Saturday, July 23, 2011

?Leelee Sobeiski has a surprisingly cute figure? links

?Leelee Sobeiski has a surprisingly cute figure? links

Written by Kaiser


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65 Responses to ??Leelee Sobeiski has a surprisingly cute figure? links?

  1. She?s very pretty! And a very good actress, I must observe. What?s she working on, right now?

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  2. I?m astonished of how can anyone find this beautiful?she?s ultrathin. Horrible legs that may snap at any second.
    She looks like a study body for the anatomy class?OMG

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  3. On what planet is this girl ?too thin?? She?s not carrying excess weight, but she?s hardly stick and bone, she looks terrific.

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  4. Kerr-Bloom sounds like comic book onomatopoeia.

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  5. Whats the obession with women with rather wide hips and flat wide assess. She?s skinny but wide, not proportioned.

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  6. Um . . .maybe if she wasn?t dressed for the gym?

    Has she even worked in years? I mean films or tv not the gym.

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  7. WAY too thin. Unhealthily so. You can tell by her legs.

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  8. A very attractive lady but I think 4 ?e?s are a bit much (five if you count the last name).

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  9. Yeah, she?s thin, but I think she looks healthy/athletic-thin, as opposed to LeAnn Rimes-thin. Whatever.

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  10. I always thought she was cute.

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  11. Eh, she always left me cold. Don?t dislike her or think she?s unattractive?I call it ?Jodie Foster Syndrome?: An actress who is attractive but doesn?t seem to have any sex appeal.

    Plus, her boobs are too small.

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  12. How tall is she? Looks like an amazon in that pic.
    I?m 5?9 and have a similar build. Wish I was about that thin, though!

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  13. I remember her getting implants 5 years ago or so and flashing them on every red carpet she could get on. You sure can?t see them here. Maybe it?s sportsbra squish.

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  14. Always liked her; she looks fab since she had her baby.

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  15. LOL at Tyra. Ooookaaaay.

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  16. Eh. Upper part is fine but her legs?not too attractive looking, at least for my tastes.

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  17. Too bad her face is busted?

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  18. I WANT those sunglasses!

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  19. What is with the bashing. I would love to have her figure. And she is not Kate Middleton skinny, I think she looks healthy.

    Plus, she is a food actress I just wish she would find some good projects.

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  20. She?s thin, but saying she?s too thin is definitely an exaggeration. Probably an exaggeration by too fat, oops I mean ?curvy? women.

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  21. Never really liked her as an actress. Slow talker.

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  22. She has a nice figure that probably looks even better in clothes, but I wouldn?t call this a ?bangin body.? Not even close. A stylishly slender body, sure I?ll give her that.

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  23. she looks lovely, and for a new mom thats great.
    the link with tyra?whoa?

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  24. Dang, y?all are harsh. She looks alright to me?

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  25. ugh ok, she is not too skinny, you can tell she is right in her body type because of her arms. when a woman is below what her weight should be you can usually see it in the arms. (same with over weight, you can see even small women carrying extra weight for their build). she has a lovely long siluette with a nice hip, nothing unhealthy or undernourished about her. that said, the last thing i remember her being in was Drew berrymore?s ?never been kissed?, didn?t think much of her.

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  26. Wow, she looks great. Really got her body back after baby. Love the short hair too, don?t think I?ve ever seen her with anything but long hair.

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  27. I think she has a cute figure as well. I?d prefer having her body to my own at least.

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  28. Slender, yes, skinny..don?t see where that description comes from either. And Knox Jolie-Pitt is Brad, just two feet tall.

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  29. She?s not gross-skinny?I admit, I prefer chubbier girls, so I?m somewhat biased.

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  30. She has a perfect weight her clavicle is not protruding, that?s a sign she is not underweight. She looks fantastic and her short hair makes her look younger and prettier.

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  31. Yeah, she does. And not too thin. Wasn?t there a blind item about her being a madam in this C list celebrity prostitution ring? anyway, yeah, she looks great

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  32. When she was younger, she was new it actress, very, very talented. Then her career just died.

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  33. I like her! And she looks like Helen Hunt.

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  34. And who is this girl?? Seriously, who?s she??

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  35. she has exactly the figure she looks like to have, what is so surprising about that? Tall, lean girl? doesnt seem she has to work very hard for it, not fair, but not my dream bod, nope!

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  36. I love how the fat women who sit and peruse the gossip blogs all day think she?s ?too thin.? Just because she doesn?t eat nachos at all hours of the days does not mean she is unhealthy.

    I look like this and eat a very healthy, balanced diet with exercise. It?s insulting to me when people say she is gross, she takes care of herself.

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  37. She has always been thin but I think the long hair made her look like she had a fuller figure.

    I?m glad she cut that hair, it was too old fashioned for her age.

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  38. So glad she cut all that hair. She looks so much better.

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  39. I usually say if I think some one is too thin. I don?t think she?s there yet. But she?s getting close she still looks healthy enough not to worry but she definitely shouldn?t lose anymore.

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  40. Can some one please explain to me why if people comment on a woman possibly being too thin or really skinny, they?re automatically ?fat?
    Is it only fat, chubby women calling other females too skinny? Slender and/or healthy women don?t mention if a person is of an unhealthy weight up or down?

