Monday, May 23, 2011

Sister Wives: Kody tells his kids they?re moving in 3 days and can?t tell anyone

Sister Wives: Kody tells his kids they?re moving in 3 days and can?t tell anyone


Last night was the second to last episode of Sister Wives this season. (It was technically the finale, but there?s a ?bonus? episode coming up in two weeks.) Patriarch Kody Brown had to break the news to his hoard of very sweet innocent kids that their family was moving to Las Vegas - in three days! They told the oldest five kids a couple of weeks ahead of time, but made the very stupid decision not to tell the rest of their kids (the other 11, there are 16 in total), they were moving until the very last minute. The deadline was due to the timing of when their school semester ended and when the new one started in Nevada. The reason they were moving so suddently is because they were facing an investigation by local authorities for felony bigamy. Kody told his kids that their family might get split up if they didn?t leave Utah immediately. That investigation has not gone anywhere and Kody has not been charged with anything. Cohabitation with multiple partners in Nevada is not a crime.

So Kody made the decision to break the news to all the younger kids at once and most of them started bawling when they realized that they were leaving all their friends and their school behind. Then Kody is all ?here?s the hard part, you can?t tell anyone else.? Are you kidding me? The kids can?t tell their best friends or their teachers that they?re going to leave forever in three days? That bothered me so much. What?s more is it was Kody?s stupid idea. I guess he thought that the kids might jeopardize the pending investigation and that the authorities would get tipped off that his family was skipping town. All he was doing was making an incredibly difficult situation even worse for his children and denying them the chance to say goodbye to their friends.


When the older kids asked Kody what would happen with Mariah, his 14 year-old daughter with Meri who refused to leave the Mormon private school and found public school in Utah too difficult to handle, he was not sympathetic. Kody got stubborn and rude and made a lot of proclamations about how God gave him the power to make this decision.

?I need you to remember a very important mantra. ?Where we go one, we go all.? When you guys are 18 and graduated you can make your own choices, but in this case we go as a family.?

Mariah had a whole list of reasons she should stay, most importantly that she should finish out her school year, but Kody shot them all down, narrating later while he was smiling that these things were ?valid to a teenager? and ?I have to say, the one thing which is the main thing is that we keep the family together, and that had to trump all of it.?

Kody said ?I feel like God has given me a responsibility to keep you under my house, so I feel like you should be with us in our home at least til you?re 18 and graduated if not beyond that ?til you?re married. That?s my belief and because it?s my responsibility to answer to God for it, I feel like that I should have you come with me. My job as given by God when you were born was to take care of you in my realm and have you in my home until you?re married.?

Then Kody narrated later that it was ?very easy to be empathetic to her because I got it? and that it was easy to say ?sweetheart come along, please, please come with us.? Excuse me, he got it? He told her it was his way or the highway and that he had divine power. He didn?t say please one time that I heard.

So GOD told Kody to jerk his kids around, bring them to Vegas with three days notice and not even let them say goodbye to their friends. He gets to have four wives and move his family around wherever he wants because God gave him the authori-tay.

I get that Kody and the wives felt pressured to get out of town before the investigation, and that they were under a lot of stress. I think they acted out of fear, though, and that they should have stayed and waited to see how things turned out rather than running out of town. I doubt that their family would have been broken up and I doubt that Kody would have been successfully prosecuted.

Here?s a video that was not shown on last night?s show where they admit that the police said that the children would not be questioned and that the investigation was complete. I just don?t get why they moved so suddenly except to appease Kody.


Written by Celebitchy


Posted in Christine Brown, Janelle Brown, Kody Brown, Meri Brown, Reality Shows, Robyn Brown, Sister Wives

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22 Responses to ?Sister Wives: Kody tells his kids they?re moving in 3 days and can?t tell anyone?

  1. As I have said before, this type of life (polygamy) is NOT for me in any way shape or form, but, I don?t look down on people who do live that lifestyle as long as they aren?t being forced to and that ALL parties involved are happy, healthy, and not abused.

    That said, I -really- hate Kody. Especially with these comments he is making and that he would not even take the time to listen to why his daughter did not want to go.

    And I am completely confused as to why he wants to pick up and move like that when history shows that polygamists are not often prosecuted unless the children are being harmed. What has he to hide?

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  2. I think this asshat needs to crawl back ?under his house? and stay there. Those poor kids. Words cannot express how ickified he is.

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  3. They had to move in three days because it makes the show better.. that?s why

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  4. If God told him to do all that stuff, how come s/he didn?t tell him to cut his effing hair, sell his 2 seater, and quit exploiting his family for profit?

