Saturday, July 2, 2011

?Kate Moss?s wedding dress is lovely, understated? links

?Kate Moss?s wedding dress is lovely, understated? links

Written by Kaiser


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74 Responses to ??Kate Moss?s wedding dress is lovely, understated? links?

  1. My goodness, she looks beautiful! I love the veil pattern.

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  2. Nice way to start the 4th of July with a mention of Fire(crotch)cracker, Linnocent. Happy 4th everyone!!!

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  3. They do look happy, don?t they?

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  4. The dress is beautiful and so reminiscent of Caroline Bessette Kennedy?s wedding dress. *sigh* I miss her fashion.

    The groom, on the other hand, gives off a serious Marc Anthony vibe with those aviators.

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  5. Wow, that dress is gorgeous! They look happy. Congrats to them.

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  6. Wow she looks absolutely gorgeous and so much like herself - I love it! She actually looks way better than Kate Middleton did!

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  7. Guess I am the odd man out here but I dont like her dress.

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  8. i?m not a fan, either. If it weren?t sheer right under the jagged-crotch area, I?d like it more.

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  9. Wowser. Did she require all wedding participant children to be pretty?

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  10. Wearing sunglasses in your wedding photos? Really? How tacky.

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  11. I?m not keen on the dress - maybe its the vest-like thing under it? But I really like the veil.

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  12. Her daughter Lila is absolutely ethereal and gorgeous! I am glad though that Lila lives with Kate?s mom. Things have not always been stable at Kate?s home.

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  13. It beautiful beacuse it suits her. Hope they are happy.

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  14. Best. Flowergirl. Dresses. EVER. They are adorable!! I like where Kate was going with the dress, but I admit I?m not a fan of the sheer so high up like that. Still, the gold - nice touch. I mean, if you?re marrying a rock star, you have to have something.

    @sloane wyatt, the only thing I wanted for my wedding was to look like Carolyn. Things are so? poofy and strapless these days. Not really for me.

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  15. THAT was the veil look Lily Allen was going for.

    Love that dress. WTF is up with that ill fitting suit for him? But the real scene stealers are the attendants. They are all so pretty

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  16. lovely.

    no where?s my ?YANKEE-DOODLE-DONG?!!!


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  17. I love that second picture of them. They both look really happy. Also, she seems really sweet with all the flower girls!

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  18. Never, ever got the attraction with Kate Moss. She is NOT PRETTY!

    As for the dress, it?s fine until you get to the see-through bottom.

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  19. Beautiful! Very happy for her - love all the little girls in the party too. Looks like she finally found a good guy - good for her. :>

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  20. Nothing more romantic than junkie nuptials. The daughter and flower girls are adorable. Never get why Lohan and Fergie get ?methface? and ?crackiehead? and this chic gets a pass because she?s a model. Double standars I guess.

    ( Ducking as the insults fly.)

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  21. I know groom?s suit is supposed to be ironic but ugh. Hideous. She looks happy, not her daughter though.

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  22. Hate to rain on the parade?but the dress is Galliano. Just sayin?

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  23. I won?t lie - her face is pretty busted from all of that smoking, drinking and drugs, but yes, her dress is very reminiscent of the timeless Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy. I miss JFK Jr. and her so much sometimes. There will never be a pair like them again. Wills and Kate can try, but they can?t come close.

    Kate?s daughter is absolutely beautiful and ethereal. She will definitely have modeling opportunities if she wants them someday.

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  24. That is one of very few celeb wedding dresses i actually like.

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  25. Lila G has the same great bone structure as her mother and the same skinny legs. I love knobbly knees. But she has her fathers colouring. She will no doubt be a beauty when she is older. Kate was brave having such gorge older bridesmaids. Wonder who the old distinguished dude was? I know it defo isn?t kates father.

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  26. That?s a really beautiful nightgown.

    And his suit doesn?t fit.

    But if it makes them happy, best of luck to them.

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  27. Cocaine for everyone!!!!

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  28. What?s with his dirty shoes & ill-fitting jacket? Her dress is kind of pretty but I?m with Boo about the too-short underliner.

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  29. This dress is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. The veil is perfect match. She looks stunning and quite happy. All these bridesmaids look adorable. So happy for Kate. Love her.

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  30. Beautiful! Her flower girls are just lovely.

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  31. Not so hot on the dress but I love that veil. Very beautiful.

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  32. Love it SO much! And I am not a big Kate fan.
    Didn?t you just call out Lily Allen for having a very similar veil-Princess Leia thingy

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  33. His suit looks like it shrunk in the wash.

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  34. Cool as f**k. Love the pics and congrats to them.

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  35. Her daughter really is beautiful. I like her dress too. It?s unique and subdued at the same time. I think flowers in little girls hair is absolutely adorable. I?m willing to bet its the next huge trend in weddings.

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  36. i like her dress too, but i hope the bottom part isnt sheer.

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  37. Hate the dress their not one thing I like about it.

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  38. The dress, the veil and the flower girls dressed also in white are beautiful except the groom?s powder blue suit and black suede boots, although he is handsome. Here the groom is the center of attention instead of the bride.

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  39. Pretty dress -very her. Congrats to them!

