Wow, even more new photos of Kate Middleton! Here she is with her mom Carole and her sister Pippa, arriving at the Goring Hotel. I don?t see Kate?s dad, but I?m sure he?s around. But he pays attention to the father of the bride, especially when you?ve got the bride and her mini-coterie of girl power? Kate looks appropriately tan, and she got a good pre-wedding blowout for some reason. Why do you need a blowout the day before, ladies? I truly don?t know. As for Carole and Pippa? well, they look inappropriately tan. Like, fake-bake tan, at least from here, in these photos. Which is a problem. The mother of the bride cannot be orange! Neither can the maid of honor. It?s distracting!!!
Also, I know I get too hyped out reading the body language in some of these pics, but here?s how I?m reading the ladies? body language:
Kate: It?s here. Finally. Nine long years and My Day has finally come and there?s no turning back. All it took was willpower, shiny hair and patience. Huzzah for me! Oh, are the cameras getting a shot of MY RING?! It?s My Ring now, people. There it is. AND I?M SO GLORIOUSLY THIN. YAY!!!!
Carole: Nine long years. She deserves it. I?m so happy for her! I wonder if there?s time for me to get in another tanning booth session. I want to pop on all of those cameras!
Pippa: [Seething rage.] I?m happy for her. Whatever. I hope the bitch trips.
Anyhoodle? this is your Open Post for the wedding eve. I?m probably going to end up updating this later on, because I?m sure there will be some wedding-eve announcements coming later. I don?t know if the Queen is going to announce Kate?s new title tonight, or if it will come in the morning. It should be good though, and I?m sure there are lots of things to talk about. Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we?ll be doing another open post with a live feed, and we?ll have lots and lots of separate posts for stuff about Kate?s dress, Prince Harry, Chelsy Davy, the orange mother of the bride and all of that good stuff.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Written by Kaiser
Posted in Kate Middleton, Pippa Middleton, Royal Wedding
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29 Responses to ?The Royal Wedding Eve Open Post: Waity No More!?
OMG I?m so freaking excited. I can?t wait until 4 AM (and I?m as serious as a heart attack).
I think that this is all fairly exciting. Awake to watch at 4 a.m. anyone?
But where did she put her ass?
Wait, it?s tomorrow? Didn?t they just announce it yesterday? She must be pregnant.
Kate looks lovely and genuinely HAPPY. And that?s the cutest I?ve seen Pippa photograph so far.
I?m glad she looks all happy and relaxed, unlike the scared, deer-in-the headlights look that Diana had. I love your ?thoughts of the Middletons?, but I think Pippi-Longstocking Middleton is probably thinking ?Yeahhh? I get all the royal connections now without having to do any glorified ribbon cutting or charity visits?.
I?m with you Franny! SO EXCITED (seriously)! Can?t wait until 3am!
Why?s she covering her belly like that? What a weird way to posture yourself. That dress makes her look preggs.
^ she?s subconsciously afraid her skirt might blow up in front of the press?
she?s self-conscious about a non-existent tummy?waha, she?s so practising her Queen Wave
I am guessing she?s afraid that her dress might fly up. Also, if she?s got a blow-out, maybe they want second-day hair for an updo.
No, she holding her arm that way so the photographers can get a shot of her ring. I think that?s fine for the first few weeks, but that little habit of hers is starting to grate a bit. Still, bitch got the ring. I guess that?s what she?s saying to the world: ?HAHAHA, I gots it!?
@Kate: I read somewhere that body-language experts think she?s still not comfortable with the spotlight because of the way she holds herself ? clutching purses in front of her, holding her hands in front of various body parts, etc. They said that could be her way of shielding herself in light of all the newfound attention. So that could be it, but yeah, I thought the stomach-holding was weird too! Unless it?s pre-wedding jitters and she feels pukey.
True about the whole nervousness and ring photo ops. But personally if I wanted people to take pics of my ring, I wouldn?t be holding my hand down near my coochie! Wave with your ring hand, dear!
Hope she?s given the nod to Chelsey to:
1. not smoke in church during the ceremony
2. wear a bra and cover the puppies up
3. not get caught giving Harry a beej in the men?s room at Buck Palace -
Woo hoo it?s finally upon us! I?ve got my snacks and drinks ready & I?m going to try and have a nap after Bones tonight. It all starts at midnight for me so a 4 hour nap should be good!
I don?t think she?s pregnant. I was a nervous wreck before I got married about getting pregnant prior to the wedding. There was no way on Earth I was going to walk down the aisle pregnant. Not that it?s wrong to be pregnant on your wedding day but it was something that I didn?t want. I stopped having sex for a like a month before because I really didn?t want to risk it. I have a feeling, as the future Queen, she?d feel the same way.
She?s probably really excited and anxious. Her stomach has to be all over the place knowing that 1) she?s getting married tomorrow & 2) 2 billion people are going to be watching.
god, pippa is not cute.
and i didn?t know fake bake tanning was popular among the english? they?re looking very orange jersey shore.
oh and what time does this thing start?
Oh no - I hate the blown out hair - Kate go back to the real you! Please. There I feel better now.
Loved your Pippa comments! Made me laugh out loud.
I truly hope Kate and William are happy together and have a wonderful marriage and beautiful, smiling, intelligent babies!
I am sure Diana-in-the-Sky is smiling for William and Kate!
Is it over yet? She, along with her mother and sister, does look pretty smug. I did it! Good luck to her, she?s going to need it.
It should be an exciting day! Since Leann thinks she?s ?America?s Sweetheart? is her statement ?I was definitely a little bit of a sexier bride, but it was still beautiful and sweet,? for Kate and Brandi? Talk about delusional.
I?m with Franny. Cant wait!!!!!
can you remind me of what the deal is with the title? is it that she wants to be princess and she might not be?
OMG i cannot. wait. for the wedding !
I?m so happy for her!
I?m getting tired of being bombarded everywhere by the wedding..Too much of anything is not a good thing!
I have to say, she has been looking prettier that last few weeks. Not sure what it is. The big smile and glowing skin maybe?
Can you tell me why with all the attention and stess and Murphy?s law she hasn?t gotten a big zit on the end of her nose or in the middle of her forehead or something? Because that would totally happen to me.
Haha, it?s like a rule in England (and here in Ireland) that people do the fake-bake thing for weddings. FB photo albums of friends I grew up with are amazing testaments to the power of fake-bake and bleach. All the weddings are interchangeable but for the colour of the bridesmaids? dresses! Would have hoped from a little more from the Middletons but I guess that?s their ?nouveau riche? showing through
@Islandgirl My brother-in-law is Irish. When his family came over for his wedding to my sister, they were all tanned. My sister and I couldn?t stop laughing. Glad to know it wasn?t just them.
It?s amazing - and as the Middletons demonstrate, not just restricted to chav/Jersey Shore type people. Even more fabulous when it?s streaky self-tanner instead of salon fake-bake :p
What Islandgirl says about Ireland is worryingly true, but it isn?t just for weddings. Girls fake tan here all the time. It?s actually got to the point where I don?t even notice it unless it?s Snooki orange.
@gobo totally agree! think the difference is that for weddings, *everyone* does it (even well-educated, otherwise tasteful persons like my sister who is an MD!)
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