Friday, July 29, 2011

Christina Aguilera thinks Lady Gaga has copied her & stolen her fanbase

Christina Aguilera thinks Lady Gaga has copied her & stolen her fanbase


Do you remember how Christina Aguilera is a drunken, delusional, lie-filled monster? She is. She also has some kind of sand in her biscuit about Lady Gaga. Over the years, Christina has gone on the record in interviews mocking and belittling Gaga (?I don?t know if it is a man or a woman?) and then turned around and copied Gaga?s current M.O. In Christina?s recent W Magazine, the writer summed it up well:

While Aguilera once owned the little-girl-with-the-big-voice pop-star niche, with Bionic, she willfully entered the land of Lady Gaga. In the press, she pretended not to care or notice. ?Oh, the newcomer?? Aguilera told reporters when asked about Gaga. ?This person was just brought to my attention not too long ago. I?m not quite sure who this person is, to be honest. I don?t know if it is a man or a woman.? Despite her feeble claims to confusion over Gaga?s gender and her uncharitable reluctance to give her credit, the video for ?Not Myself Tonight,? Bionic?s first single, had eerily similar tableaux to Gaga?s smash video ?Bad Romance.? Image for S&M image, they matched up. Old fans of Aguilera?s weren?t intrigued by her revamped identity, and new fans didn?t materialize. As the album sputtered, her 20-city summer tour didn?t sell and was canceled, at a cost of millions. There were rumors that her record company wanted to drop her. Things were not good.

[From W Mag, via previous Celebitchy story]

CB reported that Christina even used her position on The Voice to slam Gaga, allegedly telling contestants that she (Christina) was bigger than Gaga, more influential, etc. So this new story - also from the Enquirer - is nothing new, and I believe it entirely:

Christina Aguilera blames Gaga for stealing both her style and her fans, sources say, and Christina is determined to outshine her. Now that she?s wrapped the first season of The Voice, ?she now plans to write and record two albums? worth of material that she can promote when the show returns in early 2012,? a source divulged. ?She?s determined to make them better than Gaga?s albums.?

?Christina loves being on top, and in her mind, it?s Gaga?s fault that she?s no longer there,? explained an insider. ?She feels that Gaga has stolen her young fan base and has also outdone Christina with her outrageous outfits and stage shows. Christina plans to show Gaga up by creating two new albums that will put her back on top of the charts.?

[From The Enquirer, print edition]

I could see how Christina would fall into that trap. In her defense, she?s probably too drunk to see the trap. The trap is that Christina is trying to out-do the Lady Gaga of today, and by the time Christina?s album comes out next year, Gaga will be doing something else and everyone will listen to Christina?s album and say, ?Hey, that looks and sounds like Gaga? from a year ago.? As for Gaga ?stealing? Christina?s fan base? idiotic. If Christina wasn?t such a liquor-soaked, unoriginal catastrophe, there would be plenty of room for both her and Gaga (who is a coked-up, unoriginal catastrophe). Christina just has a ?thing? about copying whoever is popular at the moment - first it was Britney, and now it?s Gaga. It?s a shame because Christina does have a powerful voice. She just needs some good songwriters, and she needs to stop with the Gaga crap. Most of us don?t even like the Gaga crap anymore, anyway.




Photos courtesy of Fame.

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Christina Aguilera, Lady Gaga

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59 Responses to ?Christina Aguilera thinks Lady Gaga has copied her & stolen her fanbase?

  1. Christina?s problem is her immensely crap-ass attitude. The same way she refers to Gaga as this person is how she actually acts.
    Like I?ve said, we are friends with some of her band-she shows up hours late for rehearsals and sound checks, comes with a posse and calls her new musicians ?that?, as in what is that?
    She?s a bitch, that never helps.

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  2. yeah? bleach blonde and red lips have never been done before christina? ok. christina, heres some money, go get some booze.

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  3. She?s been throwing back too many shots of delusion.

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  4. Yeah, I wish Christina would go back to he Stripped album. I?m not a huge fan of her, but I love that CD. Just because it?s so emotional, and deep, and really does showcase her talent.

    But yeah, she needs to shut up, and do something about it. Even if Gaga did steal those things, she can?t just sit around and whine about it, she needs to come out with something better.

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  5. Wow sad deluded drunk. I feel bad for her son.

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  6. Christina and Lady Gaga are both very talented women. I recently saw Burlesque on Starz and was blown away, it was such a great movie I wish I had seen it in theaters. Anyway, Christina?s problem isn?t Lady Gaga, Christina has the voice to make wonderful music even better with her voice. All Christina needs to do is really believe in what she doing and singing. We have to feel it nowadays, we just can?t hear it. Lady Gaga makes you feel, whether you dislike her or not.

