Monday, July 25, 2011

?Kellan Lutz has brought the Kellan Lutz to Comic-Con? links

?Kellan Lutz has brought the Kellan Lutz to Comic-Con? links

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Links

- Lots of photos of the Game of Thrones cast at Comic-Con [Lainey Gossip]
- Knights of Badassdom trailer is awesome [Pajiba]
- I'm so happy to see that chick I can't stand from Game of Thrones is a hipster cliche [Go Fug Yourself]
- Happy Gay Marriage Day in New York! [D-Listed]
- Val Kilmer really looks like crap [Fark]
- Kate Hudson on the beach looking relaxed [Popsugar]
- Epic Whole Foods resignation letter [Gawker]
- Kim Kardashian Has Psoriasis [Evil Beet]

20 Responses to ??Kellan Lutz has brought the Kellan Lutz to Comic-Con? links?

  1. I was having a rather crappy day until I saw the Jolie Pitt pics. Those kids brighten even the glummous of days. So cute and poised. Shiloh is the one that makes me think, ?Oh if I were to ever have children, I would want a daughter like her,? but damn, Z is who I want to be when I grow up.

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  2. Conspiracy AGAINST Gaga? LOL! People need to stop drinking the Gaga KoolAid.

    Has anyone posted about how Gaga?s fans viciously attacked Adele on Twitter by making fun of Adele?s weight and calling her ?overrated? because Gaga only received one major VMA nomination (she has 3 altogether) and Adele received 7 major nominations? NO.

    Celebitchy, I emailed you guys about this with links two days ago.

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  3. (looks around for hilarious Kellan Lutz post? shuffles out sadly)

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  4. OK I officially LOATHE Gaga and her blindly following minions, err monsters?can they all go drink? and then drive home..I know..I know..mean..but I?m living in the town of Bitterkuntville right now..

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  5. Ironically I think this is the one event that his Goofiness should be in?maybe they can rename it The Kellan Lutz Comic-con.

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  6. @IAMEROK, I find it interesting that Gaga said she ?loves? Adele (of course she is going to say that; what the hell else is she going to say when the cameras are on her?) but she has NOT addressed her fans who ridiculed Adele. You would think Gaga would go on Twitter and say: ?Come on Monsters, leave Adele alone. We are about tolerance and acceptance. You are better than that? But no, she hasn?t.

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  7. I thought we went over this ?Canadian Tuxedo? thing??

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  8. Gossip Owl wants you to know that Gossip Owl says ?Kellan Lutz needs to GO THE F*** AWAY!!!!?
    Lady Gaga needs to lay off the coke.
    I <3 Breaking Bad.

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  9. he looks very?.girly to me. i dont get a manly vibe from him at all?

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  10. Hey Kaiser, I?d still wish you or one of the other girls would write about Gaga?s fans bashing and verbally abusing Adele. I think it deserves a post of its own.

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  11. @dethHammer Yah why hasn?t she told the little Monsters to lay off Adele?? ?Methinks GAGa has some insecurities when it concerns someone being compared to herself (VMA noms)?ALSO I will NEVER forgive her for ripping off Bette Midlers mermaid wheel chair act? I <3 how Bette called her out on Twatter too!

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  12. Bleah, I don?t want to gossip about Gaga?s fans! I love Gaga and Adele both, let?s just gossip about them!

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  13. @IAMEROK, Yea Bette has been performing as the Delores Delago wheelchair mermaid character for over 30 years. Gaga said she is a big Midler fan, yet she ?didn?t know? about that character? LOL Hell, I haven?t seen a Midler special in years and even I remember Bette wheeling herself around singing.

    Here?s someone not so famous that Gaga totally recently ripped off too: Echo Morgan, a China-born, London-based illustrator, set designer, performance artist and Selfridges Window decorator who has been doing the panda-face character as her signature for over 2 years now.

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  14. @danielle, it?s not ?gossiping? about her fans, it?s simply pointing out the horrible things they said about Adele on Twitter. Being a fan of a singer doesn?t preclude being outraged that fans are being horrid to another singer. I?m a fan of Trent Reznor, and if other Trent fans went on Twitter and bashed Adele, I would still be pissed off and posting about it!

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  15. Gaga and the Haus of Gaga are professional rip off artists. It?s maddening that she gets all this credit and praise for being an original (pfft). All her people do is research what others have already done and rip-it-off..she (I mean her team-she is too coked up) is just sampling everyone else?s talent and artistry..ugh she is laaaaaame DONOTWANT!

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  16. OK, OK, I?ll probably do the Gaga/Adele story tomorrow. On one side, I don?t think Gaga should be held accountable for all of her batsh-t crazy fans. On the other side, TEAM ADELE on everything.

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  17. You give too much attention to Kellan Lutz. The guy is so boring and uninteresting that it?s impossible to even laugh at him. I can?t laugh at him. He bores me to death.

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  18. @Kaiser, oh ok, I hope I didn?t annoy you.

    While I agree with you that Gaga isn?t fully responsible for everything her fans do, this is a very public verbal attack on a fellow singer whom she claims she ?loves?. On a purely selfish public relations level, how poorly does it reflect on Gaga that her anti-bullying message is being lost on her fans? You would think she would try to remedy that.

    Gaga has built her entire franchise (and I do mean franchise- her Heartbeats headphones, Haus of Gaga products with Polaroid, a fragrance to be released in 2012 and her song Teeth is featured on the new Discovery Channel?s Shark Week commercial) on her Little Monsters being an all-inclusive family, accepting with open arms and without prejudice. She says (ad-nauseum) how she herself was teased and bullied and how she has contributed greatly to the anti-bullying message. How hard would it be for her to pop on Twitter and say ?Come on Monsters, we?re better than that? ?

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  19. Kellan looks like a giant woman tranny.

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