Thursday, June 30, 2011

Diane Kruger in a Vionnet ink-stained doily: cute or fug?

Diane Kruger in a Vionnet ink-stained doily: cute or fug?


We should celebrate Diane Kruger today. I think this is longest she?s ever gone without exposing her biscuits on a red carpet. I feel like it?s been months and months since I?ve looked at photos of Kruger in some minidress where her German biscuits are being ?aired out? - congrats, Diane! These are photos of Diane and her adorable lover Joshua Jackson at last night?s Paris event for Jaeger-Lecoultre Reverso (which was the same event Clive Owen attended, and where he wrote to us). Diane is the ?face? of the watch, so it?s obvious that she needed to be there. Her dress is Vionnet Fall 2011 - on the runway, the top part was unlined and lace. I might have preferred that runway look to this little-old-lady mess. It looks like an ink-soaked doily.

By the way, I do read the comments (most of the time), so I know that there?s a growing movement to re-introduce hosiery to red carpet situations. I agree that not everyone should wander around, bare legged, at all times. But I associate the need for hosiery with weather - when it?s cold, I expect to see ladies wearing tights or panty hose, but in the summer, I?m fine with everyone being bare-legged. Can we agree - pro and anti-hosiery people alike - that Diane Kruger is doing hosiery the wrong way? Black hose with this little old lady dress simply increases the ?dowdy? factor, plus it?s almost July. Her German biscuits might be sweaty. And no matter who you are or what season it is, I always consider it a fashion catastrophe to wear hose with open-toed shoes or sandals. That?s just wrong.


Joshua looks really nice, though. He seems kind of ?over? escorting his lady everywhere, but he still shows up for her, which is nice.




Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame.

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Diane Kruger, Fashion, Joshua Jackson

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25 Responses to ?Diane Kruger in a Vionnet ink-stained doily: cute or fug??

  1. its meh, I bet the dress moves well. she is really growing on me.
    I am pro-hosiery any season is fine just know how to wear them! the only thing wrong is she wore them with open toe shoes.

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  2. She?s beautiful but the dress is mundane. I wish someone would buy Joshua a pair of nice shoes.

    But, they seem very happy together.

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  3. That dress might have been ok if it was knee length or full length. Don?t love the hose but with the length of the dress, I don?t know if bare legs would look good either.

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  4. I think if the bottom was lined and there was no ruffly crap at the end it would be cute. The color is nice. Bleh bad shoe choice.

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  5. Josh, honey, can you move that wine glass? just a smidge to your left? you?re blocking your? yeah, that?s good. Tx.

    No hose w/open toes.

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  6. Who is she and what?s her appeal again?

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  7. I would prefer that dress to be knee length and with something underneath - I am so over all this skin being shown and I am a big believer in hosiery unless you are on a beach! She is such a pretty girl and her hair is lovely when down and brushed and shiny as it is here.

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  8. I like the top half, but not the bottom half.

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  9. i also like the top half and not the bottom half; the bottom half confuses me.

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  10. I love, love, love Diane and always thought she could do no wrong until this hose-with-open-toes debacle. What the HELL?

    I will let it pass?this time. Because I love her so.

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  11. I have to say, it is retro, beautiful, classy and I love it- including the stockings!

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  12. I like the dress and if it?s cold then I really don?t mind the hose. It?s weird that they kind of look knee-length, no?

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  13. If she was going for the complete granny-doily look, she should have opted for the reinforced-toe L?Eggs rather than sandal-foot.

    Open-toe, no hose. Closed-toe, hose. I don?t even like hose with peep-toe shoes. Sling-backs and closed-toe? I say no hose. If it?s warm enough to have any part of your foot exposed, NO HOSE!

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  14. Fug. Fug. A million times Fug!

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  15. Does anyone else notice the wedding-like ring on Josh?s left hand in the first picture?

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  16. I don?t hate the dress but don?t really like it, not on her?she has a really nice slender frame but can?t seem to get it right. It is honestly not bad but if that man was next to me I would go for a simple sexy but not to revealing glam.

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  17. they look good. the dress is nice.

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  18. @Laura: ?Who is she and what?s her appeal again??

    Laura, she?s an actress from Germany. Recently in Inglorious Basterds as Bridget von Hammersmark. Also in Troy.
    If you check her IMDB you?ll see she was a ballet dancer and a fashion model as well.

    Oh, and she is the hot girlfriend of Joshua Jackson.

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  19. She?s beautiful and that dress looks beautiful on her. Her hair and makeup are great here. It?s not the best outfit she?s ever worn, but the colour looks great on her and the top half of the dress is very nice. Feel ambivalent about the bottom half, like some of the other commenters. However, it?s difficult for her to look bad in anything.

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  20. He?s darn so cute,I think she could wear a burlap bag,and still look good standing next to him!

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  21. I could not agree with you more about opened toed shoes and hoisery.

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  22. Gads, only yesterday I forced myself to put down a dress because I am forever cursed with Ethan Hawke?s put down to Winona in Reality Bites running through my head when I see anything lacy/doily that I like, which is often, I dress like a Grandma. If only Pacey had the brass balls to stop Diane on her way out the door in a metallic blue doily that only Betty Draper could pull off if it were tea length. The tights and sandals are yeurch.

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  23. I think I would like the dress more if the bottom part were lined and the top were less baggy, but there?s no forgiving hose with open-toed heels!

    @cl90 - he?s totally wearing a wedding ring! But she?s not. Is he filming anything right now? Maybe it?s for a part and he just forgot to take it off?

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  24. I would never wear hose with open sandals. That is a fashion killer and absolutely unattractive. I would not go out even if my friend wore it while being with me. Diane is one of my favorite models but this is such a big No!!

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