Sunday, May 29, 2011

Linnocent?s crack lips star in an art film: a brilliant, postmodern masterpiece?

Linnocent?s crack lips star in an art film: a brilliant, postmodern masterpiece?


This video might be my new favorite Linnocent thing, replacing those ?SCREEEEEE!? Kraken photos from the other day. I remember hearing something about this a week ago - Linnocent ?acted? in a short ?art film? for artist Richard Phillips. Because at this point, Linnocent just says ?yes? to every offer she gets. Hey, Linnocent, do you want to do some blow? YES. Linnocent, will you appear in this cheesy art film? YES. Linnocent, will you accept responsibility for being a crackheaded trainwreck? NOOOOO!!

Anyway, this is called a ?psychological portrait,? inspired - I kid you not - by Jean-Luc Godard?s ?Contempt? and Ingmar Bergman?s ?Persona.? The artist, Richard Phillips, said in a statement, ?Lindsay has an incredible emotional and physical presence on screen that holds an existential vulnerability, while harnessing the power of the transcendental ? the moment in transition?She is able to connect with us past all of our memory and projection, expressing our own inner eminence.? Translation: that beej was AMAZING.

Ew. Look at her crack lips. ZOMG, CLOSE YOUR MOUTH.

By the way, I think the photos I selected are WAY more artistic.

Thanks to Yeeeah for the lead!




Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame.

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Lindsay Lohan

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48 Responses to ?Linnocent?s crack lips star in an art film: a brilliant, postmodern masterpiece??

  1. Uhhhhhh, what the hell was that besides totally hilarious?

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  2. She?s my age and our b-days are only six days apart but my God she looks so much older. Crack is wack

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  3. this has GOT to be my favorite LL post

    Kaiser - those pics!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!

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  4. crack lips, crack mug, crack hair, crack life?.. just aa big disgusting blob of CRACK!

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  5. It?s an interesting concept if you look at it as a new kind of portraiture. Instead of a still photo, you see the subject in motion - her mannerisms, the way she walks and breathes. That?s a pretty cool idea.

    That said, why the FUCK would anyone choose LL? I never trust LA based artists. They?re usually just as concerned with celebrity as the rest of everyone around them. And to me, that?s not art.

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  6. Wow?that video blew me away?NOT!!! WTF?! Yeah, that took real talent.

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  7. Crackadelic (2011 edition of psychadelic).

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  8. That director had a tough job:

    Okay, Linds?stare at the camera! Now, turn your head. NO, SLOWLY. Atta girl. Now. Stand still. Very good. Blink. BLINK! With your EYES! Yes, that?s right. Swim in the water. Yes, the water. Don?t forget to hold your breath! Now blink again. Great job!!!

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  9. Will she ever dye her hair back down to auburn?

    Because that tragic blonde mess is horrific. Even with good lighting. It looks like a reject wig of Rupaul?s, from the early 1990?s.

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  10. I hear SCREEEEEE in my head every damn time I see the kraken/ocean photos, and I snort with laughter without fail.

    Thanks again for the mental image, its priceless

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  11. What?s the point of this video? Advertise for the product called : Lindsay Lohan? This product is already expired?

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  12. @Melinda:
    ?Uhhhhhh, what the hell was that besides totally hilarious??

    agree completely, loved it, especially considering how much depth he tried to give her in the write up, this must be a joke of some kind??

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  13. Oh, dude got more than a BJ to write up that promo piece. Can you say backdoor? She probably washed his car for him, too.

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  14. When her silhouette reached up to touch her giant face on screen, it?s sort of like in The Ring when Naomi Watts plucked that fly off that video monitor.

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  15. pathetic ???cracklife!

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  16. If that is art then I am anti art.

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  17. Oh. My. God. It?s as if there?s nothing, absolutely NOTHING inside her head. That vacant stare in her eyes?
    You know, part of the greatness of actors and actresses is that they can achieve some sort of abstraction and be sort of empty-headed when acting at some times, therefore being far less self conscious than us normal blokes. Lindsay, however? she?s just not there. Ever. She?s away, who knows where. Sigh.

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  18. I love your collection of Lindsay the Cracken candid moments in time, much more artistically realistic than this video.

    House Arrest seems so terrible, how dare the California legal system!

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  19. That looked more like an ad for Linnocent than an ?art piece?.

    Like, ?Ooooh, I?m so in touch with my inner self, it?s just so amazing. And here?s an art video to show just how amazing I am. And you should think I?m amazing, too.? All in a breathy voice.

    Gonna hurl.

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  20. I never noticed how lop-sided her face is before.

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  21. You would have had me as a fan if it was ABSTRACT.

    Very egotistical

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  22. Uh? the hell?? I can?t believe I just wasted time watching that. *facepalm*

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  23. I didn?t experience an ?emotional and physical presence? of any kind or any sort of vulnerability at all. This comes across to me as boring, plain, uninvolved, and dull. There?s no spirit to it, no body, no real movement as to where the piece is going to or even coming from and definitely no transcendence. Nothing to draw in the viewer.

    I honestly thought it was an ad for a perfume?

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  24. Cracked lips, meth teeth, horendous. If you look at photos of her smiling at 18, 19 the difference is astounding. The meth had not caught up yet. Gross, just gross.

