Continuing in the ongoing theme of ?Linnocent is just a poor, innocent crack baby and everybody is out to get her, for no good reason because she never does anything bad,? we have some additional crack leaks from Team Linnocent. I covered some stuff earlier today - but there?s even more coming out now. It?s almost like? Mother Crackhead is doing lines of blow and calling up media outlets in between shots. Strange, I know. She never does that (before 3 pm)! So, in these new chapters of Blindsided By Crack: The Linnocent Story, we have Linnocent?s coked-up paranoia meshing with her own over-inflated ego and her raging martyr complex. Everybody is out to get her!!! Don?t they know that she?s just an innocent crack baby?
Lindsay Lohan believes prosecutor Danette Meyers is on a ?witch hunt? against her, and is praying the Deputy D.A. makes good on what she asked the judge ? drop out of the case. Sources in contact with Lindsay tell us ? Lindsay believes she?s become a living, breathing press release for Meyers, who is running for L.A. County District Attorney.
There are several flaws in Lindsay?s theory. First, Meyers asked Judge Stephanie Sautner Friday to remove her from the case. Since the judge knocked the felony charge down to a misdemeanor, Meyers assumed the case would be transferred to the L.A. City Attorney. But the judge noted the D.A. can still prosecute the case if it wants to ? so Meyers? request was denied.
Second flaw ? Meyers has prosecuted hundreds of big cases in her more than 2 decades as a prosecutor, and is extremely well-respected, so she really doesn?t need a misdemeanor theft case all that much.
[From TMZ]
Yes, Linnocent. A prosecutor is totally out to get you. It?s her JOB to put away crackheads and sociopath hustlers. But wait, there?s more! Mother Crackhead also called up PopEater to rage, rage, rage against the California court system trying to make an example out of Linnocent because she?s (SOB!) a celebrity!!!
After returning to Lynwood Correctional Facility on Friday for a five-hour stay before posting bail, Lindsay Lohan has now come to the conclusion that she is being punished simply because she?s a celebrity.
?She is being treated differently from everyone else because she is famous,? a source close to Lindsay tells me. ?We were all in shock when she was forced to return to jail just to make an example out of her. It?s not right. Especially when she is working so hard to live a healthy life.?
On Friday, a judge ruled that Lindsay, who has been accused of stealing a necklace, was in violation of probation. After five hours in jail, she posted bail and will remain free pending an appeal.
?She is innocent and can?t understand what is going on,? my source tells me. ?She didn?t steal any necklace and will be found innocent. It?s obvious this is only happening because she is famous and anyone that thinks celebrities get away with stuff or let off will think again after seeing this.?
However, Dan Abrams, ABC News legal analyst and founder of, disagrees.
?I know it?s hard for some to believe, but Lindsay Lohan is basically being treated the same way any DUI, probation violating, accused small-time thief would be treated by the L.A. judicial system.?
[From PopEater]
I would go so far as to say that throughout the past three years, Linnocent has been treated BETTER than ?any DUI, probation violating, accused small-time thief would be treated? BECAUSE she?s a celebrity. From where I?m sitting, the California legal system is a total joke, and if Linnocent had pulled all of these crack shenanigans in any other state, this dumb bitch would already be sitting in a jail cell.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Written by Kaiser
Posted in Delusional, Lindsay Lohan
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39 Responses to ?Linnocent has a cracked-out, hyper-paranoid martyr complex?
Shots of Delusion, all around! White Oprah & Blohan are back with a new round of crack-martyrdom quotes to entertain us!
I don?t get it. Why complain when the CA legal system simply slaps her on the wrist, takes the court fees, and Linsanity is free again to crack-hustle?
I wish there were the option to make different font sizes. Please read this in 500 point font: SHUT UP YOU STUPID WORTHLESS COW!!
thank you -
I agree, it?s total B.S. It makes me sick, I wish she?d pull herself together but that doesn?t look like it?s going to happen soon. She should have been in jail a long time ago.
What a waste of? don?t know what, anything good that she had/was.
One of the deals, when someone is on probation, is to NOT GET IN TO ANY TROUBLE. If you are suspected of stealing a necklace, you get thrown in jail. End of story. She violated probation, AGAIN. She SHOULD have gotten thrown into jail when she failed that drug test a few months back, but, BECAUSE she is a celebrity, got off, scott free, again. She IS being treated differently because of her ?celebrity status,? but only in a good way. Stfu, Dina, and go attempt to do a better job of parenting your other children.