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  40. she doesnt look so cracky here, i luvvvvvvvvv the look!! of them both actually! and is that her daughter, the blondie? i could?ve sworn she was married to the bd but i guess i was misinformed.
    in any event, good for you mossy! ;)

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  41. looks gorge as always - go on kate, continue living your life the way YOU want

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  42. That?s a beautiful dress and she looks amazing, much better than I?ve seen her look in years both in print and in candid shots.

    It?s still kind of a shock to see her surrounded by innocent children though. She seems like such a harpie.

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  43. I don?t like the triangle hemline and then soft romantic lace but overall, it is beautiful and I love her veil. She seems so happy - best of luck!

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  44. Love Kate, her dress is very pretty, and her daughter too.

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  45. I?m in the minority: I don?t like it. It looks like a figure skating outfit, only full-length (but I?m sure it sparkles nicely as she skates). And I think the sheer skirt is a little trashy - you can practically see her crotch. The ONLY thing I like about it is that it?s not pouffy. But other than that, I hate it.

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  46. There are some other photos of him smoking and then tossing the butt on the ground as they walk along.

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  47. Kate looks really happy and in love. Jamie looks cool and his outfit keeps his style perfectly.

    Kate?s daughteris beautiful, but didn?t realise she didnt livr with Kate, tho thinking about Kate?s lifestyle I underdtand why

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  48. Say what you will but Galliano can make a v v pretty dress

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  49. The chick has style. The wedding party look gorgeous. Beautiful.

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  50. Yeah? nothing says beautiful and classy like see-through up to your lady parts. She looks like a hooker getting married in Vegas.

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  51. The fact that the dress is a Galiano makes it detestable to me. The man is contemptible and contributing to his bank account by wearing his clothes is morally repugnant.

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  52. She and the dress both look very nice. The dress just sort of floats over her.

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  53. I love the dress?.the flower girls everywhere?all of it?she looks so happy and just gorgeous!

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  54. I think that dress is stunning and just beautiful.

    OK wait.. I don?t like the very bottom all that sparkly stuff.. but it is lovely and she looks very nice. His suit is the wrong in the whole thing.

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  55. Except for the visible nipples and the hoo-haw directional arrow, nice dress. He looks like an idiot.

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  56. Bof ! no bra, transparence and open view on her lingerie, gold, no hair style, something like a kind of ?elfic fairy movie? design, rather inelegant? the groom is funny, very english?

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  57. A gay guy at my work has a large picture of her on his office wall. Just sayin.

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  58. Wow! she looks exactly like her dad, and i like the dress.

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  59. Nipples, sheer, sparkles?and Galliano. Just yuck.

    Ironic, too, that Miss Heroin ?Chic? looks bloated in the face and belly (for HER, not in general by any means, she is of course still stick thin by normal standards).

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  60. Loved the maple leaf fascinator that Kate (the Duchess, not Moss) wore to all the Canada Day celebrations.

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  61. COVET the bridesmaids shoes!!!! Just precious. I want a pair in every size for my daughter.

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  62. I?ve never gotten the point of Kate Moss. Yuck. I *did* like her hair color in the first photo but not the hair style - looks greasy on the ends. I think I would like the dress on a non-homeless-dirty looking girl.

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  63. I like the dress, there?s a bit of a 20?s vibe and it was nice she went for off white (I mean she has her kid from another dude at the wedding so), but I hate that the bottom half is see through. It just doesn?t look right for a wedding.

    She looks happy but then again she?s been chasing this FOREVER. I?m sure she?s like FINALLY someone agreed to marry me. How many times has homegirl been engaged?

    I used to not think much of Count Von Count but I recently heard the Kills new album and he?s a great guitarist. Kate?s a lucky girl.

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  64. Oh and who is pompadour man - aka Mr. Moss?

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  65. @islandwalker (21) I won?t call Fergie methhead because she seems clean now. She is Ms. Former Methhead to me. ;)

    I just called this one homeless looking but I can be more blunt for you? JUNKIE WHORE?.

    I don?t even feel sorry for this one like I do LiLo. I can?t help it she may be a crackwhore but so would I if I were ?raised? by Dina and Michael Lohan.

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  66. Very pretty. She deserves to be happy and healthy!

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  67. Mommy high (Kate), her dude looks like a hobbit, and the daughter of Kate looks adorable???? other than that NEXT!

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  68. I have never got the appeal of Kate Moss not 10 years ago and not now. To me she looks like any ?might have been pretty-ish at one point? crackie - you can find them hanging around any council estate. Some people find her so gorgeous though.

    And the dress? I dunno, it?s very pretty but it doesn?t seem to fit her properly and makes her look like she has no hips/waist when she?s actually quite curvy for a skinny gal.

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  69. so so pretty just what i need for my wedding

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  70. I?ve never cared for Kate Moss. There is nothing classically beautiful about her. Her daughter is beautiful, though. The dress I like except for the shearness of it. WTF is the groom wearing?

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  71. She is beautiful but why did her husband wore sunglasses on his wedding?

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  72. Her husband is totally horrid looking - sunglasses, ill fitting clothing, the trousers look absolutely horrid.. and he walks funny in the last picture. Haha.

    Her dress is ok. I would like it better if it wasn?t sheer at the lower part but the white gown underneath would go all the way down. But of course, it?s not my wedding dress, my opinion doesn?t count! :D

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