Thursday, August 25, 2011

?Katherine Heigl & Josh manage to go somewhere without her mom? links

?Katherine Heigl & Josh manage to go somewhere without her mom? links

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Links

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- Demi Lovato can really sing [Evil Beet]

22 Responses to ??Katherine Heigl & Josh manage to go somewhere without her mom? links?

  1. I hope she is doing well with her adopted child. I?m more interested in her welfare than Bratty McSmoker.

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  2. I totally don?t get her.

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  3. She?s had that haircut for SO LONG! Why isn?t she letting it grow out?!? At first I thought a hairdresser gave her that cut out of spite, but she just keeps getting it styled/cut that way!

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  4. Also?errrr?am I the only one that thinks three bottles of wine between two people isn?t *that* bad?

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  5. I thought she fried her hair off? Would explain why it?s not growing very fast.

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  6. CMC: I call that ?every evening but Saturday, when it?s 4.?

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  7. I thought that was Josh with HIS mother.
    Poor Josh.

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  8. Eh, they look happy and like they enjoy each other?s company. Don?t get the hate, really. As far as I can tell, she came out in an interview and admitted that she thought a lot of that dumb Knocked Up movie relied on mean, sexist stereotypes for its humor. Which is exactly true. And cue the hate?

    I get that she?s not exactly the easiest person?but then, I loathe all the stupid, sunshine and unicorns and rainbows upbeat faux positive energy junk that so many Hollywood types spew at every interview. She has always seemed a little more real to me.

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  9. @ brin - lol! good one.

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  10. @Lindy- ITA. Josh is a really down to earth, super sweet person. If he?s with her she must have some great qualities as well. Don?t get the hate. Never have.

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  11. Lindy, I agree with you?but that hair is AWFUL!

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  12. Can?t Lady Gaga ever keep her clothes on.

    It seems as though the only way she knows how to be ?artistic? is by being nude, or using ?art? as an excuse for nudity.

    We get the point?nudity can be artistic, but hers is gratuitous, trashy, and cheap. I remember her saying in an interview that she didn?t want to be marketed as a sex object. Well?

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  13. Totally off subject and nothing to do with the links above but what the heck is up with Radar and their MORBID obsession with the death of Russell Armstrong. Seriously i have been observing the feed below for the last few days and every day, every hour they have a new breaking story about what is going on and how Taylor is feeling/doing/reacting ?. it disturbing and very concerning on the same level of their obsessive teen bride/old dude coverage.

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  14. Good god, she looks like a fool! WTF with her shoes? And why does she insist on wearing those awful glasses? He looks clamy.

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  15. A Romancing the Stone remake? They?re really not going to leave any movies alone, are they?

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  16. Ugh. Katherine Heigel has the worst fashion sense. She needs a stylist STAT.

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  17. Okay, as I looked at Amy Grindhouse article about them mocking People magazine for that Kim K. cover? I see this

    And our girl LeAnn is on the cover of OK!. Showing off her bony body. I bet she is in heaven.

    And for a moment? I thought the picture of the other overly skinny b*tch, on the cover, was Brandi! hahaha!

    But it turned out to be b*tchy Gwyneth instead. :)

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  18. This couple looks like they get lots of fug a fug in good for them :)

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  19. I have to share this one?

    Look to #6. If Lohan ever needed proof how bad she has screwed up her face. Let this be the visual wake-up call for her.

    Ohhhh and I was not prepared to see Rod Stewart in his orange and yellow speedo.

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  20. @ Relli:

    Radar is getting on my nerves down there in the corner. I haven?t opened any up, but I can?t help but notice that they are averaging at least 2 stories-a-day!

    It?s annoying?and unnerving.

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