Thursday, July 28, 2011

More Words Of Wisdom From Spaz de la Huerta

This mess needs no introduction, so without further adieu(doo) here's what Spaz de la Huerta said to The New York Observer (via Jezebel) about the death of Amy Winehouse:

?Look what just happened to Amy Winehouse! Maybe had she not seen so many bad pictures of herself she would have gotten more self esteem and not been so self-destructive.?

If you threw those words into a bowl, sprinkled a packet of sense on top, let it bubble a bit and then shoved it back in Paz's mouth, she would probably say something like, "Look what just happened to Amy Winehouse. Maybe if the media didn't publish pictures of her looking like a damn raggedy mess, she would've felt better about herself and wouldn't have smoked crack." Or something like that. It still doesn't make sense to me since the crack came long before the messy pictures. Maybe Paz simply meant that Amy needed more Glamour Shots in her life. That's what she meant, obviously.

Here's the grease bubble of crazy that is Spaz at the premiere of The Devil's Double in NYC the other night. I know what you're thinking, but Spaz has never ever ever ever ever been caught looking like a drunk skid mark, thankyouverymuch.

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