    Anyway I think people should know by now that everything has already been done and no one is original, not even that comment, I have been watching Six Feet Under on HBO Go and thats where I heard it.

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  7. I didn?t realize they were singers. I thought they were fashion icons.

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  8. Doesn?t that video story sound like a total ?set up? of the MEAN girl in a high-school movie. Xtina pretended to not be threatened by the new girl in school ?who is she??? and then the AV club set her up with a copycat concept and she was too up her own ass to see that she was being had! Now for better or worse Gaga is the new Homecoming Queen and Xtina is left stewing in her own juices.

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  9. Jim Morrison said, ?Each generation wants new symbols, new people, new names. They want to divorce themselves from their predecessors.?

    This is what Christina is not getting. She was interesting and relevant once upon a time, and her (most important) time is up. Young people want artists who speak for them and the time that they live in. It?s a generational gap and it happens to everyone. Some people choose to ignore it and then look ridiculous trying to maintain importance in an artificial way. *cough* Christina, Leo, Ryan Phillipe *cough*

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  10. She & Gaga should remake ?Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.?

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  11. well they do have similar wigs

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  12. When she started with all the Gaga bashing I jut thought she was pathetic and needed to pull herself together. I used to love Christina, she has an amazing voice and ?Stripped? was a really good album blah blah. She needs to quit talking about Gaga so that people will stop comparing the two. She has a better voice than Gaga and one of these days people are going to get bored of the constant stream of coked-out sh*t Gaga spews. Christina may be a drunk mess but maybe if she was on top she?d be a little less pretentious than Gaga. Is it wrong that I?d prefer it if we just had a pop star? Without them constantly preaching?

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  13. Lady Gaga didn?t steal Christina fan base..

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  14. All that peroxide has gone to her brain.

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  15. maybe christina is pissed that she is now 3 times the size of lady g?.

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  16. I think Christina is super talented, but she is so insecure it makes her lash out at people. The idea that you could ?steal? someone?s fans is absurd?this isn?t a presidential election where people get one vote. A person can buy both of these ladies albums if they want to.

    One of the first things I liked about Gaga was that when Christina was bashing her, she gave a reply that was very kind and sweet. She never knocks other artists, she supports other females in the industry. More power to that, men have been starting cat fights for too long.

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  17. If Christina wants to be back on top, all she has to do is sing. Her voice is fantastic. Put some class back in her act, wear simple gowns, and just sing. Think about it - Amy Winehouse just stood there and did the songs. Her only excentricities were the hair and eyeliner. She wore relatively simple dresses, did not do dance numbers (correct me if I am wrong on this) and her voice and song styling captivated everyone.

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  18. Both of them are attention whores. Only Christina has a better voice.

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  19. Christina?it?s your own fault. You tried to follow the pack with Bionic and put out pop songs with pointless/dumb lyrics. Then you make that disastrous first video. Your fans know you are better than that. Stripped was an amazing album and BTTB was good too. Go back to doing your own thing because it has worked for you in the past! Oh and get a makeover too.

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  20. She needs another drink.

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  21. One thing clear: Gaga is actually extremely talented - anyone who hasn?t youtubed ?gaga live? or ?acoustic? would be in for a world of surprise. That said, her so-called eccentricities and clothing dramas are exhaustive and tiresome. Christina Aguilera was once a pearl in a world of pop emptiness but now her antics and her ego may be responsible for her undermining. Two different women, though as of late, one of them seems much more gracious.

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  22. If Christina learned to stop bloody over-singing everything and accepted the fact that a little nuance goes a long way (not to mention drying out and being more humble and grateful), she MAY get her career back. I?m not hopeful, though.

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  23. Lady gaga just did what Christina couldn?t: make catchy songs people can dance to and sing a long with. Maybe if Christina would stop oversinging on every song and just make something catchy, she would still have fans. Oh and be likable. She sounds like a big bitch. No one wants a bitch to succeed.

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  24. I don?t think Christina?s market is the same as Gaga?s. I dislike both but I think Gaga is an extremely talented performer? Christina is just a talented singer.

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  25. Christina reminds me of Dolly Parton more by the day.

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  26. Christina needs to bow out gracefully because the more bitterness spews out her mouth the more she sounds like a has been star bitching about the younger generation. Quite frankly I think she?s a conceited, fat cow with a drinking problem who just doesn?t get the fact that her time in the spotlight is OVER

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  27. Funny how they say source not from Christina idiots. People love to make Christina look bad on purpose more and more lately!! People need to get over it that Christina isn?t even thinking of Gaga!! She has her own things going.This is all bullsh$$t that media wants to stratup as Christina is always the one the media always want to look bad no matter what. I like both Christina and Gaga much success to you both ladies keep rockin at what you both are doing!!