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  41. @Blue


    I?m a runner, eat healthy (and vegetarian), and am a normal weight. Definitely not fat (not that I?m slagging people who weigh more than ?normal?).

    I think LeeLee?s thighs are crazy thin, which no real ?meat? or muscle on them. She does not look healthy to me. I have lots of ?skinny? friends and have have several ?skinny? SOs, so I feel I have a good idea of what is skinny and what is too thin.

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  42. Oh my God, would you like it better if she had a pot belly? She looks athletic and lean you bitter fat arses. Her legs look thin because she?s tall!

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  43. Her arms look great. I think she just has abnormally thin thighs for the rest of her, which makes her look ?too thin?. It?s how her body is. I have ?thin? arms and until I started doing weight work they didn?t really match the rest of me.

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  44. @ seal team 6

    I think that people think that heavier people don?t know what a healthy body weight is. I am fat I can?t / don?t deny it. I?m not ?thick? or curvy. I?ve been fortunate to have SO?s who accept me the way I am, but I know I?m not a heathy weight. I hate that I?ve always been big, never going to be skinny or slender. It sucks I can?t play with my daughter as much as I would like or wear clothes that i would like. That?s why I?m working on it. I have more energy and have lost some pounds but I still have a ways to go. I can tell my weight isn?t healthy, but neither is hers

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  45. @Blue

    I agree with you on that, too.

    And, good for you for wanting to be HEALTHY (not skinny!). It?s not a fat thing, it?s a health thing. I don?t know what weight you are, but even if you aren?t this big, you might want to read ?Half-Assed.? Check it out on Amazon.

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  46. We have such a weird sense of weight. She is not skinny or unhealthy looking. I don?t see what some of you are seeing.

    She is lean but not skinny at all. My goodness all women are suppose to look the same. Weight healthy weight is not the same for all women.

    I think she looks good.

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  47. @Ulysses, that was very mean, immature and uncalled for. Not everyone on here who thinks Leelee is on the ?too thin? side is a ?bitter fat-arse?. I?m 5?2 and 108 lbs and I think Leelee is sailing dangerously close to Kate Moss/ Kate Middleton territory.

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  48. @Blue, it?s ok, everyone struggles with something, that just makes us human. And many studies have proven that having a little extra weight is actually healthier than being even slightly underweight.

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  49. It is too bad that people are so hung up on weight instead of personality. I agree with Gee, this lady is a doppleganer of Helen Hunt, it would be cool to see them do a project together as mother and daughter.

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  50. She?s looks very tall and slim here, but I don?t think it?s in an unhealthy way - she doesn?t look like she?s about to wither, like some actresses do.

    I LOVED Laineys JT post. ?You wore an all denim acid wash suit to match your girlfriend at an awards show. Are you for real with this attitude?? I?ve never liked him, but he?s really starting to bug me now. And I finally saw the Social Network, and didn?t not think he was very good in it. He should stick to SNL guest hosting.

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  51. I don?t think she?s toned at all. She is thin, and not shapely, in IMHO. I?m probably going to get accused of being fat now, which is fine if it makes you feel better. This look is the preference for Hollywood, but not for me and that?s okay.

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  52. Blue #48**I wish you all the support and blessings I can possibly muster on this comment.Stay strong and remember along with eating healthy get up and exercise.I know at times it will be tough,but you can do it.Not only will your hard work help you,but your daughter,also.Don?t be discouraged girl!!I know that I sound like a fitness guru,but I had weight issues that shadowed most of my career,and I was never heavy.I just had to weigh less.Keep your eye on the prize!!

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  53. I thought she had an amazing figure in the movie The Glass House. In several of her other movies she?s appeared almost nude and she?s had a lovely figure. She?s lost weight since then.

    Didn?t she have a child?

    Anyway, her thighs are the only thing that look too thin for me. I suspect they look that way from the shape of them. Her legs aren?t a good shape at all IMO. The waistband of her shorts are a little too tight because it makes her look like she?s got a pudgy area around her bellybutton. I don?t think would appear in better fitting clothing.

    She always looked like a younger version of Helen Hunt to me.

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  54. In the gym clothes: Bangin? body.

    In the bag: Food.

    That is all.

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  55. She is not too thin. She looks great.

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  56. Geez, what a bunch of neurotics posting on here. Too this, too that, not enough of this ? take a chill pill everyone. She looks fine. Stop being so overcritical of women?s looks and so forgiving of men?s looks.

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  57. Reading all the comments, it strikes me how controversial womens? weight issues are with everyone. People seem to expect pure perfection with a woman?s body. Perfection does not exist. I think she looks great, especially for having a baby recently but then I also don?t expect people to be perfect.

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  58. She looks like a weakling.

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  59. @ Blue: I wish you all the luck and success in the world with your weight loss journey. I am a member of a 100% free website. It?s like Facebook, but with diet, exercise and SUPPORT! Look into it for more support than you could ever imagine:

    You seem to have your head on straight and are not looking for that size ?0? pot of gold. Here?s to your success! O/

    I also always thought LeeLee looks just like Helen Hunt!

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  60. OFF TOPIC- Amy Winehouse has died. So tragic to have so much talent and waste it like that!

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  61. It is tragic about Amy W. Obviously she had every chance to get better, but it must be tough to quit drugs when you?re rich and famous, and surrounded by people who tell you how great you are and that you can do no wrong. Too much opportunity, cash, and sycophants.

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