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  5. He?s a total douchebag and making the kids move without saying goodbye to their friends and giving them no notice of the move is horrible, especially in light of the fact that the investigation seems more like a non-investigation that is going nowhere.

    However, if we had to move or decided a move was best for our family, there?s no way in hell I?d leave a 14 year old behind. It sucks, but happens to a lot of kids and isn?t the end of the world. Of course, they?d have lots of time to get used to the idea and say goodbye to ALL their friends.

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  6. I think I should read Celebitchy policy on this but I won?t, so I?ll just F-bomb away: F*ck you, Kody, you f*cking f*ck. You don?t put your kids through that, you DON?T.

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  7. This ?man? is just gross. I?ve ne?er seen the show (and admittedly all I know is what I?ve read here), but I cannot understand what these ?sister wives? see in this guy. He?s ordinary looking and not that great of a provider and he seems like he?s just a bully trying to over-compensate for his short-comings (insert joke here!). It doesn?t sound like the women have a say in anything (although they DO go along with his shit).
    I know a triad (FMF) that is the most well-adjusted and loving family I?ve e?er met, but to show them wouldn?t be nearly as ?sensational? as showing these inbreds.
    I really hope the ladies are better to these poor children than this man. At least their friends in Utah probably knew their ?situation? and could support them; I really hope they (the kids) all do OK in Vegas?

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  8. We need a law in this country FORBIDING any child under the age of 18 to appear in a reality show - it really messes kids up and is a form of child abuse

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  9. Add this douche and his goofy wife harem to my list of people I want to go away forever so I never have to see or hear from them again.

    So here?s an updated list:

    Lindsay Lohan
    all the Kardashians (except maybe Khloe)
    Charlie Sheen
    Lady Gaga
    these f*cking tools

    I mean, really. This guy needs to disappear for his corny name-spelled-with-a-K alone.

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  10. I can?t stomach this show & I don?t even watch it. My mom watched one episode & it pissed her off so much she cursed. She hates cursing. She told me about the episode and it made me mad. Anyway I think they are hiding something deeper. It doesn?t make sense to just up and move your entire family, on such short notice. The poor kids. He gives me the creeps & I DETEST when ppl do stupid shit and say God told them to, no you?re just a selfish asshole.

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  11. Well of course Kody was amused that Mariah wanted to finish the school year - the poor kid doesn?t know that being well educated is about the last thing he?d want in a female!

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  12. these people really epitomize all that is bad in reality television

    like that kate gooseling, meh

    the world is better off not knowing them!

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  13. Haha he has a lady bob.

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  14. he makes me sick. and after the way these women let him treat their children?.they make me sick also.
    poor children.
    god has nothing to do with a douchebag with too many issues to count.

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  15. Oh, so ?God? is now a bunch of guys in suits making decisions in a boardroom to raise show ratings. Got it.

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  16. Gah, Kody?whhhhyyyyyyy??! Why does he have to be on the show?

    And cosign on children under 18 not being in reality shows. I feel that the children should be protected.

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  17. If there were a god, I?m pretty sure s/he had better things to do than to give this guy anything, much less the authority to ruin his kids? lives.

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  19. I was deeply disturbed watching the family panic and move so quickly. Those poor kids. I can?t imagine having to pack my life up in a few hours to relocate because my mom?s crazy husband said it was a sign from God.

    Also, his hair needs to GO.

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  20. Kody is such an effing selfish and ignorant a$$ it is almost beyond comprehension, that he hides behind *religion* makes it worse. IMO, his wives are with him because they have just as low self-esteem as he does and that is why they allow their children to be brought up in this mess. When I watched the show last night I cursed at the TV too, they got THREE flat tires and had only gone about 200 miles - Kody whined about how hard it was to find the right size tires for his luxury lexus and wondered about a sign from GOD - which he quickly dismissed, perhaps because they didn?t have FOUR flats, or THREE is beyond his grasp of reality, or the fact that a lexus is NOT God?s 21st century version of a covered-wagon is lost on him!

    Even one of the teenage boys got it and pointed out the absurdity of the whole situation in a way that was far more perceptive and grown-up than any of the adults. I feel sorry for ALL of their children and think they should have the option of living in another situation (ie, non-polyg and less emotional abuse and neglect) since the children seem to have a better idea of what is really going on than the adults, and obviously the children?s needs are way down the line in priority compared to Kody?s ego/schlong, ie, the only thing making decisions for everyone involved.

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  21. I watched a few episodes of this show with my mom and we both felt his wives were completely whipped. He?s a big douche and I cannot see how intelligent, secure women would want his ass.

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