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  28. Christina, it?s not about you. It?s about Gaga. She copies many artists from the 80?s and early 90?s. Please, go get some humble lessons and put yourself together. You can do better than comparing yourself to Gaga?

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  29. Dear Christina,
    Please return to Planet Earth.
    Sincerly~ civilization

    Dear Lady Gaga,
    Earth is full! Go Home!
    Sincerly ~ People of Earth

    There! Hope that settles their ?feud?.

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  30. Kaiser, I?m kind of surprised you didn?t cover Lady GaGa?s stint as a judge on SYTYCD last night. When they announced her as a guest judge, I was all, OMG, this is gonna be bad. Everybody step back! But then she actually had good criticisms/commentary for the dancers?

    And then it started. She was making passive agressive comments about the choreographers. And all I could think was oh, no she didn?t! One couple danced to Adele?s Set Fire to the Rain, and she started ragging on the choreographer?s interpretation of the song & how she wouldn?t have interpreted that way, but she guessed the dancers didn?t get to choose the choreographer or their music, so they just had to do their best with what they?re given.

    Whoa. These are AWARD WINNING choreographers! And I have to say, last night?s episode was the best of the season in terms of everyone having really great numbers to dance.

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  32. @madpoe so f-fing funny.

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  33. @jen, Couldn?t agree more. What a hoot! I can see both of them in that beach scene where they?re drawing attention to themselves for their freakish, pathetic appearance and thinking it?s a good thing.

    Too bad Bette Davis isn?t around to sue both of them for stealing her Baby Jane look.

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  34. um, 6 feet under is not the originator of that prhase re: nothing is original anymore; everything has been done-that has been a pseudo philoshical/intellectual discussion piece or off-hand remark commentary for decades now.

    that said, Lady Gaga copies everyone, not just YOU, christina-
    the Gaga is revolting.
    Xtina i dont really think about one way or the other.
    but clearly her PR and career strategies are ?not working? and she should re-evaluate.

    Oh, and a good voice does not make you a better person.

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  35. Totally agree with the poster who talked about her bad attitude. It really puts me off a singer/actor. Say what you want about gaga or britney but but both have good attitudes and they don?t diss other performers.

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  36. I hated her on the voice. When she was coaching the singers, all she would do was sing over them. Very pathetic and rude.

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  37. These two are at each other?s throats because they?re exactly the same. I can?t stand either one of them. The similarities between these two are jarring.

    Neither one of them are original, and I find the years-old pissing contest between the two of them entertaining.


    Aguilera looks like a Boca retiree and Gaga just looks like a coked out stripper trying to be profound and edgy who never closes her mouth, literally and figuratively.

    This drama began a few years ago when Gaga?s ?Pokerface? video was the only music video MTV would play and Christina Aguilera released that one song and attempted to give herself a ?futuristic? makeover.

    The video for Pokerface and that song had nothing in common, except for the hairstyles they were both sporting at the same time. Not sure if Blahblah or Crusty Hagz realizes this, but the long straight blonde hair with blunt bangs look existed before people even knew either one of them existed. Two self-important pukes who need to get over themselves equally.

    Most parts of Christina Aguilera?s video for the song that flopped last year bore a striking resemblance to BlahBlah?s Bad Romance, and she was sinking pretty low for so desperately imitating someone so blatantly unoriginal in the first place.

    Why don?t either one of them realize they?re unoriginal, arrogant drama queens who thrive on attention? Hagz, you?re a mother. GTFU.

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  38. I loved Lady Gaga as a judge last night on SYTYCD.

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  39. Have another cocktail Christina!

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  40. If Xtina wants to win her fan base back, might I recommend being the exact opposite of Lady Gaga, for starters.
    Secondly, I would ditch the heavy makeup and go for a more natural look. That includes dying the hair back to a natural brown color. Show off those Latina roots sister!
    Thirdly, Xtina, ditch the booze! It?s made you into a bitchy, desperate woman. Go do some rehab go on a mea culpa tour and act humble and you?ll be fine.

    Like some others have said, Christina is better than comparing herself to Gaga. She needs to dry out and chillax.

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  41. You have to kind of feel bad for Christina. She?s never really been ?The Popstar?, like Britney or now, Gaga. Every point in her career she is second fiddle to someone else.

    Truthfully, I think she needs to just stop trying to be a popstar and stop trying to compete with the younger popstars out there. She has the voice to do so much more music than a popstar could ever want.

