Monday, June 27, 2011

Rachel Weisz & Daniel Craig were ?secretly? married in New York

Rachel Weisz & Daniel Craig were ?secretly? married in New York


My GOD. Rachel Weisz married her jumpoff! And what a lovely jumpoff he is. According to Rachel?s rep, Rachel and Daniel Craig GOT MARRIED on Friday in upstate New York. Um? they?re both British? Why not get married in England? Maybe they were celebrating New York state?s gay marriage vote, especially considering Daniel Craig likes to roughly French kiss dudes outside of gay bars?!? This makes no sense, on any level other than: HOT. Rachel and Daniel are in a mutual dong-and-biscuit-lust/haze. They split from their partners last year - for Daniel, he split with long-term girlfriend Satsuki, for Rachel, she split from her baby-daddy Darren Aronofsky - so maybe they just had a ?BAM!? moment of ?This is right, we must do this, and it must be hot.? Or, you know, Rachel could be knocked up.

Release the doves! Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig got married Friday in upstate New York, Weisz?s rep confirms to Us Weekly.. Craig, 43, and Weisz, 41, costar in the upcoming horror film Dream House, which will hit theaters in September 2011.

Weisz split with beau Darren Aronofsky, a producer, in November 2010. The two have a son together, Henry Chance (5). In December 2010, only a month after ending her nine-year relationship with Aronofsky, Weisz and Craig were spotted packing on the PDA in the Englsh countryside town of Somerset.

The James Bond actor was married to actress Fiona Loudon from 1992 to 1994. The two have one daughter together, Ella (19).

After only a few months of dating, the sexy British couple was spotted ?making out? at an anniversary party for NYC club, The Box, in February. ?They were adorable,? an observer told Us, adding that the lovers left their table and ?started dancing? and they were kissing!?

[From Us Weekly]

So? Rachel could never be bothered to marry Darren, Daniel could never be bothered to marry Satsuki, and now suddenly they?re both ?Let?s Get Married!? people? I?m not a marriage person either, but I am a person who appreciates consistency. Still, I?m not going to yell about it. Mostly because I?m really turned on at the thought of Daniel and Rachel consummating their marital love. As far as joint hotness goes, in my mind, they?re right up there with Brangelina and Paul Bettany/Jennifer Connelly.

Congrats to the happy couple (and what I?m sure is a baby on the way)!

Note: People Magazine and The Mail are claiming that Rachel and Daniel got married on Wednesday, not Friday. I don?t know which is right.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, Weddings

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20 Responses to ?Rachel Weisz & Daniel Craig were ?secretly? married in New York?

  1. How very interesting! Knew they were together, but did not see this coming. They pulled a fast one; good for them. Congrats, but how long will it last?

    Agree, Kiko, is she pregnant?

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    (dont c it lastin?.but who knows.)

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  3. What a hot married couple!!! I love that they pulled this off! Two big celebs got married and no one knew?.Congrats!!!! Hope she is preggers cause that would be a beautiful baby!

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  4. This is one beautiful woman. Congrats to them !

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  5. I actually really like this couple?. Best wishes to them

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  6. i know this sounds horribly cheesy and corny but my parents started dating and after just 6 months were married, a few months later got preggers with me and now 31 years later they STILL act like kids on their honeymoon? so as cynical as i am personally, i do have to acknowledge that this kind of whirlwind romance CAN exist? its rare but i grew up in it! haha? anyway, i agree that the thought of them is HOT? :)

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  7. she didn?t get married the first time she got knocked up and had the baby anyway, so?.

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  8. Ewwwwww.
    Why would she have to be pregnant to marry? It?s not like we live in the 1950s.

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  9. WOW! that?s a shocker! I?m thinking she?s pregnant otherwise I don?t see the reason for a sudden wedding. Darren and Satsuki must be feeling a bit down in the mouth this w/end.. and I don?t blame them! So many years (and a kid on Rachel?s side) together, engagements etc. but no wedding and now this.. Of course the hotness factor is through the roof here so I?m happy to see it :))Congrats!

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  10. He sure can fill out a pair of jeans!

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  11. Well she didn?t feel the need to get married with the first child.

    I?m not on this congrat wave. but I don?t follow them so don?t know much about their past. I?ll read the comments and learn a bit.

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  12. She?s left a bad taste in my mouth ever since the interview where she alluded to the fact that American men are not good enough for her. Wish I knew where that was so I could link to it.

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  13. I find this more shady than anything. Sure, ?when you know you know,? but BOTH of them just got out of super-long-term relationships. Bad idea.

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  14. I think it might be a ?shotgun bun-in-the-oven? type of situation since they both got heckled when news broke that they were together. baby bump incoming!

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  15. They are so hot together. My new favorite couple. It just goes to prove that it?s entirely possible to stay under the radar if you want to.

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  16. If you had one child without marrying, why would it be necessary now? Both in long term relationships, met on set, dumped partners, got together a hot minute later, now married. Interesting time line.

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  17. HOT is right! Wow, this couple is gorgeous. I wish them well!

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  18. I doubt it?s a shotgun sort of situation. I am willing to bet that the other relationships were comfortable, but this one felt ?right? and they just jumped into it. It?s not the first time this sort of sitatuion has happened.

    I am, however, deeply saddened. I thought he was waiting for me :(

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  19. I think this guy looks so OLD and sorry, UGLY. Not sure what people see in him but to each their own. Always thought she was gorgeous.

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