    On a serious note, I have a question for anyone in the insurance business. TMZ posted a story how her ?insurance company? settled her lawsuit with Tracie Rice who Blohan ?terrorized? on her high speed pursuit. WHY would the insurance company pay? It baffles my mind. Side note the lawsuit with the three boys/men whose car she commandeered it still on.

    And on an even funnier note, TMZ had 2 hilarous stories about Blohan threatened ?legal action? to a blog saying shes ?drinking?. I laughed a little out loud. We?ve heard these threats before and nothing ever comes of them because ?SHE WAS DRINKING?. Twit. The second story was even better saying during house arrest she will be painting, reading, and here?s the funny part, ?going through a stack of scripts?. Can you believe this idiot thinks that stack is scripts, its offers for no name publications to take off her clothes like that Miami mag. And probably porn. This twit is so delusional she thinks she has the career of an Angelina Jolie type. You know Angelina has ?people? like managers, agents that do that for her. Shes not on house arrest going through ?scripts? Thats too rich!

    Waving at @ brin

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  25. I don?t know who this Richard Phillips is, and I?m not going to find out with a quick search on the web, but I find really pathetic the way some exploit someone else?s fame to trying to become relevant.
    The video is good, though.

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  26. Wow. Godard and Bergman? The guy wouldn?t even know how to spell those names, let alone do anything inspired by their works. Unbelievable. The only thing he and Lindsay are talented at is putting a BS pseudo-intellectual spin on a craptastic ?product? which they hope will result in lots of dollars. Those pool scenes were stolen pretty much directly from Lindsay?s Machete pool scenes, which this ?artist? no doubt jerked off to more than once.
    And ?Translation: that beej was AMAZING? is officially my favourite quote of the month. I?ve never seen anything put in such a wonderfully succinct and true way. LOVED IT! :)

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  27. What in the sweet-chocolatey Christ was that? All I thought was B*TCH CLOSE YOUR MOUTH. Fack.

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  28. Lately she keeps reminding me of a 60s tragic movie star, like Edie Sedgwick or something.
    Still I find the shots of her in the water compelling and beautiful, so well done I guess??.

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  29. Now? I know people shit on art when they don?t get it, and at the risk of doing exactly that:

    If this is what passes for art, I can do it. I don?t even mean in the way I could put up a black square in a modern gallery. I mean I LITERALLY could come up with a better concept for a 90 second film, shoot it better AND not be stupid enough to hire Lindsanity Blowhan. Yah. I?m that good.

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  30. I thought it was a commercial for porn. Like what you see late night on cinemax.

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  31. Hi Madisyn! *waving back*

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  32. Looks like a trailer for a LL movie about how much she loves herself.

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  33. ?Uh? the hell?? I can?t believe I just wasted time watching that. *facepalm*?
    No shit.

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  34. It looks like a faux SNL commercial. I don?t think she?s even capable of closing her mouth, her lips are far too messed up. I?d feel sorry for her but she?s far too unlikeable.

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  35. @Madyson - Her insurance company is probably a High Value Group or Private Client carrier.(They insure celebrities and wealthy folk.) They are much more generous with coverage than a regular carrier. MUCH. Sort of a different ballgame.

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  36. The guy must be intent on career suicide. Surely he knows that she is a hollywood joke.

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  37. I bet Orange Oprah had a hand in writing up that mound of schlocky sh!t. Of course, she?d need a ghostwriter, ?cause we already know her typical schpiel by heart.

    And at 90 seconds (which is what I read, I really don?t want to see that) it most certainly is a commercial for Linnocent ?Snortcake? Blohan.

    *waves to brin & Madisyn*

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  38. OMGWTF? Seriously, I have no idea what that was. Better ways to get a beej than stage a fake art film and have La Crackula ?star?.

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  39. She looks so old and fake and leathery.
    Not pretty.

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  40. There is nothing in that movie- no emotion, no happening, no nothing- just these slow awkward fish faces and LL unable to move smoothly. Its not that anyone else could have done it better its just there was nothing happening to do.

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  41. the kids in the hall (remember them?) had a fake commercial for a perfume that looked so much like this. the tagline was ?aaahhhh?the smell of her.?


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  42. Waving at bellaluna, THERE you are. I just saw your comments on the Diaz/Rodriguez story and I thought, where in the world is bellaluna on this piece of crap Blohan. Now I know.

    @ Rula Lenks, thank you, but I?m still finding it VERY difficult to believe an insurance carrier would pay out no matter what if they were not liable. Cause you know the payout was probably substantial. Just sayin. . .

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  43. This video just made me want to punch her in her fake, fat lips.

    CLOSE?YOUR?MOUTH. Jesus. She looks dirty.

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  44. @ original kate

    ?aaahhh. . .the smell of her.

    We all know that smell is not having bathed in a week, stale cigarettes and crack smoke. Not a good combo.

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  46. ?We all know that smell is not having bathed in a week, stale cigarettes and crack smoke.?

    @ madisyn: don?t forget the dried man-stains. yeah? i went there.

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  47. When did the inmates from ?One Flew Over The Cuckoo?s Nest? get a student film grant?

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