how graceful she was compared to clod hopper Kate!
*I will criticize people like her for being overweight . . .
Hmm! You go right ahead dear and Karma will be bringing you a large slice of ?Humble Pie?!
*I don?t shy away from pointing out ? whether someone is anorexic or obese.
Hmm! Then you won?t mind a little honesty from me.
The truth is you appear judgmental, intolerant and rude.
My condolences to all you come in contact with.
What kind of person gets a kidney from his wife and then cheats on her?? A total scumbag, that?s who.
I know he is doing it for comedic value but he is such an ass in the first place that it just comes off idiotic.
Just Me: ?Hmm! Then you won?t mind a little honesty from me.
The truth is you appear judgmental, intolerant and rude.?My condolences to all you come in contact with.?
__________________________Just Me, you are my new hero. Bravo!
@Just Me: Well said!
Mrs.Krabapple-Nothing justifies calling someone a pig nothing! You may not agree with her beliefs but that?s still no excuse.
I do not agree with your beliefs but I?m not about to call you names because of it.
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Source: http://www.celebitchy.com/147415/george_lopez_called_kirstie_alley_a_pig_links/
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