Monday, November 7, 2011

Lindsay Lohan?s Playboy Spread Might Not Be Good Enough For Hugh Hefner

But she?s so.. handsome.

Thanks to being virtually unemployable, Lindsay Lohan agreed to a full-frontal spread in Playboy which has already gone through a reshoot after Hugh Hefner wasn?t pleased with the first batch. And apparently this new batch might not even make the cut, according to RadarOnline:

The 25-year-old troubled starlet had to strip down to nothing for a second time for Hugh Hefner?s iconic men?s magazine when the Playboy execs weren?t happy with her first set of photos, but the second time was a charm.
?The pictures Lindsay took last week are much better than the first set,? a source exclusively told
?The final decision gets made by Hef on which pictures go in the magazine,? the source said. ? ?There is never a guarantee that everyone will like the photos or that they will be of high enough quality to use for the cover.?

So Lindsay finally did enough coke that her tits turned into those sandworms from Beetlejuice, that?s the only explanation here. In the meantime, if Playboy ultimately doesn?t like these photos, they don?t have to pay her the full million, or whatever it was, which means Hugh Hefner basically tricked her into coming in and showing him her vagina ? twice ? because she?s so desperate for money absolutely every other option is on the table. I may talk a lot of shit about the old man, but this is probably the coolest thing he?s done in a while. I?m not even being sarcastic. I wish he was my dad.

Photo: Splash News

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