?Blindsided By Crack: The Linnocent Story.?
I love you, Kaiser.
Yes, the legal system here is a joke. Celebs get away everything. Its one of the really frustrating things about living here. The sheriffs won?t bother helping people look for their missing kids (this happened in my own family btw, so don?t try to tell me otherwise) but they?ll send out 3 squad cars to escort George Clooney or Brangelina to their cars, and more than that for Britney or Paris Hilton shenanigans. Stars drive like drunken maniacs, they get away with it. They have crazy drug parties and shoot guns or something late on a Tuesday nite, the cops go there, but when they find its a celeb, they don?t do anything. They walk into a restaurant without a reservation, and take a table that was reserved for a couple celebrating their 25th anniv that they had booked weeks in advance. I could go on and on. And its not just bona fide stars that get the special treatment, now its these horrible ?reality stars?. Really sick culture here.
Of course she feels this way?it is totally natural for a drug addict whose mother is congenitally unable to see her faults, and whose father is a predator. It?s also a perfect example of how not to live your life. I sincerely hope that a miracle occurs and this poor child escapes, but I fear it will not.
Posted in earlier thread and will post again? whenever I read any quotes from the enabling world of LiLoland, I?m simply stunned at the level cognitive dissonance going on.
I feel like channeling Mugato from the movie Zoolander and screaming to that whole lot surrounding Lindsey? ?Doesn?t anybody notice this? I feel like I?m taking crazy pills!?
When you break the law/probation repeatedly, yup, the DA will go after you - that?s their JOB! If she doesn?t want to be ?victimized? by them anymore, perhaps she should stop breaking the law???
?working so hard to live a healthy life.? Yes, she is the picture of health, isn?t she!
?Stfu, Dina, and go attempt to do a better job of parenting your other children? YIKES - you mean there are more of them to come? Are the Lohan?s just like the never ending Kardashians? The energizer bunny of procreation - they just go on and on and on! I thought Lindsay had one sister and that was all!
@ LadyBert62 - Nope. Blohan has an older brother; Ali (her younger sister); and another sibling younger than Ali - not sure boy or girl.
EDIT: That?s the consistent thing about ?reality? families - they?re breeders.
It sounds like Dina is worried she?s going to have to put Ali out on the stroll if Linnocent can?t get back to turning tricks. Those horse weaves and ugly designer sunglasses don?t come cheap you know. As for Lindsey getting picked on by the system, *sniff* I?m sure there are plenty of other crackies sitting in jail waiting to hear her sad tale of woe?.
Because she?s a celebrity? That?s the delusional part. She hasn?t been a celebrity in years! She just a drug addict, theif.
The youngest Blohan is a boy.
Hi bellaluna *waving* -
*waving back @ brin* Thank you! I thought so, but wasn?t sure. Guess you have to be male to make it out of that family ?normal.?
@Marjalane: Too true. How are they gonna set up Lindsay?s ?dating for dollars? gigs if she?s in jail or too tired from doing her community service?
How are they going to pay for all the useless crap they hold dear.
Gasp?Dina and/or Michael Jr. may have to actually?.GASP?get a real job to support the family.
If I was Ali I would be really, really nervous about turning 18 soon. As soon as she?s legal will we see her out on the town with Big Sis doing a double team act?
I am just recovering from the hangover from the last tail gate and now this. The level of delusion is just unbelievable. How could it NOT happen?
@bellaluna?.except for daddy Blohan!
The Crack Fried Brain
Stories of How My Brain Work
Miss Linnocent Loadocrap. -
I have been missing Dan Abrams on the Today Show and had no idea he went to ABC. I agree Linnocents treatment has been more than fair.
Meyers may have prosecuted big cases BUT not with a famous celeb! I think there is some truth to her using this case for her election. NOT That Lindsay doesnt deserve jail time but i dont think Meyers would care this much about a theft case involving a non celeb.
That said i do not think Lindsay is being treated unfairly. I think she is getting LESS than what she deserves because we all know she is guilty.
I hope it goes to trial and she is found guilty.
What does she not get? She left a store with a $2500 item without paying for it. Period. If she had an agreement with the owner then bring up the written agreement that any person with half a brain would insist upon. Stupidity, forgetfulness or ignorance are not excuses in front of the law.
Go to jail, go directly to jail. Do not pass go?
Look at the difference in color between her chest and her face.
I am so sick of these people, can?t even read their crack stories anymore.
@ original bellaluna and @ brin, good mornin ladies.
