Big effing deal. The kiss looks like a peck on the mouth, no tongue, and they're cuddling I guess, is that a bad thing? It's not like she's giving him a handjob. Yeah, she's being clingy, but it's affectionate, not sexual. When did this site turn into a meeting of the Christian Mothers' Puritanical Society?
And she's wearing a t-shirt, jeans, jacket and boots, which anyone, regardless of age, should be able to wear. What are we supposed to do, hit 30 and start wearing prairie dresses? Chicos? Cold Water Creek? Talbots? Jaclyn Smith Collection at Kmart? If we're not supposed to wear t-shirts and jeans past the age of 30, I need help knowing where to shop for more appropriate attire for my golden years.
I love the attitude some people have that anyone over 30 is old, though. Attitude is a huge factor determining how you age, and you people who think like that are self-fulfilling prophecies who tend to age badly, making the rest of us look damn good :)

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