Friday, July 1, 2011

Catch a Predator host Chris Hansen caught cheating on wife in hidden camera sting

Catch a Predator host Chris Hansen caught cheating on wife in hidden camera sting

Chris Hansen and his wife

The National Enquirer claims to have hidden camera footage of Catch a Predator host Chris Hansen, 53, cheating on his wife with a 30 year-old reporter. Advance details from the issue suggest that his mistress ratted him out to The Enquirer because she was tired of waiting for him to leave his wife for her. I mean, why else would anybody pay attention to what this guy has been doing? His show has been off the air since 2007 and he works as a Dateline correspondent now.

Chris Hansen is best know for exposing Internet predators on television, but the married ?To Catch a Predator? host recently found himself on the other side of a hidden camera.

Thanks to a National Enquirer sting operation, Hansen?s cheating ways were exposed when he was secretly filmed sneaking behind his wife?s back while on assignment in Florida.

According to the Daily Mail, the NBC host, 51, has been engaged in a four-month affair with Kristyn Caddell, a 30-year-old news anchor for an NBC affiliate in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Hansen and Caddell were filmed having dinner together at the Ritz-Carlton in Manalapan before they both went back to Caddell?s apartment. Hansen was spotted leaving her apartment the next morning.

The couple reportedly first met when Caddell worked as an intern at the NBC offices in New York.

?Chris sends Kristyn flowers and tells her he loves her, but he still doesn?t seem all that motivated to leave his wife for her,? a source close to the couple said. ?He?s telling her he loves his wife too, but they?ve grown apart over the years, and she?s not sure what he should do.?

The investigative reporter currently lives in Connecticut with his wife, Mary, and two sons, but has been sending time in Florida investigating the disappearance of James ?Jimmy T? Trindade.

[From Popeater]

So the mistress bought the oldest line in the book, ?we?ve grown apart,? ?we live separate lives? and instead of realizing that she was being played and that she should give it up and date single guys she went to the Enquirer and turned him in. (I?m assuming.) Does this guy deserve to have the tables turned on him? He?s a typical cheater, he?s not a pedophile/predator like the guys he targeted. Sure she was younger than him, but she was ?30? and more than legal. This would have had a minor mention in a tabloid column if he was your typical reality show host from a show we sort-of remember. It?s fun to say he got busted like his subjects though I guess. There?s no real angle to this story except for garden variety cheating. The mistress didn?t go crazy, the wife didn?t send out a mass e-mail blasting him, the wife wasn?t pregnant and it?s just one chick he was cheating with (that we know of) who is young enough to be his daughter and looks like she could be.

That said, The Enquirer needs to put this video online so we can catch his ?surprise? face.

Here is the other woman, Krystin Caddell:


Written by Celebitchy


Posted in Chris Hansen

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53 Responses to ?Catch a Predator host Chris Hansen caught cheating on wife in hidden camera sting?

  1. His wife is better looking than this chit

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  2. Classic. I feel bad for the wife.

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  3. Come on guys, go easy on him. He just was just there to get a glass of sweet tea then leave. ;)

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  4. His wife is much more attractive than the other woman.
    Men are so damn dumb. That?s all.

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  5. Who is the moron woman / women who still keep thinking, a man will leave his wife for her. And who wants a guy like that anyway.
    God, so embarrassing for women.
    Oh & you dont have to be ?righteous? to look down on pedophily (?) -ism? -ilicism? lol

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  6. I agree, what he was doing was hardly illegal, but his pomposity and moralizing makes him ripe for a comedown.

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  7. ?she?s got the blank stare of an olivia munn. :(

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  8. If their affair was only 4 months long, how could she have already gotten tired of waiting for him to leave his wife? How early in the affair did she want him to leave his wife? I just don?t understand how anyone can feel that committed to someone so early in a relationship. Doesn?t it take a while to know you want to be with someone long term? Took me like a year and a half to know!

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  9. Well ashamed to say I?ve seen an episode of TCAP before. It?s such a sleazy show. I don?t ever feel bad for the douchebags who get caught but it?s not exactly like the show really is performing a service as they like to claim. More like it?s exploiting the reality that there are disturbed individuals out there. It would be hilarious if they released the tape.

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  10. I dont condone cheating and feel for his wife & kids if this story true but cheating is nothing like what the creeps he catches on his show are into. They are dangerous, pedophiles.

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  11. Hoisted by his own petard!

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  12. The pic of his side piece looks shopped to Hell. And I?m sure they were just working on a story together, right? Why can?t men just keep it in their pants or get the hell out of their marriage first? Typical.

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  13. have a seat, chris.
    Hahahahaha! I was the first to say the joke!! yaya!

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  14. Did he run from the house and get cuffed by police in true ?to catch a predator? style? LOL!

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  15. My inside sources tell me Chris was working on another program called ?So you think you can get by with it? (not a catchy title) which secretly tapes people in all kinds of nefarious situations.

    He was just trying to catch this reporter selling her stories to more than one media outlet by posing as a reporter for both Star and the Enquirer. It?s all perfectly innocent, you?ll see. *@brin-smiles*

    BTW-His wife is really pretty.

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  16. He?s starting a new show called?How To Catch a Hansen

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  17. Why oh why do men choose such cheap sluts for their mistresses when they have a gorgeous wife at home - yes, just like my ex-husband LOL!!!!

    I feel for his wife and sons having to suffer this humiliation because his ditzy side piece thought he wasn?t moving quick enough for her liking?

    He deserves his skanky National Enquirer calling mistress more than he deserves his wife!

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  18. The hunter has become the hunted!

    Mr. Hansen, why don?t you have a seat over there?

