- Kate Hudson got engaged. [Huffington Post]
- Rob Lowe gave Laura Ingalls the shaft. [Popeater]
- Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin. [Dlisted]
- And she can use this gallery to research the role. [theCHIVE]
- Lindsay Lohan?s five-year plan includes winning an Oscar. [Lainey Gossip]
- Arianny Celeste is in a bunch of little bikinis. [Hollywood Tuna]
- And Sofia Vergara is in a see-through shirt. [DrunkenStepfather: NSFW]
- Eva Mendes is perfect. [Starpulse]
- Will.i.am just got hired to produce the new season of Teen Mom. [The Fab Life]
- Gilbert Gotfried has officially been replaced. By a sales manager. [Fox 411]
- Tish Cyrus looks different lately. [Celebslam]
- Kim Kardashian pretends to exercise. [Popoholic]
- Phil Collins made this? No, no that can?t be right. [Maxim]
- Jay Cutler is a rich athlete, so he gets this. [Bleacher Report]
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