    However, she should also try to get rid of that notorious diva attitude she has, and try to act a bit more humble. No one is going to want to work with her if she treats her workers like they?re nothing.

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  42. And she needs to stop with that thing she does where she goes on and on and on with her voice. We know she has a powerful voice, why does she need to scream and yodel so much? She can never just sing, she always has to do that vocal acrobatics. It?s annoying and ruins her music.

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  43. ?If Christina wasn?t such a liquor-soaked, unoriginal catastrophe, there would be plenty of room for both her and Gaga (who is a coked-up, unoriginal catastrophe).?

    @Kaiser PERFECTLY said! *applauds*

    ?Aguilera looks like a Boca retiree and Gaga just looks like a coked out stripper trying to be profound and edgy who never closes her mouth, literally and figuratively.?

    @Venefica Delirium LMAO! I totally agree!

    ?She & Gaga should remake ?Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.??

    @Jen BEST comment!! :-D

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  44. She is just revolting. She needs to disappear

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  45. Technically, Gaga did copy Xtina TO AN EXTENT. But Madonna, Kelis, Britney, Grace Jones, Kerli and Irish electropop singer/songwriter Roisin Murphy all have MUCH more of a valid case against Gaga than Xtina does.

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  46. I used to love Christina. I used to play Stripped when I was sad, and (this will sound stupid but i don?t give a fuck) her song Beautiful and The Voice Within helped me through a lot of tough times. Now I feel like I don?t even know the woman that helped me get through being bullied at school. Her new album was a disappointment for me, (though a couple of songs were reminiscent of her genuine talent as a singer and songwriter) and I hope to see much more genuine, candid and soulful material from her next one

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  47. Christina Gave her fans away.

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  48. I think that they are both talented. Cristina has the better, bigger voice and she should capitalize on it. I actually like some of Gaga?s music but the whole art as life or life as art or whatever her schtick is is very wearisome.
    BTW, I like Pink better than either of the others.

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  49. The Tiffanys nailed it. Christina needs a big dose of Humility.

    She needs a total overhaul. Sober up, lose weight, strip eeee-eeeverything back, stop wearing makeup, go acoustic and let her voice do its thing, and let Gaga wear the silly costumes. But no, -Tina is way too conceited and shallow and un-savvy to think of anything original, and too in love with herself and insecure to stop with the artificial L.A. bad crispy overprocessed bleached hair, troweled-on makeup, Snookified ?tan?, and tight pricey tacky dresses and shoes she can?t walk drunk in. If she keeps it up she will be nobody in another year or so. She has no choice marketwise but to go in the complete opposite direction with her tunes and with her whole presentation. Because the way she is now is not fresh, likeable or relateable.

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  50. Love Christina?s voice. Tired of looking at her boobs. OMG. We know you have them. Please put them back in!

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  51. I thoroughly dislike both of these ?artists?. I know I?m probably in a very small minority, but I think Christina?s voice is shit. Since when does being able to hit fifteen notes per syllable = amazing singer?.. Maybe since always; but I?ve always been unimpressed with her/beyonce?s murdering of jazz-style singing. And while Gaga?s voice is less annoying to me, still underwhemed with all this supposed talent. They both suck. I needed to get that bitch fit off my chest.

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  52. We just out sourced pop stars. Its not a recession. It happens every 5-10 years.

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  53. Sorry Xtina, but your last couple CD?s kinda sucked. The only reason that Stripped did so well was because of the song writing, which you had help with.

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  54. Old busted news. At the bottom of my birdcage,


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  55. Xtina need to straighten out her legs first before competing Gaga?

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  56. Baby Jane indeed, Deth. Aguilera is a has-been who can only blame her own (word of the day) arrogance for her downfall and Gaga is selfish enough to sacrifice anyone or anything for fame. She?d throw just about anyone under the bus to extend her especially long fifteen minutes.

    Meowmix, you aren?t alone. Her screeching makes me cringe. There?s no emotion, just flaunting her vox acrobatics.

    As for Gaga?s talent, I feel people are obliged to think that there?s some hidden, misunderstood talent underneath the obnoxiousness, but I?m not buying it. I think a lot of people mime this sentiment because it?d be a huge disappointment that her ego and persona doesn?t hide jacksh*t. If she was that talented, why didn?t she make it the first time around when she didn?t present this facade to the public? It seemed to work for Adele.

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  57. VeneficaDelirium- My thoughts exactly! I think that must be why so many people (monsters?) are clinging on to Gaga despite the tiredness of her antics. Back when ?Bad Romance? came out, even I found myself mumbling it in the shower. Lately, I have no idea what any of her new singles even sound like. Progress of a kind.

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