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  19. @Stephanie Sweet tea? I thought they used to serve the predators Lemonade but maybe you are right. LOL

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  20. @MMF bwahahahaha! Classic.

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  21. Oh?. well?. this will definitely make him want to leave his wife for her.

    Is it ?dumb bitch blabbing about her sexcapades? day on cele|bitchy? lol

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  22. The mistress is a downgrade.
    One word?invisalign

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  23. Wow his wife sure is attractive. What a dope!

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  24. I love the irony of the title! Hahaha! He?s a jerk for cheating on his wife. I have no sympathy for him!

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  25. A-holes, him and the mistress.

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  26. Poetic justice at work.

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  27. Er, how is this ?poetic justice?? I don?t see how anyone can even begin to compare catching pedophiles to garden-variety cheaters.

    Chris Hansen shouldn?t have betrayed his wife, but at least he did so with a consenting adult.

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  28. Chris Hansen for 53 looks amazing! And the ?30 year-old reporter? slut is rather cute!

    When it comes to even the topic of pedophiles (predators)???there is no poetic justice but the death penalty!

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  29. Yup they?re ALWAYS going to leave their wives,(apparently she wasn?t any less to blame if she was ?hooking? up with a married man.

    She waited four whole months before outting him to the public?this just screams attention whore looking for her own fame.

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  30. cheating is not preying on youth?.
    this is a seperate issue entirely i think its funny people want to compare infidelity with trying to have sex with a 13 year old as a 40 year old man.

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  31. And so class, that?s the definition of irony. Any questions?

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  32. Oh how the self-righteous have fallen! LOL! What a dummy to get caught having an affair on tape.

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  33. Funny stuff. I certainly hate pedos, but there?s something off about that TCAP show. It?s hack journalism and every encounter is predictable. Shooting fish in a barrel. Why does it need to be televised?
    I always thought it would be funny if Chris Hansen was caught patronizing hookers or something, this is a distant second.

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  34. Cheating on your wife is not even close to as bad as pedophilia! To even make the comparison is ridiculous.

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  35. You know what this is?

    Pure, unadulterated payback.

    The mistress knows the score; she knows he won?t leave his wife for her, so she does the next best thing. Out him on camera!

    Priceless. The old saying was that revenge was best served old; the new saying should be revenge is best served on TV?

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  36. @ Violet - Apparently my sense of irony is too finely tuned - I?m not comparing him to a child molester or rapist.

    I?m simply enjoying the irony of someone who makes his living on camera being caught doing something naughty?on camera!

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  37. Celebitchy fans, he was JUST at the bar getting a drink and this woman happened to come up and say hi! Nothing strange, then he decided to leave when cameras flashed him. :-)

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  38. I seriously had to think to myself if today was April Fool?s Day after that headline. I mean, how dumb can the man be?

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  39. I also thought this was just a joke, then I couldn?t stop laughing, what a certified a-hole, take a seat Chris.

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  40. @the original bellaluna

    Yeah, irony and sarcasm sometimes don?t translate well online. I?m glad you clarified, and I can totally get why people are filled with a little bit of schadenfreude at him getting caught doing something wrong.

    That said, I?m just really taken aback by the folks ? and I know you?re not one of them! ? who seem to think cheating is on par with pedophilia. SMDH.

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  41. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL too funny! Irony-it?ll bite you in the ass everytime!

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  42. I guess a lot of child molesters or friends of them are on this site. I don?t know why so many people think it?s karma or justice. How can anybody think abusing a child is the same as an affair. Clearly the mistress is after something. I don?t think a woman would demand he leave his wife after a couple of months. Also since she a newsreporter she probably lost her job.

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  43. I don?t think the posters are comparing pedophile to cheating.
    I think (I include myself here) Chris Hanson?s righteous indignation on TCAP was a little tiresome. I?m certainly not defending the criminals but,I saw numerous instances of entrapment on that show and in other cases some stomach churning pitiful situations, did he need to enjoy himself so much?

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  44. ?Hello, I am Chris Hansen. Tonight on ?To Catch a Cheater? we will focus on Palm Beach, Florida? (Wait, I was just there? ohhhh).?

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  45. Well if it was in true TCAP style then she would have had cookies baking in the oven (so she can leave so the guys can be confronted). Also he would have had a 6 pack of wine coolers.

    I refuse to believe it unless I see evidence of Chris Hansen with a six pack of wine coolers.

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  46. @Annie ? would it preferable that Hansen instead sympathized with those dumb enough to cross state lines to meet up with a 13-year-old they believed was home alone? Why wouldn?t he be, at the very least, happy that 1 - he got more fodder for his story, and 2 - there?s yet another potential pedo being exposed for the sick predator they are? How exactly is it entrapment when everyone caught was an adult who made the decision to not only engage in a sexually charged chat with someone who said ?I?m 13,? but then actually left the house and drove to meet (and do who knows what else with) this child? Call it exploitative journalism or sensationalism or whatever, as some others on this board have, but really, I fail to see how it?s considered self-righteousness or smarminess to look down the nose at someone envisioning a dirty romp with a teenager.

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  47. sorry for his family,but this is completely different, those people on that show was sick, preying on the under age. this lady is wrong for hooking up with a married man any way, not condoning his action.

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  48. @Stephanie and very telling
    His wife should have come out of another room holding a clip broad and lead him to a table with ice tea and a plate of cookies.
    I still love you chris.

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  49. Oh no, say it ain?t so; I love Chris Hansen. Why Enquirer, why?

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  50. I agree with MMF?..his wife is soooo much classier?.oh well ?yes Karma is a #itch.

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  51. Chris Hanson caught on camera cheating. It couldn?t have happened to a nicer guy!! ..snark..

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