Sunday, May 22, 2011

?The first photo of Tom Hardy as Bane is anticlimactic? links

?The first photo of Tom Hardy as Bane is anticlimactic? links

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Links

- What a nasty creeper Woody Allen is, read this interview [Popeater]
- Woody Allen with his daughter. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
- Rosario Dawson and her boyfriend broke up [Celebrity Cafe]
- Pete Doherty jailed for six months [D-Listed]
- Jennifer Lawrence on Letterman [Lainey Gossip]
- Is Johnny Depp's partner telling him to ditch the hats? [Agent Bedhead]
- Hilary Swank in a tablecloth [Go Fug Yourself]
- Two people check out Miranda Kerr [Popsugar]

29 Responses to ??The first photo of Tom Hardy as Bane is anticlimactic? links?

  1. on Bane/Hardy,i have a movie bad-ass orgasm (especially when i don?t see his tatoos)

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  2. Ok, I assume there?s no Hot Guy Friday today. Bummer?

    Sorry, first picture is barf inducing. I can?t see this guy?s appeal anyway. Lips are too full for such a small mouth.

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  3. Where is his neck ? yuck

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  4. holy f-ck I?m in love with Tom Hardy

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  5. i like it. its not suppose to be hot.

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  6. @kim: if I thought I wouldn?t get yelled at, I?d jokingly suggest that it disappeared due to me licking it on my monitor.

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  7. Kaiser, I guess my stomach must be more delicate than yours b/c that video made me want to hurl. The both of them need to be reprimanded. He for trying to legally kill her (that?s gotta be more expensive than a hitman) and she for being an eejit who is allowing him to encourage her health-endangering behaviors and believing its ?LOVE?! Aside from feeling nauseous I kept wondering what she did to make him hate her so.

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  8. *First picture ? the one with the open shirt.

    And I could say the ?does nothing for me? but that wouldn?t be true: he does a lot for me?a lot of dry heaving.

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  9. Tom Hardy does nothing for me.

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  10. Sorry to break the chain, but that Christy Turlington pic?.LMAO!!

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  11. He kind of looks like that Stephen Baldwin wackadoo who is probably busy preparing for Judgement Day, if he isn?t too busy praying to God for money to pay for his mortage.

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  12. He?s very unattractive to me?

    My 2 gay friends think he is really sexy, though. And Daniel Craig? and we all know how I feel about him? lol

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  13. has a serious case of ?gay face?

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  14. Well hes HOT but i guess none of you seen the movie clip on perez hilton? Hes naked walking around and he has such a tiny P@nis!! Shame really???. :(

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  15. I really hate that first pic too. Most unflattering. Take it out of circulation Kaiser! How about reminding us of his hotness by reposting those black and white shower shots. Dayum.

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  16. Umm?I would be on that like a cheap suit.

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  17. He drips sex and I love the mask. The things I would do to him?

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  18. He has a very unattractive chest and belly area. I?ve seen other pictures of it and his belly button is exceedingly weird and microscopic, like he got a tummy tuck. And he has a like, muscular pooch. Instead of his tummy being flat, his musculature makes it stick out like a pot belly.

    Handsome face though.

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  19. He?s got what at times is a completely pretty boy face, only you also get the impression that he?d probably do nasty dirty things to you and you?d like it. May be why the gay friends of one poster love the guy.

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  20. I just want to say that Kate Beckinsale looks absolutely pregnant!

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  21. He does nothing for me.. oh wait yes he does, he pings my gaydar

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  22. wanna be make my body like him,actually i like this photo,very gentle.

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  23. Do some men shave a bit of their eyebrows to look like that (left one in photo)?:)

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  24. As soon as I see Tom, my hips start moving back and forward, just like riding a saddle. I cant help it!

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  25. I dont know what it is about him but I think he is hot and I dont normally like that type at all.

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  26. Yep?no doubt about it! Kate Beckinsale is knocked up.

    Have no idea what turns you girls on regarding Tom Hardy, but go for it!!!

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