Blohan is the oldest, born in 1986, then brother Michael Jr. born 1987, then Ali born 1993 and lastly Dakota, a boy born 1996. Had to look it up.
@ Kaiser : Blindsided By Crack: The Linnocent Story. . . . BRAVO!
?She is being treated differently from everyone else because she is famous? This is classic Dina. Shes said ALL this before, not even an attempt to conceal her identity.
As for her mandatory community service, I said it on the crack tailgate post. I?m willing to bet crack dollars to donuts she does her community service EXACTLY the same way she attended her alcohol education classes. In other words when shes in the mood and decides to grace the womens center and morgue with her divine presence. *Snark*
@ Jillian ?Look at the difference in color between her chest and her face?.
Lets NOT and say we did! HaHa
Only in Crackland could Mother Crackhead and Baby Crack believe Danette Meyers is using this to further her career. I?m only surmising but I?m going to guess that this woman has been aspiring to be the District Attorney for some time. You don?t just wake up one day after prosecuting Blohan for ANOTHER probation violation or felony knocked down to a misdemeanor theft charge and say ?I think I?ll run for DA?
According to this article shes ?highly respected? and been an Assistant DA for over two decades. Also she requested to be taken OFF the case, that to me says shes sick and tired of this twit and all the media crack drama this twit brings.
Crack food for thought, just imagine if that twit got her two DUI?s and actually completed her alcohol education classes in the 18 months alotted like everyone else. No extensions. She would have been free and clear last year. No ?stolen? passport to have to return to court for a probabion violation hearing, no SCRAMs, no mandatory drug tests, no failing said drug tests, no rehabs, (two-Judge Marsha?s and then Judge Fox) no community service (which she will NOT complete) and most importantly no jail. I could go on and on and on about her crack shenanigans but you get the point. Instead of acting like a self-important, entitled, one named, spoiled little b!tch none of the above would have happened. Maybe?
?She is being treated differently from everyone else because she is famous?
Well, at least we agree on SOMETHING.
I?m sorry, I missed the Friday evening and weekend deconstruction of this - - but how the heck do you convince a court that a vendor is not entitled to claim the full retail value of an item you stole? My understanding was that market forces and the law of supply and demand set retail prices, not Linnocent and the courts of CA.
But I guess I could be wrong, I?m *only* an ATTORNEY.
@Kim, I?d agree with you about Myers but for the fact that she asked to get off the case. She doesn?t want to waste her campaign year on misdemeanors - even if it?s Lohan.
@TQB-me too, but I guess my jurisdictions have a different view of FMV.You know, the arm?s length transaction? Didn?t sound right to me either.
My best guess is the county simply didn?t want to pay for the security, the hassel and time a felony trial would take. The judge?s best trade off is to do the lesser included and whack her on the probation violation.
Poor poor Lindsay. She?d given up crack for Lent and everything.
The sad part is pathological liars believe their own lies. I might finally gain a little respect for Lindsay if she faced it head on. I don?t know why I did it. It makes no sense. I will do my time and get intense therapy to help me. I don?t want to be this person. Thank you, Judge.
Now, then I would think she?s evolving. But all she is is white trash that has strong character issues, among all her other issues.
?I would go so far as to say that throughout the past three years, Linnocent has been treated BETTER than ?any DUI, probation violating, accused small-time thief would be treated? BECAUSE she?s a celebrity. From where I?m sitting, the California legal system is a total joke, and if Linnocent had pulled all of these crack shenanigans in any other state, this dumb bitch would already be sitting in a jail cell.?
I couldn?t have said it better myself! I love you, Kaiser!
I wonder what they?d do if she ever killed someone? Give her an award???
JUDGE SAUTNER AT (310) 727-6118
Turns out you can call the Judge. A (TMZ) poster stated that you can call the judge and let her know what you think of her treatment of Linmate. Said poster says her voice mail is already full for the day, but keep trying.
I?m actually tempted to call and I never have had this level of interest in a stranger before. I so despise her.
I agree and i?m not saying that she isn?t a respected prosecutor but she is famous because of the Lindsay case.
Prior to the harsh July 6th sentence Danette Meyers spent 4 weeks investigating a misdemeanor probation violation(LL missing her classes) Before that she was invovled in a death penality trial that had ONE person reporting on it.
The Judge was right to reduce the charge and of course making Lindsay a felon with no bail holds etc would have been excellent FREE campaigning for her District Attorney campaign. -
Soz should be convicted not connected!
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